Ran my personal best today on a 5K

I’m not the fastest runner in the world, but I’m trying. That’s all that matters.

I used to do alot of 5K runs, a couple of years ago. This was before I was working night shifts, fertility drugs, being pregnant, and having Angry Toddler.

I finally realized late last year that I wanted to be the “old” Julie. The athletic one, the smaller one, hahahhahahaaha.

I ran a 5K last July and came in with a time of 46:56. I thought that was pretty good for me at the time. Hey, I finished before alot of people, that is what really mattered to me.

Well, I just tracked the race results for today’s run: 35:15! YAY! I’ve improved over 11 minutes. I ran a race last month and my time was 37:48.

All those hours that I have spent in the gym have really paid off. I’m glad. I get discouraged sometimes, even when I get up early in the morning before work to do my workouts. But seeing this time, really inspired me.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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