Twitter at Night

I love Twitter, don’t you? Are you on Twitter? Am I following you? Twitter is good for people like me who have ADD, and only have to think in a 140 characters.  Some of the best online experiences that I have are on Twitter.  Lately, my Utah friends have been keeping me in hysterics late at night.  If I’m having a bad day, they make me laugh.

Last night, I tweeted the following:

and then sometime later, Stephanie responded with this:

and she offered a picture of her son’s birthday cake, which was quite awesome.  But cake didn’t sound to good at the time.

and @Jenndola and I made some smart ass remarks about chinchilla’s….and Stephanie responded with this:

and she posted this picture, I know what a chinchilla is, but seriously the context of the conversation made me laugh soo hard.

and then some more giggles, and Stephanie responding with this:

and @Jenndola and I cracked up some more…and got this response:

and when it got too late, I typed that I was going to sleep, but @Jenndola responded with this, and I laughed again:

So if you are having a really crappy day, need some laughs, or some cheap and free entertainment, go on Twitter after 10pm, you will be welcomed with other night owls, you can make you laugh so hard, you break into tears.


Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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