Angry Husband sent me a text yesterday, “Bobs Dead”.
Who is Bob? Bob is one of our saltwater fish. We had Bob since November of 2007. He was the biggest fish in our tank. He had the best personality. He would follow you around the tank, like a dog. Plus, Bob was always hungry and willing to eat.
Bob was a Vlamingi Tang.
I noticed that Bob didn’t look quite right the past week. He kept hiding in the back of the tank. Bob is usually swimming back and forth in the front of the tank. Angry Husband found him frozen solid between some rocks in the tank.
We had previously discussed, “The Future of the Tank” a few weeks ago. Angry Husband said that if “Bob dies, I’m taking down the tank”. I asked him what he’s going to do about the tank. He doesn’t know yet.
I’m kind of sad. He was a really cool fish.