Creatures Are Taking Over Our House

I think small creatures have landed in our neighborhood, and they have been taking over our house the past few months. It is getting quite annoying.

We had to cover up a hole in our family room to keep the mice out. We have our home theater equipment in the garage, so we have the wires go through the wall that is adjacent to the garage. We started finding mice in the house, and they were coming through teeny tiny holes in the wall, where the cables went through.

Wall in our family room, cardboard blocks out the entrance where mice sneak in from the garage.

Then, the lizards came. We have no idea how they got into our house. My son caught one in the garage, and decided to make a habitat so that he could keep it for a few days. I finally freaked out and my husband made him release it, “to nature, to be with his lizard friends”. Then I was in our dining room one afternoon, and saw this lizard on the screen to our sliding glass door…on the inside of the house.

Luckily my son was home and was able to get the lizard outside, safely. Good thing my son has some awesome lizard catching skills. Because I was completely freaked out that this thing was just hanging out…inside the house, like no big deal.

This creature is on the inside part of the screen. My son already has one in a box in the garage. Why is my house being taken over by lizards?

And of course, the day after we got rid of the lizard, we had a new set of creatures appear. The gnats….all 200 of them, buzzing around our house. Totally annoying, and totally gross. We had no food out, and we’ve never had this problem before. They won’t go away!

I started researching “how to kill gnats”. I found this home remedy trick of using vinegar and dish soap in bowls. The gnats are attracted to this combo. But I’m pretty much over seeing bowls of vinegar and soap around my house for over a week now.

Gnat trap, vinegar and dish soap

 Is this a summer thing? What’s next, the ants? I swear if the ants show up, I’m calling the pest control!

Wordless Wednesday: Runner’s World Run Streak #RWRunStreak

Yet, another reason to keep running! A fun one, right? I’m joining the streakers…that is, the “Runner’s World Run Streak”. I will be attempting to run at least one mile per day, every day, starting on Memorial Day (Monday, 5/27) and ending on Independence Day (Thursday, 7/4). That’s 39 consecutive days of running.

My son had a 5-day weekend for the Memorial Day holiday, yes Friday through Tuesday, so I took him with me today. We did an easy 3-miler in the sun. He rode his bike, while I ran. I’ve survived 2 days, 37 days left.

My training partner today. He biked, I ran. We only did 3 miles due to time constraints. #RWRunStreak

Runner's World Run Streak #RWRunStreak Day 2.

Runner's World Run Streak #RWRunStreak

Welcome to “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

Project AliciaBetter in BulkCrazy About My BaybahDear CrissyFive Minutes For MomLive and Love…Out LoudSarah HalsteadParenting By DummiesSeven Clown CircusThe Divine Miss Mommy

Also, Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy does “What I Wore Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

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Wordless Wednesday: S’mores Fondue

Girl’s Night. Fondue at The Melting Pot. S’Mores Fondue was my favorite.

Girl's Night Out. S'mores Fondue. Deliciousness.

 Welcome to “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

Project AliciaBetter in BulkCrazy About My BaybahDear CrissyFive Minutes For MomLive and Love…Out LoudSarah HalsteadParenting By DummiesSeven Clown CircusThe Divine Miss Mommy

Also, Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy does “What I Wore Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

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Land of Nod is coming to Orange County, CA

Since my son was born, I’ve redecorated his room three times. It started as a frog theme, then went to dinosaurs when we moved, and now it’s an extreme skateboard theme. I loathe character-themed rooms. Because kids go in and out of their different phases, I want something that he can have for several years. Unless I get the decorating bug again, his current room theme should last until pre-teen years.

When decorating, I try to mix and match things. I usually buy things from several different stores. I’ve bought things online, and in stores. I’ve also refurbished old things to make it new. But I will say that I love good quality items and furniture. Because kids are hard on things.

One of my favorite furniture stores, Crate and Barrel has a company called Land of Nod in their chain. Land of Nod sells baby and kids furniture plus decor and bedding. I was super excited to find out the Land of Nod is actually opening a brand new store, locally here in Orange County, CA at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa. The Land of Nod in Orange County opens on May 31st and they will have giveaways happening in store throughout the opening day, and free goodies for those who arrive early to shop.

Decorating with Land of Nod

Since Land of Nod is opening locally, I am going to have to check out their store, of course. I’m sure that it will be super awesome, given the location that they have chosen. I love their catalog and website, but sometimes I just need to see something in person. Not that I’m shopping for anything in particular, but my son has been asking about bunk beds. We have a super small house and he only has a twin bed right now. If he was going to have someone over for a sleepover, they would have to sleep on the floor because we do not have an extra bedroom, or spare beds.

