Happy Valentine’s Day!!

Wishing Everyone A Happy Valentine’s Day Today!

Most Eligible Bachelor! Happy Valentine's Day from Angry Kid! #febphoto366 #valentinesday

I volunteered in Angry Kid’s class today. We split the 1st graders into three different groups. They each had a project to do. Our project was sewing this puppy puppet with yarn. It was super complicated for the kids to figure out so most of the puppets were sewn by the moms. I thought it was super cute though.

Angry Kid's Valentine's Cards are all done! Very fishy! Thanks @Pinterest!
We chose to do these Fish Bowl Valentine’s from PBJandJ which I found through Pinterest and Etsy.  I wonder how many other moms did Valentine’s Day Cards via a blog or Pinterest idea? I gave Angry Kid several options and he picked these. I just had to figure out how many Swedish Fish to buy. Seriously, it required a mathematical equation for Swedish Fish. Luckily Target had a 1.9 Lb. bag.

Hope Your Day is Great! Don’t Eat Too Much Chocolate!

Hello Monday

Hello Monday.

Hello to chaos and not being caught up. I’m going to try and work on all of my unfinished projects this week. Unsure if I will get them done. I’ve been swamped with work lately. In my spare time, I’ve had other commitments that have prevented me from editing photos, blogging, etc.

Valentine's Day Cupcake
Hello cupcake!

Hello to seeing blogging friends at an afternoon luncheon at Tiffany’s house last week. Tiffany introduced us to some local businesswomen last week, along with some delicious food and cupcakes of course.

Another lunch while working. @WahoosFishTaco eating some chicken tacos,  chips, and salsa. iPhone food blogger, lolz.
Hello to lunch at Wahoo’s. One of my favorite restaurants. I love their chicken tacos.

Yep, it was an @Pinterest night. I made the Cinnamon Bear Popcorn. Not bad. A little sticky like Rice Krispy Treats sticky.
Hello to Pinterest Recipes, like this one for Cinnamon Bear Popcorn. My son was obsessed with it. I made it for a Valentine’s Party at Jaime’s. I came home from the party with so many fun homemade gifts.

A very large 1.9 pound bag of Swedish fish. Buying this involved some math equations.
Hello Swedish Fish. This VERY LARGE bag of Swedish Fish is for my son’s Valentine’s. The purchase of this bag actually required a math equation. 32 kids, 4 fish for each Valentines, how many boxes or bags do I need?

Angry Kid and I are ready for the USC basketball game that we are going to today with @stacekat. #FightOn
Hello USC!
We went to USC (University of Southern California) with my BFF, Stacey and her family. Stacey’s daughter was doing a Song Girl Camp for a few hours, and then they were going to perform at a USC basketball game. Angry Kid was in heaven. He is a huge Trojan fan now. Note to self: start savings bags of money for tuition, like yesterday!


Hello to a brand new week. Hopefully I can get some of these blog posts done (at least 10 in draft), photos edited, and maybe some of my laundry done?

Hello Monday.

Hello Work Week.

I’m linking up with Lisa Leonard and her Hello Monday Series.

Wordless Wednesday: Live Creatively

My life is quite busy right now with my family, work, and everything else going on. But I have made time to do some crafts and sewing projects. Seriously, I get in the “craft zone” and it completely de-stresses me. I tune everything and everyone out and do some kind of project while watching a movie, or even Hulu on my computer in the home office.

I attended the Craft & Hobby Association Winter Trade Show, otherwise known as #CHAShow last week and it totally inspired me. I have all of these new projects that I want to do, brewing in my head. If only I could find the time, money, supplies for all of these projects.

I took a picture of a this display at CHA, and it totally makes me smile now. And really, who could go wrong with bright colors, a painted frame, chalkboard, and bunting?

