Today started off like any other day. I went to bed in the early morning hours and set my alarm on my iPhone. My iPhone alarm went off, and I hit snooze. After hitting snooze about three times, I jumped up and started screaming orders at Angry Husband and Angry Kid. It was a school day, and Angry Kid needed to get dressed, etc. I dropped Angry Kid off and came home to a fresh Dr. Pepper. Angry Husband was busy complaining about his lack of staples for the staple gun because he was going to start hanging the Christmas lights.
Around 10am, after Angry Husband had gone to the hardware store, and I had talked on the phone to several people, the phone rang. Angry Kid’s teacher was on the phone. She mentioned something about Angry Kid falling, hitting his head, and stitches. I told her that I would be on my way to the school. I arrived within a few minutes because we only live a few blocks away. He was lying down in the nurse’s office with a piece of gauze on his forehead, and an ice pack. I saw that there was dried blood on his face. Angry Kid’s teacher and the nurse were a little frantic about the entire situation. Apparently Angry Kid was running around with another kid, and went face first in the climbing wall on the playground. Angry Kid did not cry, but instead walked over to a teacher’s aide for some assistance. Because, there was um blood running down his face.
I got Angry Kid’s backpack and walked him out to the car. I drove to our house where I spoke with Angry Husband, grabbed my purse, and of course, my Dr. Pepper. I drove to the emergency room at our local hospital because our local urgent care advised us to go straight to the ER. I walked in, filled out some paperwork, and sat down to wait. Angry Kid sat in front of the TV, and continued to hold his gauze and ice pack over his forehead.
The triage nurse asked to see his forehead, and he removed the gauze and ice pack. I may have said, “Holy crap, that is pretty big”. And I may have taken a picture. Angry Husband wanted to see the injury. Angry Kid also wanted to see the injury, so I showed him the picture. He was not bothered at all by the sight of a huge gash in his forehead, along with dried blood on his face. The kid is five, and I have to say, he is pretty tough.
We were led to the fast track area of the ER, and Angry Kid was placed on a bed. A nurse came and cleaned up his face, and the actual wound. The doctor came and looked at the “gash”. He said that Angry Kid would need stitches, after getting some numbing solution. Angry Husband arrived a little bit after that and sat there for forty-five minutes with the numbing medication on Angry Kid’s forehead. Most kids would be crying or traumatized by this entire experience. Angry Kid was trying to level on Angry Birds. He kept telling Angry Husband that his arms were blocking his game. I think that the nurses and doctor probably thought that we were nuts, because our kid was so chill.
It came time for the actual stitches, and Angry Kid became bothered. He was bothered because he couldn’t see the actual stitches being put it. Angry Husband took some photos with his iPhone of the process. Angry Kid was impressed. Angry Kid received eight stitches, which will stay in for five days. He did not cry, or complain the entire time. He made many silly faces.
I have told this story to several friends and family throughout the day. Everyone’s initial response was, “seriously, that was his first time getting stitches?” YES, I know it is shocking, but Angry Kid received his first set of stitches today, and he is quite proud of them. Unfortunately, for some reason, I do not think that this is his last set, either.
[…] Angry Julie: This one is a little graphic, but we just had to give a shout out to Angry Kid. He received a huge gash in his head after running into a climbing wall, which resulted in a trip to the ER and eight stitches — and no tears whatsoever. How is that even possible?? The kid is a rock star for sure. […]