Awesome 80’s Run Recap

Last Saturday, I did a 5K Run/Race in Pasadena called the “Awesome 80’s Run”.  I did the race with my friend, Monique, whom I’ve done a ton of races with.  I got up bright and early and carpooled with Mo to Pasadena. We live about an hour away.

Because I love a good theme, I had to get myself a little costume for the Awesome 80’s Run.  The first rule of costumes for races is that you have to be able to actually run in them. I’ve seen some great costumes, but about a half mile down the road, you start to notice discarded items like hats and butterfly wings that were not worn properly.

I wore my slime green Saucony Kinvara 3’s, knee highs with neon stripes, black Lululemon shorts, a pink Team Sparkle skirt, a tank top with an 80’s theme from Target, and a pink sparkle Bic Band in my hair.

I had Monique take a picture of me with this 80’s sign before the race. After the race, there was a huge line to pose in front of it.

Awesome 80's Run

After taking pictures with the sign, Monique find this umm guy in an interesting costume. He was so big, and goofy that we had to take a picture of him.  He kept saying that there were going to be 100’s of Facebook photos with him in them. Well dude, if you are going to dress like that, you better expect to be in pictures.

Mo, Julie, and random Creepy Guy

While having a pre-race dance party and waiting to start, I ran into Jen.  I knew Jen would love this theme. She had an 80’s themed Christmas card a few years back. It was awesome. Jen was totally rockin’ it!  We waited for what seemed like, FOREVER for the race to start. It was past 9am and getting warm, at almost 100 degrees outside. Not fun at all.

Julie and Jen

The race course was not closed down and it went around The Rose Bowl.  Obviously, on  a Saturday morning in Southern California on a Holiday Weekend, everyone is out and about enjoying the last rays of summer sunshine.  This was not good for the race course. I had to dodge walkers, joggers, people with dogs, and everything else that you could think of while running. Plus, just add in the heat and lack of water, which was a total fail. They had water cups at mile 1.5 but it was like a tiny shot glass of water, not enough for someone whom was running in this type of heat.

Because I was extremely thirsty and just wanted to be done, I started running faster at the last mile. I finished at 33:05 which was decent, but I knew that I could do better.  After I hit the finish line, I headed straight for the water table, where there was NO WATER.  Apparantly they had run out of water and more was coming. Once again, to run out of water at a race where it was sold out with FOUR THOUSAND (4,000) runners was not a good idea, just saying.

For once, I was smart and stashed some cash in the pocket of my shorts. I spotted a food truck nearby and bought myself a water. It was like the best water that I’ve ever had.  It was really sad because it looked like everyone was dying of thirst after the race, and there was no water. Serious FAIL!

Awesome 80's Run

I was able to find my friends via text message after they had finished running. They were totally pissed off about the water situation also. Monique and I took some more photos, and then we left. Luckily, we left in time because I heard that the traffic exiting the race was horrible and it took some people over an hour to get out. We headed for a fancy Denny’s breakfast, and some Dr. Pepper for me.

I would not recommend this race, just because of the company that organized it, Superhero Events.  They were totally disorganized.  I wish that they were more organized because it was a great theme. But seriously, no bananas, oranges or fruit at the end of the race plus no water, was a huge disappointment. There were some pretty nasty comments on the race Facebook page after the event, but of course, they were deleted.

Team Sparkle Skirt and Awesome 80's Run Medal
The medal was a super cool one though shaped like a cassette tape with a pretty ribbon.  I took a picture of the medal on top of my Totally Awesome Team Sparkle skirt that I wore for the race.

Second Grade

Today was the first day of school for Angry Kid. I was anxious about whom his teacher would be this year, and what kids would be in his class. At the beginning of last year, he was bummed that some of his best friends weren’t in his class. But he got over it real fast and did well. He was super excited to see that one of his best friends was in his class this year and he got the teacher that he wanted. That is all that really matters.


He was nice enough to pose with the usual and obligatory signage that I make him hold every year.  He even gave me a cheesy smile.  But then, after I took my cute and “cheesy” photographs, he broke into his real personality.  You see, I caught him “shuffling”….This kid is OBSESSED with LMFAO and “shuffling”!

First Day of Second Grade

Ahhhh…..isn’t he just precious…mind you the shirt he’s wearing says, “I’m kind of a big deal”! He should be a blogger or something. This kid has quite the ego.  He picked the shirt out last week and my mom bought it for him.  Oh, and those feet, size 3.5, YIKES!

Second grade went well today. He is happy!

And if you want to see how The Angry Kid has evolved…pics from Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade…all together..
Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade. Look at how grown up he is now. #firstdayofschool #backtoschool

Wordless Wednesday: Hibiscus

I was dropping my son off at my parent’s house the other day and noticed this beautiful flower. I had to take a picture with my iPhone.


Welcome to “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

Project AliciaBetter in BulkCrazy About My BaybahDear CrissyFive Minutes For MomLive and Love…Out LoudNaptime MomtogParenting By DummiesSeven Clown CircusThe Divine Miss Mommy

Also, Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy does “What I Wore Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

GTL vs. WRL aka Work Run Laundry

As they say on Jersey Shore “GTL” (Gym, Tan, Laundry), my life is “WRL”.  What does “WRL” mean? Well in my world right now, it is Work-Run-Laundry with a little bit of this and that in-between.

I’ve been increasing my running the past few months as I’m training for a half marathon in October.  I have also been participating in a little running inspiration online via Marta from Haus of Girls. In June, the goal was #40milesinJune, I did 63. In July, the goal was #45milesinJuly, I did 61. And in August, the goal was #42milesinAugust, I did 74.

Yes, I ran 74 miles while working full-time, traveling to New York, shuttling my son back and forth to summer camp, and dealing with this extreme heat wave in California right now.  You can imagine how much laundry is piling up in my house right now. I’m constantly doing laundry, whether it be work uniforms, running clothes, swim trunks, and/or beach towels, the laundry is quite overwhelming!


I texted this picture to my BFF Stacey on Friday.  Her response, “Dang you are tan. Frick. GTL for you?” This is a typical Stacey response and totally cracks me up. I fixed some of her text language.  She always responds, “Effing Autocorrect”. I told her to turn it off the other day. Her response, “No I like it for the most part. It fixes my drunk texts.” Awesome!

I had my husband take this picture yesterday. He HATES when I ask him to take my picture. Especially when I say, “Um it’s too dark, grainy, bad, omg I look fat, etc.” Just ignore the garage randomness, please.  This was the first time that I wore the tank top that Marta ordered for our little online inspirational running journey in June, “Strong Is The New Skinny”.  I may not be skinny, but I am definitely stronger. I paired it with a Team Sparkle Skirt, of course and my favorite running shoes, my Saucony Kinvara 3’s.

If you are wondering what I did over Labor Weekend, just look at the title of this post. I worked, ran (Awesome 80’s 5K), and did laundry. I also helped out my friends at Team Sparkle with the Disneyland Half Marathon Expo on Friday (post coming later).

And you are probably asking where my kid was the entire time? He was with my parents in Palm Springs. He has a hard life!

Happy September!

P.S. Yes, I actually referred to the TV show Jersey Shore in today’s post.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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