I think I selected the perfect title for this post. I have gone to several blog conferences and events this year. I’m not a big drinker, actually I rarely drink anymore. It is a good thing, believe me. Julie can drink like a fish, but at the end of it all, she’s floating at the bottom of the tank…or maybe it is the top of the tank. The bottom line, it is not pretty. I learned my lesson at BlogHer last year.
I think I could probably say the my specialty is photographing drinks now. I love all the different kinds of glassware, and the colors of the alcohol. It is also much easier to edit photographs of drinks than people. I captured all these beauties at Bloggy Boot Camp in San Francisco over a week ago. I miss everyone, even the pretty drinks.
So if you need someone to take random photographs at blog conferences, or pictures of booze….I am the perfect person for you!
I edited this photo of Tiffany, founder of SITS…and I had to post it. It is pretty timeless and classic. I decided to make it black and white. We were at a club called Slide, which was a speakeasy during the Prohibition Era. How cool is that!
and the photo below, what happened?
So the big question is, who do the shoes belong to? What is the story of the broken glass?
Although there are several photos, I think they are all sweet shots. So go and visit the rest of the sweet shots at Sweet Shot Tuesday on Life with My 3 BoyBarians. There is always wonderful and beautiful photos to be found every Tuesday on Darcy’s site.