Late Night TV Watching

I was up late last night, because I had a soda way too late. I had to watch “Glee”, of course. I’m quite obsessed with that show. I know that I’m not the only one, because everyone was talking about it on Twitter last night. I was on the couch, and Angry Toddler was snoring in my ear. I was too involved with Glee to move him.

After Glee was over, my TV automatically popped over to “Toddlers and Tiaras”. Yes, I DVR it. I like a good trainwreck every now and then. That’s why I watch this show. I usually don’t have time to watch it, before it somehow gets deleted, but I was up. I think this was the most obnoxious episode ever. Parents were throwing a fit, because their daughters weren’t doing the moves and gestures that they wanted them too. The Pageant Moms were getting pissed if another mom helped their child. Everyone was just plain ole’ bitchy. They (the moms) say that they all do this because their daughters want to, and if they (the daughters) want to quit, they can. But these moms, and even some dads looked like they were WAY too involved in all of this. $900-$1500 for a dress? Yea, it makes me thankful that I have a boy, and we don’t do “activities” like this.

And since, I was still up. I watched two episodes of “I Didn’t Know I was Pregnant”. I just watched all these women, in awe. Seriously, how could you not know. I’m sorry, but I knew I was definitely pregnant at four weeks. And even though, I was chunky, and had lost over fifteen pounds during my pregnancy, there was no doubt I was pregnant. The one woman came into the hospital and complained of pains. The baby slid down her pant leg. I think that was one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever seen. Yet, I keep watching.

Oh, yea, I have a ton of stuff on my DVR, but I sacrificed some of my usual programs for this. Now I know why I don’t stay up late and watch random stuff on TV. Because it’s just plain random.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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