My decorating inspired via magazines and paint colors

Inspiration from Magazines and Paint

If you’ve heard anything about the housing price situation in California, you will understand this.  We bought our house HIGH in 2005, and it’s a little LOW right now.  I know that it will eventually appreciate more, but sigh…I don’t like to look at those numbers. What we do know for certain, is that we are going to stay in our little house for awhile.  We live in a great neighborhood, and really there are no major issues. I would love an extra bedroom or two, and a bigger kitchen.  Since we are staying, I’m in the makeover decorating mood.

I’ve been going through magazines and websites looking for ideas.  I am feeling inspired.  I see all these awesome home and decorating blogs.  They make me think, “hey I can do that too.”  I am always a little conservative on the decorating of our house.  I have that “potential resale” factor in the back of my head.  It doesn’t help that my best friend is a real estate appraiser.  But I want to be a little wild.  I want to let loose.

We are starting with Angry Kid’s room.  I already bought new bedding for his room.  I’m usually a complete snob when it comes to things like that.  All of his bedding has either been from a boutique or Pottery Barn Kids.  I actually bought the bedding from Target. And it’s a bed in a bag! No, you won’t get to see the actually bedding, yet! I don’t want to spoil my “after” pictures. That wouldn’t be fun.

I headed to Lowe’s the other day to check out paint colors.  I got stuck in the “turquoise” section. Seriously, I don’t care of it’s the color of the year. I’m going to paint something turquoise.  But I wasn’t there to look at turquoise. I was there to look for colors for Angry Kid’s room.  I was looking for the perfect orange. Do you know how many oranges there are? Seriously, alot! I’m going to have to get some second and third opinions on these colors.

I’m also stocking up on the decorating magazines. I always get inspired by them.  I get new ideas every time I look at one.  Right now, with working and everything else going on, I am trying to stay at home a little more. I want to be able to be comfortable in my home.  I am always looking around, and getting little idea bubbles popping up. I then see that little devil on my shoulder, Angry Husband. The devil is saying, “ohhh geez Julie, what do you want me to build, construct, or make now?” There is always something.

What inspires you? Is it someone, something, a conversation you’ve overheard?

I’m participating in a  link-up at The Inspired Room. Check out more inspirations on her post.

P.S. Beckie from Infarrantly Creative wanted a preview of the colors for Angry Kid’s room makeover….Beckie the colors are in the first picture!

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