How to camouflage a five year old


This was the end of the night. After all of the walking, he was still smiling. That is the sign of a good night, right?

I swear this month was like the longest month ever!  It is probably because we started the month off with Mickey’s Halloween Party.  It seems like there were a million Halloween parties and events this year.  I’m starting to loathe the word “pumpkin” and it isn’t even Thanksgiving yet.

I’m glad that Angry Kid and Angry Husband were happy with the costume this year.  It was great because Angry Kid can play in it still and get more use out of it.  I’m totally hiding the face paint though, because that is MESSY.  Angry Husband was a complete perfectionist about doing the make-up though.  I had to take pictures, because he was obsessing.


Step 1: You get out the black, brown, and green Halloween make-up.  Much easier to remove than military style face paint. Have child sit at kitchen table with baby wipes nearby to fix over-application of face paint.


Step 2: Put make-up in the palm of your hand.  Take two fingers on do stripes vertically down face, alternating colors.  The colors can overlap a bit, that is the point.  This is not exactly the military way to do camouflage paint, but this is what you do when you have a squirmy five year old.


Step 3: You see the finished product.  A camouflage painted face.  Angry Husband made sure to go around his ears, under his chin, and around his neck.  You can tell that it was a little wet still.  Make sure you let the make-up dry.


Step 4: Reapply more make-up.  Because squirmy five year old was way too excited to go trick-or-treating.  Perhaps, he was rolling around on the chenille couch, and rubbed some of his make-up off.  I’m sure you can imagine the words that came out of my mouth during this ten minute time frame.

My friend, Monique, came over to assist me with keeping track of Angry Kid while trick-or-treating.  Angry Husband was at the house passing out candy to the kids while we walked FOREVER.  We started our journey with practically my entire neighborhood.  It was quite ridiculous, the number of people in our group.  We kept losing kids, plus Angry Kid is a runner.  He kept running up front. We finally broke off from the group because it was just too hard to keep track of everyone.

Some things I learned this year during Trick-or-Treating:

1.  That EVERYONE goes to the neighborhood near our house to Trick-or-Treat.  It was like our entire city was there. Seriously, I’ve never seen so many cars.  It wasn’t like they were giving out cash or anything.

2.  Bring a flashlight or glow stick.  It was not fun trying to find the kid wearing the camouflaged face and outfit.  I think camouflage is great and all, for the military, but not for a 5 year old in the dark.

3.   Bring water.  We had walked miles, seriously.  Everyone had cotton mouth, and was dying of water.

4.  Wear comfortable shoes.  See tip #3, about walking MILES.

Angry Kid got quite the haul of candy.  He was very excited.  I was laughing, because he won’t eat any of it.  My son is totally odd.  I think it is all about quantity for him.  He just wants to say that he got tons of candy, but he never even eats candy.  He always asks us to buy him candy, and then he never eats it.  It is totally a good thing, but I sound strange when I have a super hyper kid whom doesn’t like candy.

I attended an adults-only party on Saturday night.  I will be sure to post about it this week, when I can be a bit more descriptive.  And of course, I have photos of that party.

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Angry Julie Monday


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