Angry Husband and I realized that “Operation Stash the Toy” does not work anymore with Angry Toddler. He’s way too smart.
We told him that he could pick out one toy at Target tonight. He picked out like three things and threw them in the cart. The most coveted item, a train from Thomas the Train. Right after he picked out the train, he wanted a $2.97 ball.
As we rounded the corner, Angry Husband removed the train from the cart and placed it on the shelf.
On the way home, AT began to ask for the train. We kept changing the subject.
Then when we got home, he went digging in the bags for the train. He said, “Where is my Special Train.” It broke my heart. He looked soo sad.
I told Angry Husband, “We can’t pull that one anymore, he knows”.
Thirty minutes later, he’s still asking for the train.
Edited to Add:
Angry Husband promptly went back to Target.