Robotic Rabbits

Today was a bonding day for Angry Toddler and me. Angry Toddler slept in and I played on my new Macbook this morning. He asked for some waffles when he got up. Thankfully, we had bought stock in waffles awhile ago. Actually we didn’t buy stock, but one of those HUGE boxes from Costco. The kind that doesn’t fit in a normal freezer, so you have to take the individual packages out.

I was stumped and what to do. The weather was yucky and I had no desire to go to Disneyland or watch Angry Toddler play the Wii all day. I hadn’t worked out since Thursday so I took him to 24Hour Fitness. I love their $3 Kid’s Club. While I was driving there, my mom called and told me to meet her at the mall at noon. So that’s what we did. Angry Toddler me that he was not hungry and just wanted to shop, ok random.

We went into Pottery Barn Kids, one of my usual stops. They have been clearancing out some of their floor models. A great time to catch a deal on an otherwise expensive piece of furniture. I’ve been searching for a small table from PBK for about a month now. We are going to set up a small table in our office so that we can build a computer station for Angry Toddler. He’s really into computers right now, and we are tired of him messing with our desktop. Well, I walked in and there was the holy grail of furniture. An espresso colored large farm table. They were selling the table for $54. This table is $219 retail. It is the exact color I was looking for also. There were a few scratches and nicks. I can fix those blemishes with one of those stain sticks from Home Depot. We bought the table and a blue chair to go with it. While we were debating on getting the table, Angry Toddler grabbed a book from their display, and sat down at the table with it. That’s what really sold us on it. He can read books at the table and use the computer.

After leaving PBK, we started walking around. My mom eyed the Easter Bunny. She gave me that, “Should we try again this year?” look. I said, “why not, we have nothing to lose”. Last year, he freaked and ran crying from the rabbit. I can’t blame him, it’s kind of freaky to me too. This Easter Bunny is not an ordinary Mall Easter Bunny. Oh no, this is a robotic rabbit. The employees program it with your child’s name, and it talks to them. Angry Toddler sat down and had an entire conversation with it. He didn’t want to leave.

We bought our pictures and walked away. My mom got annoyed as usual. Angry Toddler is doing a funky smile right now for pictures. He has this same smile in any picture he takes lately. It’s just a phase. I told her, just wait, until he has to smile with missing teeth.

I’m still creeped out from Robo-Bunny, even after 2 years of seeing him.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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