Obviously, I did not learn my lesson, and I signed up for a 2nd trail race within a one month time frame. In July, I did the Renegade Summer Trail Series #2, which was race 2 of the 3. I’m kinda sad that I didn’t do the first one so that I could say that I did all 3. But I did end up doing race #3 in the series on the 1st of August! Renegade Racing hosts this Summer Trail Series every summer.
But after doing my first trail race, I realized that if I was going to do more races/trail running, that I probably should get some trail shoes. I went with Brooks of course. I usually wear Brooks PureFlow 2 as my current running shoe, so I wanted a trail shoe that had a similar fit. So I headed to the store and came home with a pair of Brooks PureGrit 2 to run trails in! I love the color of them!

This time I actually got to the race in time, and didn’t have to rush to the starting line. I’m sure that made me a little less stressed. Heather found her way to the start also.We run a similar pace so it only makes sense to do the race together!

So before we started the race, Heather kept telling me that the race course would be so much easier this time. She said, that it was the opposite or reverse course from Race #2, and that we wouldn’t have all of those hills at the beginning. Umm Heather, you are a “liar liar pants on fire!” It was totally harder!

Oh look it’s a hill. It’s warm outside, even at 6pm at night. Let’s totally run up that hill! Yay, we love hills! That is what I was totally thinking when I was running this, right?

I had to get an action shot of Heather, since she was the main photographer for the last race. Look at her go in her Sparkle Athletic Skirt!

It was beautiful at the top of the hills. I had to take in all of my surroundings! It was about 6:45pm when I took this photograph. I had a perfect view of Peter’s Canyon.

If you couldn’t figure it out, there was awesome signage telling you to “run this way” along the course. Besides the people running the race, there were a ton of walkers/hikers/mountain bikers out and about on the trails that night.

Post-race obligatory blogger group photo. Heather, Me, Sheila, and Sheila’s son. Heather and I ran like gazelles that night, ok may not. But we ran race #3 three whole minutes faster than race #2, which is a total PR for us! Woot woot! And of course, Sheila is the fastest and was quite speedy!
I didn’t get to stay for the BBQ this time, unfortunately. I had to meet my family at the OC Fair. So I said my goodbyes and went on my way. I was quite impressed with myself, and the PR.
That Sunday, I actually took my husband, my son, and several of our friends out for a hike on the same course that I had ran. They really enjoyed it. Although they might have been a little too slow for me, giggle. I actually ran up the hills. Geez, what have I done with myself? Am I a trail runner now?
Renegade Racing’s next event is the iTry Series on August 24, 2013 which features a women’s and youth 5K and triathlon.
Disclosure: I was provided entry/bib for the Renegade Summer Trail Series #3. I was not compensated with cash, but rather sweat and a PR on a trail race! All photographs, and humorous opinions are mine. I’m not a professional athlete but rather a 37-year old mom who is attempting to figure out this running thing, one race at a time!