My Theme Songs

Last week, JJ aka The Blah Blah Blahger did a post about theme songs.  She talked about Ally McBeal (and I’m the random one) and Michael Bublé.  I have many songs that make me remember a special time or a special place in my life.  I can’t hear AC/DC’s “Back in Black” without thinking of being a freshman in college, red plastic cups, and dancing at Kappa Sigma parties.  I hear John Michael Montgomery’s “I Can Love You Like That” and think of when Angry Husband was in the Marines and deployed overseas.  I’m a secret sap, I swear.  When I want to be inspired, I listen to Christina Aguilera’s “Beautiful” and sing along.

But lately, I need something upbeat that I can sing along too.  If I’m by myself, the Glee Soundtracks are on. If Angry Kid is in the car, he screams for me to put on Shop Boyz’s “Party Like A Rockstar”.  If I have to hear that song one more time… I used to run to it, not so much anymore.

These are my TOP 4 songs right now.  I’m pretty much obsessed with them. I will listen to them, over and over.  I have all four of them as my ringtones.  I admit it. Yes, I’m 34 years old, and listen to this type of music.

1.  Lady GaGa “Paparazzi” -Angry Kid even loves this song. He screamed for me to play it in the car the other day. My mom was with us too. She was cracking up, because Angry Kid was dancing along with the music in his carseat.

2.  Ke$ha “TiK ToK”-I heard this song on a TV show or something. I searched everywhere for it. Silly me, it was on iTunes Top Ten list of the week when I bought it a few weeks ago.

3.  Black Eyed Peas “I Gotta Feeling”-This song is the song in the commercial for the movie “Valentine’s Day”.  I did not know it was Black Eyed Peas.  I had to Google it. I’m a smart one, ya know.

4.  Miley Cyrus “Party In The USA”-I do not have a girl child. I’m late to the game.  We were dancing the night away at Blissdom. And then, this song came on…I feel in love instantly! I felt like such a dork asking someone who sang it.  I was in a group of moms, mom bloggers even worse. They just shook their heads at me.

And because you must see the fabulousness of Miley singing “Party in the USA”. Here’s a video of her singing it. This is from the 2009 Teen Choice Awards, where she is allegedly “pole dancing”. Yea, ok…it’s an ice cream cart. I think I need to dance more though; did you see how fit her back-up dancers are? Seriously!

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Angry Julie Monday


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