I got a new lens for Christmas. It is the Nikon AF 50mm/1.8D. I’ve been wanting it for awhile now. I finally put it on my list for Santa. I guess my mom was Santa this year because I received a little brownish colored box with my favorite brand on it, Nikon.
Angry Kid has been on Christmas break and the weather has been pretty crummy here lately, tons of rain. As I was in my cleaning frenzy, I saw my pretty lens sitting in the box still. I promptly removed the lens from the box and placed it on the camera. This was one of the first shots that I got. Angry Kid was mid-melon. I got some others of the dogs, but wow, they needs baths really bad. So you won’t be seeing those pictures. I think this is a good start though.
Check out some more Sweet Shots over at Darcy’s site.