Best of 2010

There is really only one word to sum up this year and it is “chaotic”.  I attended several blog related conferences and took a few trips too.  I had some ups and downs with work.  Angry Kid graduated preschool and started kindergarten.  I met new friends, and got rid of some old ones.  I had some regrets, and I was blessed with bliss.  All I can do is move forward and try the best I can.

Best of 2010
January-Even in Bad Weather, You Can Have Cute Shoes (My Hello Kitty rain boots, best purchase all year)

February-Overwhelmed with Love (My Blissdom Conference recap)

March-Making Rainbow Cupcakes (My step by step tutorial for making rainbow cupcakes)

April-My Ode to Zima (A tribute to my youth)

May-A Photo Gift For Dad (A easy picture project that you can use for many different themes)

June-I Heart Faces Photowalk Across America (A photowalk I went on with some awesome photographers)

July-The 5th of July (How my son was taught Modern Warfare 2, & I am just a tenant in this house)

August-Privacy and Your Blog: Ten Things to Think About (Speaking at Bloggy Boot Camp in San Francisco)

September-Six Years of my Life, in a Plastic Tote (Finding all of my school papers and my Master’s Thesis)

October-An Extreme Bedroom (After several months of work, we finally finished Angry Kid’s bedroom)

November-Brands: Protecting Yours While Working With Theirs (A topic I spoke on at Bloggy Boot Camp, St. George)

December-A First Time For Everything, and a Little Graphic (Angry Kid’s first set of stitches)

For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
T.S. Eliot, “Little Gidding”


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Moms Who Blog, Julie . Julie said: Another great post from Julie, Best of 2010 – […]

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