Angry Husband has been bugging me for a very long time about getting an aquarium. Heck, what the hell do I know about fish and aquariums. I had a goldfish once, it came from the Fair, and lived like 3 years. Angry Husband wants one of those 150-gallon huge-o things. All I cna imagine is Angry Toddler, getting into it, and 150 gallons of saltwater on a our distressed-highly-expensive, wood floors. You get the picture. If you know my child, you know what I mean.
So my friend Kim, tells me a couple of weeks ago, she got this 6-gallon Nano Pod aquarium thingy. She says that she wants to raise seahorses. So she shows me this aquarium-fish tank thing online.
I had a moment…
Oh, this is what I could get Angry Husband for Father’s Day. An itty-bitty practice/starter aquarium. Perfect!!!!
So I go and buy this AquaPod, all 12 gallons of it. Kim said I should go bigger than the 6-gallon she bought. I go to my local fish guy.
I posted a photo above of what the final result looks like. No, this is not our tank.