Christmas in The Angry House

At around 8am, I woke up to eyes peeking at me from the side of the bed.  Angry Kid was staring at me with bright eyes, stating “Mama it’s daylight time, time to wake up, it is Christmas.”  I think I moaned something to Angry Husband who was already in the front room.

HexBug setup in our house

Within a few minutes from making my way out into our living room, I saw this.  Angry Kid received these mazes and some creatures from the HexBug collection.  He loves those.  He is OBSESSED with those little bugs.  I had Angry Husband take a video of him at Target a few months ago asking for them. Don’t mind my coffee table, it is a mess.


Angry Kid was quite excited here. He was not happy because I told him to “NOT” open the boxes of Legos yet.  He was quite annoyed at that.  Plus, I asked him to smile for a picture.  I got smart this Christmas.  I had a few family members send gift cards for Angry Kid before Christmas.  I took the cards and purchased/wrapped items that I knew he wanted.  I didn’t have to spend hours wandering around the store with him, and I spent the allotted amount.

Christmas Cookies

In between gift wrapping and snacking, I managed to bake several dozen cookies.  I used recipes from the back of the Nestle Tollhouse packages.  I’m a fancy baker like that.  See the white chocolate chips and butterscotch chips packages for recipes.  I’m too tired to hunt down recipes and such.

My parents finally arrived. I was about to send out a search party.  Angry Kid was wondering where they were, and I was getting hungry.  Seriously, they live like ten minutes away and it took forever.

I received a 50mm lens from my parents. I’ve been wanting this lens for awhile. I’m super excited.  But one of my surprise gifts was this Swatch watch.  How cool is this watch.  I think it says “Julie” so much.  Angry Kid was busy tearing through wrapping paper while we slowly opened our gifts.  Angry Kid wasn’t quite impressed with the large amount of clothing that he was received.

I was a failure at taking photos on Christmas morning.  I only took less than 20 photos and most of them were on my iPhone.  I was too busy making dinner, lasagna, baking, and organizing.  I had Angry Husband take some photos when Angry Kid opened the “big” present from my parents.  My mom has watched Angry Kid fawn over this at the Apple store for quite some time now. Yep, she gave in. That is what grandparents do.


Angry Kid showed me parents that awesomeness of Angry Birds.  My mom and dad were cracking up.  They were quite impressed with Angry Kid’s skills.  And don’t worry, before we even downloaded any apps on the iPad, we set all of the restrictions so that he can’t make any purchases in the store or from within apps.

iPad with Lego Background

Within a few minutes, Angry Kid had already personalized the iPad.  And a few minutes after 7pm on Christmas Night, the vomiting began.  Angry Kid barely ate on Christmas Eve and ate nothing on Christmas Day.  We spent the better part of an hour de-puking our couch.

Angry Husband took Angry Kid to the Urgent Care the next day. The diagnosis was double ear infection.  We’ve had no more puke since then.  While Angry Kid was chilling on the couch Saturday and Sunday night, we put away all of the Holiday decorations.

The funniest thing all week was Angry Kid pointing at all of the houses with lights still on.  He kept saying, “Christmastime is over. They need to turn off and take down those lights.” Gee, I think someone is a little OCD.  I had to explain that not everyone takes their decorations down right away.

P.S. Now Angry Husband is sick. Send HELP now.


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