December 6 – Make. What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it?
I think that the last thing that I actually made was dinner about two weeks ago. Seriously, I’ve been quite the slacker lately. We are extremely busy in the Angry Household.
With the Holiday Season, there are a ton of things/crafts/cookies/food that I want to make. I just can’t find the time. I haven’t even finalized our Holiday cards yet. I think they might change from being Christmas cards to New Year’s cards. Speaking of cards, I always seem to just tape the cards to the wall or the back of our front door. This tends to get boring, and I’m constantly thinking of new ideas. I even asked Mique for suggestions the other day. She is one of those “creative-crafty types”, and even did a post about it.
Mique even crafted up her own Holiday card display using a frame, ribbons, and clothespins. Check out her blog for the entire tutorial.
We have a ton of Holiday decorations, so I’m not really focusing on displays, ornaments or things like that this Holiday Season. As a matter of fact, I think we have more stuff than room. It is probably time to go through all of my decorations and weed out some things.
I would like to bake some Holiday type things but unfortunately I don’t have time until mid-December. I’m going on vacation for a few weeks. Hopefully, I can finish up my shopping, and get onto some baking.
While I was looking through some of my favorite blogs tonight, I stumbled upon Rachel’s site, A Southern Fairytale. She posted a simple recipe for Individual Monkey Breads. Don’t they look delightful?
As you can tell, I’ve got a lot of work on my hands. There are sooo many things to make, but so little time.
P.S. I’m back-dating my posts, because I want the #reverb10 posts to match up with the actual days. I’m a little behind.