On Friday night, we went and saw Thomas & Friends Live at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Angry Toddler had never been to a live stage show. I got an e-mail from the Performing Arts Center a couple of weeks ago and they had discounted the tickets. We ended up getting orchestra seats for $15 each. My parents, Angry Husband, Angry Toddler, and I went.
Of course, it was pouring rain Friday night. Angry Toddler was beyond excited. Note to self: never tell Angry Toddler that we are going to an event, that far in advance, he couldn’t contain all his excitement and was totally over stimulated.
We found our seats and sat down about 15 minutes before the show started. The place was full of 3-5 year olds, mostly boys. Angry Toddler was beyond excited. All of the parents were taking pictures of their kiddos. So I pull out my camera. Yea, so I brought my digital SLR. It’s a little bigger than the average pocket sized camera. Our current point and shoot sucks. We doesn’t the cranky woman in front of me start commenting, “well they told me to put my camera away and I was just using my phone.” Yes lady, I overheard you. You weren’t very discreet. Did she really think I was going to take pictures with my big ole’ flash while the stage show was going on. Seriously. I wanted to take pictures of my son, at his first show, to capture his excitement. I was able to get these photos below, before somehow the usher was contacted and told me to put away my camera.
My mom had bought him a $15 Thomas flashlight toy, which he was really happy about. Notice, his cheesy smile.
I put away my camera and then show began. It was very whimsical and musical. Totally not what I expected. Angry Toddler would get up and dance during some of the musical parts. And his got some very dirty looks from a little girl in front of us. Seriously Miss 5 yr old girl, he’s THREE.
And during most of the show, there were kids coughing and hacking behind us. Do you really need to bring your kid who probably has bronchitis to a kid’s show?
But, Angry Husband even agreed, it was a great production and Angry Toddler has been talking about it every day.