Tosh.0 and VCR Hack!

We just discovered Tosh.O on Comedy Central.  Seriously hilarious. This show features Daniel Tosh, a comedian, whom is quite sarcastic and snarky.  He provides commentary on videos and society.  Angry Husband and I love it. He’s a bit raw (some cursing that’s bleeped out), but we watch it when Angry Kid is not around.

He always play the most hilarious videos.  I was doing some laundry (new clean clothes for Angry Kid), and Angry Husband screamed for me to come to the front room.  He knows that I will usually roll my eyes at him, but this time I granted him with my presence. He told me that I HAVE TO watch this video. Yes, it was hilarious and a must watch.

So here you go, VCR Hack!

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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