Live Creatively

Welcome to “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

Project Alicia, Better in Bulk, By Word of Mouth Musings, Crazy About My Baybah, Dear Crissy, Five Minutes For Mom, Live and Love…Out Loud, Naptime Momtog, Parenting By Dummies, Seven Clown Circus, Supermom, The Divine Miss Mommy

Also, Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy does “What I Wore Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

And, I can’t forget Krystina from Lollipops whom does “What I Love Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

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Let’s Connect and Subscribe

A few weeks ago I had these nifty new social media icons done by a wonderful seller that I found on Etsy. Natalie from Moxie Tonic customized them to match my blog and I think they look rather pretty.

I’m not sure if you have heard but they are cancelling the Google Friend Connect service soon for non-Blogger users. I’ve been having a ton of problems with my GFC widget recently as it is. I have over 700 people subscribed on GFC that need to switch over to RSS.  I have also included the other places that you can find me below.

So if you don’t want to lose me in your daily reader and miss out on my randomness, subscribe via RSS!

Hello Monday

Hello Monday.

Hello to blogging friend, Janice from 5 Minutes For Mom, crashing at the Angry House this weekend.

Hello to a hilarious Skype session with Janice and her identical twin sister, Susan.

Hello to Medieval Times and their new show.

Medieval Times. Buena Park, CA

Hello to Janice enjoying her first show at Medieval Times while eating her food with no utensils.

Hello to memories of my 30th Birthday Party, my last time that I went to Medieval Times. I actually remembered to take an allergy pill before going this time. I think this is the only blogging event where I have take medication prior.  Angry Julie and horses are not a good combo, but I was perfectly fine.

It is jersey day at school. He chose a USC Jersey, of course! #FightOn

Hello to “Jersey Day” at Angry Kid’s school.

Jersey of choice? USC, of course!

Too busy to blog because I've been crafting after work at night. Making bunting and tissue pom pom balls for a baby shower. cc: @tiffanyromHello to Tissue Paper Pom Poms (15 of them), and Pink and Green Bunting.

I made all of this wonderfulness for Tiffany’s sister’s baby shower, which I couldn’t attend, unfortunately.

Hello to 30 minute drive to take Tiffany these decorations.

Quick conversations with Tiffany in a Carl’s Jr., sums up hours of stories, emails, and tweets from Twitter. Sadness that Tiffany and I don’t live closer.

Eating lunch with @momfluential @mimis_cafe. #gored #reddress

Hello to totally unplanned and spontaneous lunch with Ciaran at Mimi’s Cafe.

Join Mimi’s Cafe in their Go Red Campaign to Fight Heart Disease.

My living room was a video studio today for @RobertEvans and Janice from @5minutesformom while they discussed photography.

Hello to Janice Croze and Robert Evans using my family room as a video studio.

Hello to Angry Kid being quiet as a mouse while they did their videos.

Flamingos at CHA Show
Hello to editing photos from the CHA Show.

Hello to feathery and furry flamingos. Ya know, Flamingo is the new black!

Hello to Angry Kid’s soccer game. Hello to 1st and 2nd grade sweaty stinky boys.

Hello to finding out that Janice has an obsession with cereal. I will never look at bran cereal the same again.

Sunday, @RubysDiner, Foam 3-D Football Player...This is how we do it in The OC.

Hello to 3-D Foam Football figure at Ruby’s Diner.

Hello to Angry Kid assembling it himself. And also clearing the table off so that I could take a photo for Instagram.

Angry Kid is well trained, and a great assistant to my iPhone-ography.

Hello to getting Janice to the airport with an hour to spare. Goodbye to my Canadian Skinny version of me. Very odd hanging out with someone so ADD like myself for a weekend.

At Superbowl get together. Husband made our signature dish all by himself. Fruit and white goo. 8 oz. of cream cheese mixed with a jar of marshmallow fluff. His friends are all hooked.

Hello to Fruit and White Goo.

White Goo = 8 oz. of cream cheese plus a jar of marshmallow fluff, mixed together. You will thank me later, I promise.

Hello to Super Bowl and disappointing commercials.

Hello to Half-Time Show with Madonna.

General Observation: We liked the graphic floor display that was going on during half-time.


Goodbye Janice.

