I’m a day late, but I attempted to be somewhat productive yesterday around the house. Plus, it was way too hot to be sitting on a computer all day, even though I need to play catch up.
The kid is very happy with all of the goodies {swag} that I brought back from New York City. He asked where the rest of it was….seriously kid? Ok, I had way too much so I had to mail two boxes back. It arrived yesterday.
NYPD shirt. He loved! Win for me!
New wallet. My mommy spoils me. My old wallet is 10 years old. I was due for a new one. And perfect timing with the Olympics!
Two-day trip to Palm Springs with family. My parents recently bought a house out there so we will be going there a lot. Although 112 degree heat is not fun.
Everything about this kid says, “summer”! Bleached hair from swimming, tan, and no shirt because it is too hot. Carne asada tacos for dinner that night. Yum!
A little accident with a bottle of Mike’s Black Cherry Hard Lemonade and white carpeting. I think we spent about $30 on cleaning products. My mom checked on it today and said the stains look like they are gone. What a nightmare though!
Posing with Big Boy on the way home yesterday. My son didn’t understand my geekness and that I had to take a picture of him near this.
Watching BMX that was on the DVR from Thursday night. Our life has been consumed by the Olympics the past two weeks. I will be super sad tomorrow night when it is all over.