Happy Valentine’s Day 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

I thought I would use this Holiday, as another reason to post more cute photos of my kid. Cause I’m a blogger, and that’s what I do. This photo was taken in 2006, when Angry Kid was just Angry Baby, and this is Stella, my BFF’s daughter. Aww, the things we do when they are babies.  I used to be so good about having photographs taken of Angry Kid. Now, it’s maybe once or twice a year. Maybe I need to have JJ on contract, or something.  Angry Kid loves JJ, and he actually poses for her, me not so much.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I will am going to post something that Angry Husband wrote me in a card for one Valentine’s Day.  When I met Angry Husband, he was in the Marine Corps.  A few months after we met, he was deployed for six months.  I wrote him hundreds of letters. He wrote me back too. This was before e-mail was used for the military.  I still have all those cards and letters.  But, I found one card from 1995, when an entire paragraph written by Angry Husband.  He was 21 at the time, and I was 19.

Dear Julie,

This holiday is probably the worse because this is the holiday that two people get together and spend the day getting lost in each other’s eyes.  Even though I can’t stare into your eyes, the best that I can do, is to stare into one of your pictures.  All I ask of you is to think of me once or twice during the day.

It hurts so much to be away from you for such a long time, but as you can see it is almost over.  Make me happy and think of me once in awhile.  I want you to know how much I love you, a great deal more than you know.  I have never felt like this about anyone, like I feel about you. Till, I write again. Bye, bye……..




Awww, isn’t that cute? He actually liked me. I swear it’s still in there. He may be angry but he loves the Julie. He even took me to breakfast today, without me bugging him to do so. So after fifteen years together, and eleven years of marriage.

Happy Valentine’s Day Mike!

“Love one another and you will be happy. It’s as simple and difficult as that.”-Michael Leunig.

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