I thought I would put together some ideas if I did a re-do on my son’s room using bunkbeds and different storage options. We are huge on storage in our house because our house is smaller.

Land of Nod Bedroom Furniture and Bedding

 Furniture and Bedding Featured (From left to right): Walden Bunk (Chocolate) and Bedding Mix (Side 1) Bedding

Land of Nod Desk and Workspace Area

 Desk and Work Space Storage Featured (From left to right): Walden Desk and Hutch (Chocolate), Down To The Wire Stacking BinsCubby Cups (White)

Land of Nod Bedroom Accessories

 Bedroom Accessories Featured (From Top Left to Bottom Right): On The Grid Bookcase,  If You’re Shaggy and You Know It Rug (Grey), Color Edge Curtain Panels (Blue), and 40″ Ginormous Beanbag (Red)

Land of Nod is also having a “WIN A ROOM” Sweepstakes!

The Land of Nod Win a Room Sweepstakes runs from now until 11:59 PM CT June 17, 2013.


One (1) Grand Prize is available to be won. The Grand Prize winner will receive a Room designed by The Land of Nod, including:

(1) Design consultation with The Land of Nod design team.

(2) Room makeover with selected product from The Land of Nod.

(3) Feature in The Land of Nod Real Families section of an upcoming Catalog.

Total ARV of the Grand Prize is $4,000.

To Find Land of Nod Online:
Land of Nod 

Disclosure: This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Land of Nod, but all my opinions are my own. #PMedia #NODinCA


Yesterday was my son’s eighth birthday. This is the first year that we didn’t have a big party. I had no pre-party planning anxiety, which I usually do. It feel awkward and so nice, though. My husband, my son, and some of their friend’s went to Palm Springs. They went shooting in the desert, they saw swamp, and even saw the new Star Trek movie.

I spent the weekend working, cleaning, and well…cleaning. I took it as my chance to get caught up with some things. The house was spotless when they got home.

Eighth birthday.

My husband texted me when they were leaving Palm Springs. I immediately ran out to the grocery store and bought some balloons to greet my son when they got home. I also went shopping with my mom at the local hockey store for some gifts for the kid. We {husband and I} got him a week at hockey camp during the summer.

8th Birthday Presents. Hockey-themed.

My husband said that they had a good weekend and it was chill. I got to sleep in. Win-win!

My husband’s friends collected money and bought my son a Lego Millenium Falcon. It was pretty big but super cool. I’m impressed that it was already put together. My son was actually playing with it today. Usually he’s more of a Lego hoarder, as in “puts the Lego kit together, and never plays with it ever again”.

Lego Millenium Falcon

We took the kid to Chili’s for a birthday lunch. We told him that he could order anything he wanted from the desert menu. He responded with, “I want a margarita.” We forgot that it was a desert and drink menu, ooops!

Totally mello birthday. No blinking and noisy electronics for gifts. No overspending. No clutter!

I hope that this is a glimpse into our future.

Happy 8th Birthday Caden!

Summer Camp On An Island

I remember my first time going to summer camp. It was in the 4th grade, I think? I usually went to my grandma’s house when my parents were busy at work during the summer. But somehow that summer, I convinced my parents to send me to the local YMCA day camp. I think I had some friends from school who were also attending it. I loved the idea of camp because I made new friends who I didn’t go to school with and we went on field trips. It was my first time going to theme parks like Disneyland, Knott’s Berry Farm, and Magic Mountain without my parents.

Even though I attended a day camp for a couple of years, I always longed for that “summer camp experience” that I saw on TV and movies. You know what I’m talking about? An overnight summer camp, in the woods, with bunk beds, college-aged counselors, sports, skits, and lots of campfires at night. These are the things that kids dream about.

Project 365 221/365: Angry Kid on the climbing wall at camp today. He had an awesome day! Thanks @TiffanyRom

During the summer before first grade, we made the choice to not schedule my son for summer camp. I was trying to be spontaneous. I didn’t want him to be over scheduled, and wanted more time to just swim, hang out, and have no real structure. It was a huge mistake that I will never make again. My son loves adventures, and a schedule. He needs things to look forward to. I had the chance to take him to a friend’s summer camp one day that summer, and he loved it. I knew that he was hooked on camp. He was able to swim, make a tie-dye t-shirt, play sports, and even climb a rock wall in just one day. I’m totally sad that the camp is all the way in Los Angeles because I would have him attend that camp every summer. Two years later, my son still talks about the one day he spent at that awesome camp with all of the “cool” activities. Special thanks to Tiffany for that special day.