Goodbye Football.

Hello Monday.

Hello Work Week.

I’m linking up with Lisa Leonard and her Hello Monday Series.

Aqua and Red Master Bedroom Makeover

Almost a year ago, I decided that I wanted some change in our house. Angry Husband is used to be my random projects, but he had no clue about this one.  In February of 2011, I posted some before pictures of our master bedroom. I like to call it “Tommy Bahama-ish”.  We had the same bedding and paint color since 2004, when we moved into our old house. It was time for some change. Yes, we had the same paint color and bedding in two different houses.

My husband is not really thrilled with my aqua and turquoise obsession, especially when it comes to paint color, but for some reason, he gave in.  Over the past year, I’ve done several different projects within this bedroom, after the initial paint was rolled on the walls. We used the color “Turquoise Tint” by Valspar.

Aqua and Red Master Bedroom Makeover
Aqua and Red Bedroom Makeover
The bedroom is not very large, and with the positioning of the furniture etc., it is very difficult to photograph. We have two usable walls in the room, and the other two walls are a closet, and a sliding glass door. Our options are very limited in furniture placement and decor, but I try to make the most out of the space that we have.

In this master bedroom makeover, we kept all of the original furniture.  We just painted, decorated, and changed up the color scheme, to make it a bit brighter and more fun.
Master Bedroom "Before" Photos
Our old master bedroom decor consisted of khaki, sage green, and white mostly. The headboard and footboard of our California King bed is from Crate and Barrel circa 2002. It is a black metal frame. It was expensive when we bought it and the oldest piece of furniture that we own. But, I have seen nothing else like it, and I still love it, just as much as when we bought it.

The nightstands and dresser are Mexican Rustic Pine circa 2004. We had them custom made from a vendor at the OC Marketplace/Swampmeet. I think the business is gone now because I’ve tried to locate this particular vendor for the past few years. I love the quality of this furniture and the price was right = CHEAP!

The bedding was from Target (Waverly brand), the TV is a Samsung, and the curtains were from Z Gallery.

But snooze, sooo conservative and boring!

Now I will get more in-depth about the details of the bedroom makeover:

Aqua and Red Master Bedroom Makeover

The plain white bedding is from Target. I’ve been searching for the perfect aqua and red comforter for about two years. It is pretty much impossible to find stuff for a California King.  I gave up and just settled on plain white. I am still looking, but the white is quite pretty also. I have seen so many people purchase this same white bedding on other blogs, that I call it the blogger-bedding now.

Just like the comforter, I have not found cute matching sheets yet either.  I use standard gray ones from Costco, along with some red simple pillow cases from Target. The aqua throw pillows are from Pier 1, and the red ones are from IKEA. They are pretty simple. Once I get the “right” fabric, I’m going to sew/make some pillows. You know, with all of that free time that I have.

Aqua and Red Master Bedroom Makeover

The mirror. I posted a picture on Twitter a few months ago after I purchased it. I got a ton of compliments, but never shared the story of the mirror. This mirror was a lucky find. I went online searching for the perfect art and/or mirror to go above the bed. I’m a total perfectionist so it had to be just right. I saw this sunburst mirror on Pier 1 in the clearance section. It was originally around $249, and marked down to $149. I needed to see the mirror in person, so I did a local store search. The search said that a local store had three mirrors in stock.

I went to Pier 1 the next day. I saw that there were two of the mirrors on display in the store. They were on the floor propped up against other art pieces and mirrors.  I noticed some damage and flaws on both of the mirrors. I remembered that the computer said that there were three mirrors in stock.  I asked the store employee if she could check in the back for the third mirror. She was hesitant since it was on clearance, but disappeared to the back. She was gone for about ten minutes. I figured that she got distracted by something else. She returned with a large box that she could barely carry. She told me that it was labled as the mirror, but that it had never been opened.  We opened the box to check for the mirror. Well the mirror was inside and it was brand new, in perfect condition. At that point, I could care less how much it cost, because I fell in love.

