Preschool Valentine’s

Today was Angry Toddler’s preschool Valentine’s Day party. Last year, I just took in cards. Cause that’s what you do, right? I try to follow the school’s crazy rules (no sugar, frosting, candy, etc.). But last year, Angry Toddler came home with a ton of candy. I guess Valentine’s Day is exempt.

My BFF, Stacey, pre-bought some really cute cards for Angry Toddler. They were dinosaurs and then some other ones with temporary tattoos. Cause Stacey rocks like that as a friend.

I also took in these little goodie bags. They were pink camouflage party bags from Tar-jay, filled with little candies. And of course, I personalized them with some cute labels from Etsy.

I took everything in Thursday night when we picked Angry Toddler up from school. It’s very hard to get him to school on Fridays in a timely manner. Angry Husband takes Angry Toddler to school on his way to work. Angry Husband didn’t want to fight with AT about digging into the Valentine’s, etc.

Angry Toddler came home from school today very happy. He had a bag full of cute V-Day cards and candy.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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