Earlier this month, I headed to San Diego with my carpool partner, Ciaran. We were going to a Girl’s Night Out and/or Tweet-Up in Solana Beach at the Pacific Coast Grill. I had never met any of the women that we are meeting up with, but I’ve chatted with them online. We sat on the 5 Freeway, for quite a while, but we eventually made it there.
I’m usually pretty shy at first. Seriously, I am. I’m always hesitant to talk to people, but I warm up. I had some good food in me, and then got to gabbing with the girls. We talked about our blogs, Twitter, our children, and life. I found things I had in common with the other women, besides being Angry.
The best part of my night? You want to know? I won an OgieKanogie coat from @rockonmommies. I had some recent “coat issues” just the day before. It was definitely a karma coat for me, perfect timing. After a long and fun night, we headed home towards the “Orange Curtain”. I can’t wait till the next event!
Shown in photo:
@hipmamaB (far left, shiny tank)
@carriejs (front left, red/silver/black blouse)
@gingeranderson (front, just left of center, black shirt)
@muffintinmom (front, center, bright pink shirt)
@lolagoetz (front, right, black shirt, glasses)
@picklesugarplum (front, right, pink shirt, glasses)
@lajollamom (left back, black shirt)
@sitsgirls (left, back, blue shirt)
@mrsnatalie (just left of center, middle row, white blouse, yellow jacket)
@diprofio24 (Center, middle row, purple cardigan)
@cathynguyen (center, middle row, black shirt)
@momfluential (just right of center, middle row, white cardigan over black shirt)
@sugarjones (middle row, right, red shirt)
@angryjulie (middle row, right end, black cardigan over dark shirt)
@rockonmommies (far back, center, blonde hair, black shirt)
@iizliz (far back, center, black hair, black shirt)
@robynwitt (towards right end, on very back/up high, black shirt)
@3wordtweets (far right, back row, glasses)
P.S. Since this event, I’ve already chatted with several of these women, more in-depth via blog comments and Twitter. How awesome is that. Oh, and a huge thanks to @SugarJones for organizing this event.