Surprises and Festivities

Friday (Christmas Eve) was my husband’s birthday.  Of course the phone started ringing really early and off to work he went.  He said that he would return in a few hours and he did.  When he came home, we discussed our surprise for my parents.  We were getting them a flat screen television and a stand to go with it.  My mom has been shopping or what we like to call “complaining” about their TV for quite some time. I  sent a text message to one of our family friends and told them that the husband and I would be a little late for Christmas Eve dinner, and that my parents would be bringing Angry Kid with them.  We figured it would be about two hours to set-up and install the new TV.

I called my mom and asked her to take Angry Kid to our friend’s house. She asked, “why”, of course.  I told her that Angry Husband had to work late and I had to go to the airport and pick someone up.  I could hear my dad literally cursing in the background.  I hung up with my mom and told Angry Husband about the conversation.  He may have rolled his eyes.  He then started gathering his tools, and exclaimed, “let’s go now”. So I called my mom and asked if someone was home.  She said my dad would be home.  So we gathered all of our things, the tools, the TV, and the stand and made our way to my parent’s house.  My dad did not understand why we were there.  I mentioned  that we were going to surprise them for Christmas and that he was not being very cooperative.  So I pointed to the truck and said, “your gift is in the truck”.

We started clearing out their old entertainment center, which took FOREVER.  My mom had a ton of stuff hidden in all of the crevices and cabinets.  We piled the stuff in the spare bedroom, and in the middle of it, she came home.  My dad said something like, “how come you didn’t tell me about this?” My mom said, “I didn’t know.” Yep, that’s right, because it was a SURPRISE…sigh.

50 inch Panasonic TV for my parents

So a few hours later, Angry Husband finished his project.  I took Angry Kid on some errands with my mom while most of the work was being done.  Angry Kid wanted to “help”.  After finishing up, we headed home to get changed.  We arrived at our friend’s house within an hour of our original expected time.  I got to tell the entire story of how our “Christmas Gift Surprise” did not go well.


Angry Husband got some birthday cake that our friend, Karen made.  It was a red velvet with a cream cheese frosting.  It was really really really good.  But really, the kids were going nuts because they wanted to open some presents.


Angry Kid got a Nerf Gun. Yippee. I did not want to buy any Nerf Guns because I knew someone else would.  It is not fun when someone shoots you in the back of the head with one of those.  Jacob got a Kindle.  He loves to read, and he was VERY excited about it.

Nerf Gun Dart Tag

Even though Angry Kid wasn’t feeling well all day, he managed to load up the gun, and use all of us for target practice.  Doesn’t he look like a natural with that gun.  I’m finding these darts everywhere around this house today.  Angry Husband bought even more darts at Target today, grrrrr….


Angry Kid LOVES Jacob, and asks to see him all the time.  They are two of a kind.  It is quite hilarious.  After a busy and long day, we headed home.  Angry Kid passed out in the car, and we slipped him into his bed.

I left out some reindeer food, cookies, and milk, and turned off all the lights.  At 8:00am, the next morning (Christmas Day), I was abruptly woken up by Angry Kid.  He said, “Mama, it is daylight time, and Santa came”.

I will continue the story of Christmas Day in another post….

P.S. Don’t ever try to surprise my parents.  They ruin the fun, sigh…

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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