Britax Regent

So I went shopping Friday morning with my mom. We went to our local baby store to check out the restraint systems carseats for Angry Toddler. My mom kept asking when he could he fit into a booster like our friend’s daughter. Umm, this kid is going to be in a 5-point booster seat as long as he fits in one.

I see all kinds of car accidents daily at work. I’m a total car seat freak. Everyone at work sees the same car accidents, yet they put their kids in crappy seats. I just don’t get it.

We ended up getting the Britax Regent. It’s a great seat and goes to 80 lbs. Angry Husband helped me install it in the Tahoe. We centered it in the rear bench seat. It’s alot better than my previous seat, a Britax Marathon.

I left my Tahoe with Angry Husband last night so that he could put AT in the new seat and try it out. AH said that AT did not like the seat and he wanted his old one back. Well gee, I wonder why? Angry Toddler was pissed because he couldn’t figure out how to get out of his carseat. I thought that it was very funny.

I took Angry Toddler for a haircut earlier this morning. He sat in the seat fine. I even asked him if he liked the seat. He said he liked the seat and that it was just like Stella’s. Stella is the daughter of my BFF, Stacey.

Oh and the haircut, he asked for it to be short in the back and spikey on the top. He looks like he came straight out of the US Marine Corps Bootcamp. Actually, he kinda reminded me of Angry Husband when I met him. Angry Grandma, my mom, flipped when she saw his hair. She thinks that we should grow it out. Umm, nooo, he has major cowlicks in the back.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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