Anaheim Ducks Learn To Play Hockey Program

Last Christmas, we gave our son equipment to play inline hockey. Several of our adult friends play inline hockey, and the kid wanted to play. We finally decided to get him the equipment. We debated on this decision for quite some time, because hockey is not a cheap sport, and we weren’t going to take this lightly.

First rule of playing hockey. Learning to skate.

In January, the BFF, Stacey and I took the kids inline skating at Irvine Inline. It was pretty much one of the first few times that Angry Kid had been on his skates. He was still getting used to them and very wobbly.

I added a video of him that I took that morning. He is a hot mess, but he did not fall down a ton, which is a good thing.

Embedly Powered

In March, my husband decided that it was time for some “formal hockey lessons” rather us just taking our son out to skate, and playing around on some of the local outdoor rinks.

While attending one of our friend’s hockey games, he picked up a flyer for The Rink’s “Learn To Play Program”. He then went online and signed our son up for the next session.

He would be attending four lessons, every Thursday for that month. My son already had all of the gear, so he did not need to check out any from the facility. He also had a hockey stick, which was really a broken adult stick from our friend, Alex. It was a little short, but it did the job.

First official hockey lesson. Other than the hockey time he has had with his adult "hockey mentors".

The Anaheim Ducks offers a “Learn To Play Hockey” program, FREE OF CHARGE, for first-time hockey players which also includes equipment rental. Participants in the Anaheim Ducks Learn to Play Program will be provided with an equipment bag, helmet, shin guards, hockey pants, elbow pads, shoulder pads, gloves and a jersey to use for the four week session in order to be fully protected on the rink. They offer the program monthly at all of their ice and inline hockey locations in Southern California, and it is recommended for children under 10 years of age.


Obviously, my son got a good workout after his first lesson. He was super sweaty, and very tired after. But he loved it!

He continued on with three more sessions and graduated the program. He was definitely into it and wanted to play hockey. He asked to play on a team, and we decided that we would try out hockey leagues in the summertime.

After he finished the “Learn To Play” program, we got him a stick for his birthday which is perfect for his size, and worked on his skating and other skills.

We felt more confident in him and signed him up for the summer league which started in July. Ironically, the playoffs for that league are today. Wish us luck!

Anaheim Ducks Learn To Play Hockey Program

Photo courtesy of Irvine Inline’s Facebook Page

The graduates of the March 2013 “Learn To Play” program at Irvine Inline.

Hello Monday…It Has Been Awhile

Hello Monday!

Hello to the start of a new week!

Hello to bad things happening last week.

I miss-judged a pole in my work parking lot and hit it. Dumb! Luckily that portion of my bumper is soft plastic. My husband banged most of the dent out. I still have some scratches on my bumper but it doesn’t look as bad as it did before.

So ya, this happened today. I'm an idiot. And I obviously need more sleep!

Hello hydration!

I’ve not been drinking a ton of water lately. I had to amp it up! I bought a 40 oz. Hydro Flask so that I could be cool like my husband and all his friends. But I have to admit, this container always stays cool. I used to use a Sigg water bottle before I got this one. My water did not stay cold. I also use Nuun in my water.

Morning routine. Filling up the 40 oz. @hydroflask with watermelon @nuunhydration. Just received a huge order of watermelon after I freaked out that it was going away! #hydroflask #nuun #workdaymusthydrate

Hello Panera Bread salad!

Hello Apple iOS7!

I waited patiently until it was promptly 11am the other day so that I could get a salad at bbq chicken salad at Panera Bread.

I downloaded the new Apple iOS7 for my iPhone5 last week also. They added filters into their stock camera function. I used the these filters on this picture. I think the color is very rich and perfect for this photo.

I went and looked at a lot of tips, tricks, and tutorials about iOS7 online this weekend. I’m not so confused about the features any more and I’m very pleased with it. I am helping friends and co-workers to figure out the changes on their phones also.

My husband got the iPhone 5s and he loves it!

Early lunch @PaneraBread today. Starving!

Hello sandbox mischief!

We live relatively close to a park. My son loves to dig holes over there. Well he dug the hole so big over the weekend, that he could sit in it with the sand around it at his shoulder level. I just knew that this was going to cause trouble.

Sure enough the next day, while he was digging in the sand with his friends, the HOA people came by. I went to the front yard of our house and grabbed the shovel. You can only guess who filled in the hole! The HOA employees went on and on about someone falling in the hole, etc. Sigh….

My son's job this week is to apparently piss off our HOA. He has been digging huge holes in the sand at the park nearby.

Hello arm party!

I have a thing for wearing bracelets. I had to add a new one to my collection. I added the black leather “As I run. As I run, the universe is running with me” from Endorphin Warrior this past week. I then have my Boston tribute bracelet, GoSportID, paracord bracelet, and “Conquer” bracelet from Endorphin Warrior, and “Sparkle On” one that I got made at Walt Disney World. Oh yes, I have more. I just don’t wear them all at once.

