The Ultimate Leprechaun

I had to do a blog post dedicated to St. Patrick’s Day. And I found the perfect stuff to blog about, extreme sports, of course! I love living in So. Cal. We have such a variety of things to do here. We are within driving distance of snow, sun, and even sometimes rain. We can surf one day and snowboard the next. I’ve come to the fact and acknowledged it, that yes, Angry Toddler will be involved in some extreme sport in the next few years. Because he is extreme. He loved the skateboard show on Saturday and is still asking about it.

I have Freestyle as one of my contacts that I follow on Twitter. They sell watches and sunglasses for that extreme lifestyle we all seek. It just happens that I went to high school with one of Freestyle’s peeps. I follow him on Facebook and got the link to their blog. I saw a preview of their St. Patrick’s Day surprise with the photo posted above. Isn’t that photo great!

They released their surprise today. It was an awesome video of The Ultimate Leprechaun. It’s the leprechaun being extreme of course, by snowboarding, skateboarding, and surfing!

Freestyle is also releasing their Lucky Green Shark Watch. The green is so bright. I wish I could wear a bright watch like this to work. I think the supervision would question it though. They already don’t like the Hello Kitty pen sticking out of my uniform pocket.

They also have this new watch, releasing April 15th for little groms (aka kids). I’m sure Angry Toddler would like it. Perhaps for his birthday in May. After looking at all the watches, I think I’m probably going to get this one for work. I know that it’s not a woman’s one, but my job really isn’t too girly.

I love promoting Orange County businesses. It’s my heritage and I love it here!

I hope everyone has a Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Don’t drink too much green beer. Cause remember, I may be on vacation but my peeps are still out there!

Photos Courtesy of Freestyle and their wonderful blog!

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