Post-Soccer camp today and the kid is still smiling. Hopefully this will motivate himself to actually do something rather than stand around next soccer season.

Last summer, my son attended two weeks of day camp at our local university. He went to a “soccer” themed camp. He played soccer in the morning, swam in the afternoon in the university pool, and then played some more soccer later in the day. He loved meeting and making new friends, plus the experience at the university. We loved that it was a great program, and that they had extended morning and afternoon hours which was perfect for working parents. Plus, he was super tired at the end of the day from all of the soccer and swimming.

Last summer, we spent a week camping in Yosemite. It was my son’s and my first real camping trip. My husband has always been a camper. My son had a blast being in the outdoors, and especially the hiking. He loved doing hikes for several miles, and is talking about going further this year.

Seeing my son’s enthusiasm for being in the outdoors, and camping…I knew that he would love some kind of overnight summer camp. I remember my friend, Ciaran, posting pictures of her kid’s at summer camp on Catalina Island last year. Ciaran talked about taking away her teens’ iphones and technology pre-camp, the adventures her kid’s had, and also the independence that her kid’s gained.

Is it bad that I was somewhat jealous of kids? Seriously, going to camp in Catalina Island sounded awesome! I want to go to camp. It is everything that I ever dreamed of when I was a kid. And really, it is everything that I dream of for my son. I want him to have experiences like this, and I believe that he is old enough now, at age 8, going into third grade in the fall.

Seriously, wouldn’t you want to attend a camp like this? I showed my son this video above and he was hooked. And really, the biggest win is no technology. Two weeks  out with nature, camping, sports, activities, sounds awesome to me! Now to figure out our summer camp budget….

Disclosure: This was a sponsored post via Catalina Island Summer Camps. I was not compensated financially for this post. All photos are mine. All opinions are mine. This post has been written for a chance to win a 2-week camp for my son.

Aloha Monday

Aloha, is my way of saying, “Hello Monday”, today!

How is everyone? Can you feel summer creeping up on you? Is it almost the end of the school year? Where did the time go?

Hello to some speedwork on the treadmill!

A little over a week ago, I ran the OC Marathon Half. I had no issues with my race, yippee! But I had to get back into my running post-race. My only problem was that the temperature is getting warmer out there, making it difficult to run during the day. I’ve had to work on my relationship with the treadmill, which has always been a love/hate thing.

I was cracking up though because everyone had been staring at the back of my leg. I realized that I still had my “Team Sparkle” tattoo on, and it looked brand new.

Fast treadmill run today brought on my @brooksrunning PureFlow 2's and my @runteamsparkle tattoo from last Sunday's Half Marathon. #teamsparkle #runhappy

 Hello to the end of the spring soccer season!

I signed my son up for soccer last minute this season. He was bored, and needed something to focus on. I think we totally lost the lack of focus a few games into it. I think the league is much smaller in the spring, so they had to merge some of the age groupings. He was older than most of the kids on his team, which was very noticeable.

So after Saturday’s game, the husband and I were quite relieved for it to be over. Although my son randomly got really good at defense in the last half of the game. Go figure!

Last soccer game of the season! What will we do with all our free Saturdays now?

 Hello gluttony!

I am admitting publicly that I have a love for Mexican food. I can’t get enough of it. One of the main reasons that I keep running, so I can eat all of the good things…but not all of the time.

Solo dinner while working tonight. Total glutton. Another reason why I run. #eatallthethings

 Hello to Mother’s Day!

I hope everyone had a great day yesterday! We went to brunch with some family friends in Newport Beach. I was a hot mess trying to cover up all of my awkward tan lines with a dress. It was pretty funny. I should also work on drying my hair before taking photos. At least the kid and I clean up well!

Happy Mother's Day!


Hello to a new week!

Hello to a heat wave!

Did you have a good weekend? SoCal people, what is with this heat?

Wordless Wednesday: Ready for a Fiesta

Last Thursday, I attended a 5th Anniversary Celebration at Giga Savvy. It was a Cinco de Mayo themed party. I wanted to dress for the event. So I paired my new striped maxi skirt that I bought from Zulily and my Born mustard sandals that I got last year.

With my striped skirt and my mustard shoes, I'm ready for a fiesta.

Welcome to “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

Project AliciaBetter in BulkCrazy About My BaybahDear CrissyFive Minutes For MomLive and Love…Out LoudSarah HalsteadParenting By DummiesSeven Clown CircusThe Divine Miss Mommy

Also, Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy does “What I Wore Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

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