Arm party going on. New black @endorphinwarrior bracelet, @GoSportID bracelet plus Boston bracelet, paracord bracelet, old @endorphinwarrior bracelet and some Sparkle On! #armparty #armcandy #runningbracelets

Hello to a new week!

Hello to hockey playoffs for my son’s summer season!

Hello to keeping up with the chaos of homework, school, and back-to-school night this week!

As always, I’m going to try and blog some more. I just need to fit it in with working, keeping organized, laundry, cleaning, homework for the kid, running, and whatever else comes my way!

Oh, and I have a 5K race next Sunday also! EEEK! It’s been awhile since I’ve ran a 5K race!

What do you have planned this week? Is it starting to feel like fall for you?

Linking up with Lisa Leonard and her weekly “Hello Monday” series!

Operation Pixie-Cut Grow Out: Two Years Later

This post is over a month late, but August was quite a hectic month. In August of 2011, I decided that I was finally done with short hair. This was my second time growing out my short hair, but I’ve never let it get this long.

I’m proud to say that I’ve been growing my hair out for TWO years now! Woot! And I’ve only had some little much-needed trims in between.

I’ve known several people who have gone through this phase, or even asked, “how long does it take?” So I wanted to chronicle the entire grow-out process via photographs.

This photo was taken in August when I got my hair colored last. I go to Tera Rae Stephens for all my hair needs. She is AMAZING!

August 2013, Hair Picture

I also did a side-by-side of a picture from my last pixie cut in 2011, and last month’s photo. So you can see the before and after.

Before and After, 2011-2013I’m an kind of an obsessive selfie taker with my iPhone. It is a good thing though, so I can show how my hair has grown the past two years. My friends Stacey and Megan make fun of me all the time for taking so many pictures of umm myself. They only know how many pictures I take, because I text the photos to them.


Project Pixie-Cut Grow Out 2011-2013And because my hair doesn’t always look good. Believe me,  I have many many bad hair days, and very few good hair days. Usually my good hair days only occur when I’ve had my hair colored and trimmed by Tera.

I obviously have a thing for hats. And I have no shame in wearing pigtails. Please laugh at me, cause I’m 37 years old, and wear my hair out in public like this!

2011-2013 AngryJulie's Hairstyles

It has been a long process. My hair is also very thick. I’ve been dealing with that lately. I have to keep my hair up for work, and I’m starting to break rubber bands because my hair is soooo thick. So hence, the pigtails are here to stay!

I also did a post in 2012, to show my hair at the one year mark. There is quite a difference between 2012-2013.

If you are wondering what type of hair products I use: Pantene shampoo, Tangle Teezer for pulling out the knots in my hair, and random water wax (whatever is on sale) to straighten my hair and control the frizz.

I have many days where I want to cut off my hair again. MANY MANY DAYS! But I’m still growing it out. I want to see how long it will get before it makes me insane.

Have you grown out your hair from a short hair cut?

Do you have any suggestions?

iTry Triathlon, My Race Volunteer Experience

So the day before I was leaving on a week long camping trip, I got up at the crack of dawn….um 4am-something. I somehow also forced my friend, Kelly, to get up with me.

I (We) had volunteered to help out/volunteer at the iTRYathlon Women’s and Youth Triathlon. There are always a ton of races and events that I want to do, but I never have enough time.  I figured that it was about time that I pay it forward and volunteer at a race.

Kelly and I were in the transition areas for the triathlon. She monitored the area where the runners were coming in, and I monitored the bike area. I helped manage the athletes get on their bikes, and also when they came in from the bike ride.

Before the race even started, I helped wrangle the athletes and parents in the bike set-up area with Kelly and other volunteers.

iTRYathlon 2013

It took a lot of work and even some strong words with people to get everyone situated. Athletes and runners, be nice to the volunteers cause they put up with a lot of flack from people. We (They) just want to make sure everyone is safe, and the race flows smoothly.

@according2kelly pouring water at the 2013 iTRYathlon

It was a little cold that morning while we were helping prep before the race. Kelly had my jacket on under her shirt along with a blanket that I keep in the back of my car. She was a trooper pouring the water, even while she was shivering from the cold.

Bike Transition at the 2013 iTRYathlon

The racks looked a little chaotic before everyone even started. Many if not most of the athletes are first time triathletes. So I assisted people with setting up their bike and gear while I was working in the bike transition.

iTRYathlon Bike Transition

This was my staging area during the race, the bike transition. I took the photo post-race but it pretty much looked like this during the race. Just imagine several volunteers in bright yellow t-shirts assisting the athletes.

I had a great spot during the race, and I was able to see many of my friends at the beginning and/or end of their transition.

