Project 365: Week 3

The weather was great here in Southern California this week. We have temperatures of the low to mid 70’s.  I had to dig in the drawers of my son’s dresser for shorts.  I guess he had a large growth spurt, because none of them fit.  Many of my photos this week were food themed.  I’m not sure why, but it just happened that way.  I also realized that I haven’t posted any pictures taken with my SLR camera since December. Well I posted some old ones on Thursday, but that doesn’t count.  Actually, I haven’t even taken many SLR photos lately.  I’ve just had no time to edit photos.

Project 365 15/365: 83 degrees at this birthday party. Holy hotness!Day  15/365: 83 degrees at this birthday party. Holy hotness! We were on our way to a birthday party at a miniature golf, laser tag, arcade place.  It was extremely hot. My son turned red within five minutes of being outside.  It is a good thing I covered him in sunscreen.

Project 365 16/365: Yum, blackened chicken taco for lunch @ WahoosFishTaco Day 16/365: Yum, blackened chicken taco for lunch @ WahoosFishTaco. Lunch while I was working. I love Wahoo’s. We go there all the time. It is my son’s favorite place to eat.

Project 365 17/365: We only feed him nutritious food....Day 17/365: We only feed him nutritious food…. We may have fed the kid McDonald’s for breakfast.  Don’t judge.  He barely ate it anyway.

Project 365 18/365: This is how I cook dinner.Day 18/365: This is how I cook dinner. So maybe my son ate pancakes two days in a row.  He ate every pancake that was made too.

I went and surprised my son at his farm fieldtrip. Look at the baby chick.Day 19/365: I went and surprised my son at his farm field trip. Look at the baby chick. It was entertaining. He kept calling it a “bird”. I had to tell him that it was a baby chicken, over and over again.  He was soo intrigued by it.

Project 365 20/365: You have to draw 8 bats for kindergarten homework. You Google "Clip Art Bats" on the computer!Day 20/365: You have to draw 8 bats for kindergarten homework. You Google “Clip Art Bats” on the computer! Silly math homework.  It is always asking him to draw weird things and creatures.  Google is one of my best friends.

Project 365 21/365: Yum, Orange Crush, crushed ice, and a mason jar to drink it fromDay 21/365: Yum, Orange Crush, crushed ice, and a mason jar to drink it from. Our drinking glasses are  mason jars.  They hold a lot.


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