I have a good idea

This is Angry Kid’s new favorite phrase.  Everything revolves around, “You know what mama, I have a good idea”, or “Don’t you think that would be a good idea, uh huh, yea?” Last month, it was “Actually….”.  I think he got that phrase from his mentors Phineas and Ferb.  He is quite obsessed with that show.  I think the “good idea” thing is from there too?

My schedule changed this past week and I was off on Sunday.  My mom usually watches Angry Kid on Sundays.  So it my job to find some summer entertainment for us.  Although, it was chilly outside. Angry Kid had a another “good idea”.  He suggested going to 24Hour Fitness to get some exercise.  He said that his legs were hurting and that he needed some exercises. I guess that was the little push that I needed.  So we got dressed and headed towards the gym.  Usually Angry Kid takes forever getting dressed.  He wanders around the house, wants to wear three shirts at a time, and can’t find his shoes.  This time, he was dressed faster than me.

Oh, and going to 24Hour Fitness for Angry Kid meant me paying $3 for him to go to the Kid’s Club.  Let’s see, $3 for 2 hours of babysitting, that he asked for, SOLD.  I got a good workout on the elliptical while he played.  It was a win-win.  After working out, I headed for the Kid’s Club to pick up Angry Kid.  Of course, he had another “good idea”.  This time he suggested going to Wahoo’s Fish Tacos for lunch.  Well, it was noon-ish, so we headed towards Wahoo’s.  I suggested that we drive to Wahoo’s since it’s on the other side of the mall.  He told me that he would like to walk.

Angry Kid watching World Cup Soccer

We finally arrived and ordered our food. Every TV in the place had the soccer game on.  You know “that World Cup Soccer Game”.  Angry Kid was intrigued by all of the people in the restaurant cheering and yelling at the TV’s.  I don’t think he realized that it was being  shown on the Spanish channel.  I really don’t think he cared. He was VERY into the game, and proceeded to ignore me.

Oh guess what, after we ate, he had another “good idea”. He wanted to go to the pool after lunch.  I said, “sure, let’s go.”  I let Angry Kid think that all of this was his “good ideas”.  I had already planned to go to the gym.  I knew that he liked the Kid’s Club and I could actually get a work out in.  I had to feed the kid, and I knew if the weather cleared up, we would go in the pool.  We needed to practice his strokes.

In between eating lunch and going to the pool, we came home and I cleaned up a little bit.  Angry Kid thought that it was a “good idea” for him to play Plants Vs. Zombies.

Angry Kid playing Plants vs. Zombies

Angry Kid seems to be full of “good ideas” lately and I have none.  This pretty much summarizes our summer so far.  We’ve been BBQ’ing, swimming, organizing, and playing Plants vs. Zombies.  So far, this is our summer.

How has your summer been? Have you done anything good? Traveled? Please let me live vicariously through you….

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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