Heather aka @hmgiraffy heading towards T1 at the iTRYathlon

Check out Heather, first-time triathlete, heading towards T1 with her bike. What a rockstar!

@FasterBunny at T2 at the 2013 iTRYathlon

Margot who was also a first time triathlete going through T2 (Transition 2), and getting ready to head into the swimming pool.

@stridingmom at T2 at the 2013 iTRYathlon

Sheila who might just be a little crazy was also doing the race. I caught her at several points during the race but this was my favorite photo of her. Why do I say that she’s crazy? Well not only was she doing the triathlon but all three of her son’s were also participating in the events! One of her sons, along with Sheila placed 2nd in their age divisions! How awesome is that?

Happy Volunteers @renegaderace #itryathlon today! @according2kelly and I glowing with happiness...oh wait it's just the neon shirts! #volunteer #renegaderaces

Kelly and I were able to get a photo together at the end of the race. We were both VERY exhausted plus we were starving. We survived though.

Volunteering at a race is a ton of work, but also a ton of fun! I was able to take some pictures of my athlete friends and kids while I was standing at my post. These were pictures that they might not otherwise get/take. When I got home, I sent all of the pictures out via email.

While I was volunteering, I got yelled at a lot, but I also yelled back. I like to call this “information and instructional” yelling. When the kid’s triathlon was ending, I was moved toward the end of T2 where the parents were standing to cheer on their kids. It got a bit crowded and the parents overflowed into the roadway, cause a bit of chaos for the kids riding their bikes. I politely told everyone to get back on the sidewalk area. I might have had to get a little loud and forceful with the crowd during this time, but they did COMPLY, so something worked.

I honestly recommend volunteering and would do it again! But like I said, standing around in the heat all day causes exhaustion. And hunger, very bad hunger, which is almost similar to runger…which is hunger from running.

I’m not sure if I’m ready to do a triathlon yet. I’m not the best swimmer and my biking well….needs some assistance. So I think I will stick with the running thing for awhile…

A special thanks to Renegade Racing for letting me have this opportunity!

Have you volunteered at a race or athletic event before? Would you do it again? Have you ever done a triathlon?


Wordless Wednesday: First Day of Third Grade

Yesterday was my son’s first day of school. He started third grade. Yes, his school district started really really really late!

First Day of School. FINALLY! Third grade!

Paper sign from Designs By Nicolina.

And my kid, he doesn’t even look like himself in this picture. So odd. Maybe because he is smiling so big!

I even got him to take a photo with me. Let’s see how long that lasts!

First Day of Third Grade for my son.

And to see how much he’s grown. I made a little collage of photographs from the first day of kindergarten through third grade.

First Day of School-Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade

Welcome to “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

 If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

  Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

Project AliciaBetter in BulkCrazy About My BaybahDear CrissyFive Minutes For MomLive and Love…Out LoudSarah HalsteadParenting By DummiesSeven Clown CircusThe Divine Miss Mommy

Also, Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy does “What I Wore Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

CuppaKim’s Annual Mug Swap 2013

This is my second year participating in Kim’s aka CuppaKim Mug Swap! I was so excited to hear that it was that time again! I got super excited. And then I realized that I had to have my package mailed out right before I left on vacation! Luckily, I work well under pressure!

Mug Swap!

I was given Kristen Cheney as the person to whom I was sending a package to. I follow Kristen on Instagram and I knew that she was a runner like me. Which it pretty exciting! I also found out that she likes to bake. So I ummm went a bit overboard when I sent out my package.

I went shopping at Daiso which is a local Japanese store and picked up some fun baking goodies, a mug, and other miscellaneous items. I also added in some Nuun because I’m a huge fan of Nuun, and everyone should stay hydrated!


While I was gone on vacation, I received an awesome package from Tegan. She sent a fun box with a turquoise sparkly cup, fun straws, and Starbucks Refreshers! You know that I love sparkly things! It was awesome to see this surprise when I arrived home from Yosemite! Thanks Tegan!

Super fun package that I received from @teganaubrie for @cuppakim Annual Mug Swap! Love the sparkly "mug", super cute straws, and Starbucks drink pouches! #mugswap2013

Kim was pretty awesome for organizing all of this! It was a pretty big endeavor. She posted the following stats for the swap:

  • Total Participants: 877
  • American Participants: 829
  • Canadian Participants: 20
  • International Participants: 28
  • Countries Represented: US, Canada, England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Germany, Spain, France, Slovakia, and Turkey
  • States Represented: 50
  • Coffee Drinkers: 583
  • Tea Drinkers: 177
  • Hot Chocolate Drinkers: 108
  • 1st Time Mug Swappers: 754
  • 2nd Time Mug Swappers: 104
  • 3rd Time Mug Swappers: 17


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Angry Julie Monday


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