Operation Pixie-Cut Grow Out: Two Years Later

This post is over a month late, but August was quite a hectic month. In August of 2011, I decided that I was finally done with short hair. This was my second time growing out my short hair, but I’ve never let it get this long.

I’m proud to say that I’ve been growing my hair out for TWO years now! Woot! And I’ve only had some little much-needed trims in between.

I’ve known several people who have gone through this phase, or even asked, “how long does it take?” So I wanted to chronicle the entire grow-out process via photographs.

This photo was taken in August when I got my hair colored last. I go to Tera Rae Stephens for all my hair needs. She is AMAZING!

August 2013, Hair Picture

I also did a side-by-side of a picture from my last pixie cut in 2011, and last month’s photo. So you can see the before and after.

Before and After, 2011-2013I’m an kind of an obsessive selfie taker with my iPhone. It is a good thing though, so I can show how my hair has grown the past two years. My friends Stacey and Megan make fun of me all the time for taking so many pictures of umm myself. They only know how many pictures I take, because I text the photos to them.


Project Pixie-Cut Grow Out 2011-2013And because my hair doesn’t always look good. Believe me,  I have many many bad hair days, and very few good hair days. Usually my good hair days only occur when I’ve had my hair colored and trimmed by Tera.

I obviously have a thing for hats. And I have no shame in wearing pigtails. Please laugh at me, cause I’m 37 years old, and wear my hair out in public like this!

2011-2013 AngryJulie's Hairstyles

It has been a long process. My hair is also very thick. I’ve been dealing with that lately. I have to keep my hair up for work, and I’m starting to break rubber bands because my hair is soooo thick. So hence, the pigtails are here to stay!

I also did a post in 2012, to show my hair at the one year mark. There is quite a difference between 2012-2013.

If you are wondering what type of hair products I use: Pantene shampoo, Tangle Teezer for pulling out the knots in my hair, and random water wax (whatever is on sale) to straighten my hair and control the frizz.

I have many days where I want to cut off my hair again. MANY MANY DAYS! But I’m still growing it out. I want to see how long it will get before it makes me insane.

Have you grown out your hair from a short hair cut?

Do you have any suggestions?

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Angry Julie Monday


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