And the best part of the mirror story? Well, when the employee went to ring up my purchase, the mirror scanned as $49, which was way cheaper than the original $249, and the clearance price of $149 listed. How’s that for deal?

Aqua and Red Master Bedroom Makeover
The nightstands on the sides of our bed are Mexican Rustic Pine. They are the exact same nightstands featured in the “before” picture featured above. We primed and painted them black in the early Spring of 2011.  The knobs on the nightstand are from Anthropologie.  We also custom ordered pieces of glass from Harbor All Glass and Mirror for the nightstands and the dresser in the bedroom. I figured that the glass would protect the paint and would also prevent water spots.

On the left nightstand is a ceramic bird from Tai Pan Trading, a red lamp and shade from Target, a picture frame from World Market with photobooth pictures of Kelly and I from the OC Blogger Bash, and my iHome which charges my iPhone and the iPads in our house.

On the right nightstand is another red lamp with shade from Target, an old digital alarm clock (boring, must change it), and a framed print from The Wheatfield in a white frame from IKEA.

Aqua and Red Master Bedroom Makeover

The closet and bedroom door. Like I said before, the closet takes up an entire wall. The closet originally had thick yellowish hanging doors when we bought the house. They were super heavy, and we replaced them with these pretty ones in 2006. Unfortunately, the doors are very tall, which made it a custom order and more expensive. The closet is not quite a walk-in but it is deep. The space is a bit limited, so most (all) of my shoes are stored in the garage.

I had Angry Husband put a mirror on the back of our door when I was attempting to take “outfit” photos for the blog. Well, my only problem is that the end of our dresser is about four feet from the mirror. I can’t back up very far to get a full picture. But the mirror is still good for making sure that everything looks right.

After taking these photos, I noticed blue painter’s tape around the edges of the closet from when we originally painted. Oops, I think that it blended in with the bright paint.

Aqua and Red Master Bedroom Makeover

The curtains. They are plain white curtains from IKEA. The bottoms are still not hemmed. They came with a kit to iron the bottoms for a hem, but I never did that. It has been over six months since they have been up. I guess it is time that I sew them. The curtain rod is old, from Pottery Barn. It is thick and sturdy metal. We have the same curtain rod in our dining room also.

Aqua and Red Master Bedroom Makeover

We painted the dresser when the nightstands were done originally. When I say WE, I mean Angry Husband primed the dresser, and I painted it. I was being proactive one Saturday when I was all alone. I thought that I would surprise Angry Husband by painting it myself. Well if you look closely, you can see what a crappy job I did. The gray edges around all of the drawers are primer.

We keep saying that we need to sand it down and re-paint the dresser, but there is never enough time. The knobs are also from Anthropologie, but they are a different pattern than the nightstand knobs. We’ve already had one knob break off. The drawers are pretty heavy, plus they stick a little from the paint. I need to re-place all of the other knobs with more heavy duty ones but I haven’t found anything that I like.

If you are a perfectionist, and a little OCD like me, you will notice that the dresser and television are not centered on the wall. The dresser and television are actually centered with the bed. When you are lying in bed, you will understand why. I did not understand this when my husband first mounted the TV, but I get it now.
Aqua and Red Master Bedroom Makeover
The gallery wall on the left side of the TV is a hodge podge of things. It is not completely done yet. I hope to eventually fill the entire wall around the TV.  The red print with a white frame is the lyrics to the song, “Safety Dance”. The pictures in the small black frames are photographs of fireworks around Sleeping Beauty’s Castle during HalloweenTime at Disneyland that I took. The aqua, black, and white print is a typography featuring Star Wars “Empire Strikes Back” The metal star was originally brownish, and was spray-painted black. And the “D” is a wood letter that represents our last name, which is obviously not Angry.

On top of the dresser is a collection of picture frames with photos of Angry Kid. There are also metal candle holders that are shaped like bird cages with LED candles.  There is also a little red bird feeder which is functioning as a valet for all of my husband’s pocket change and junk that I take out of his pants before I do the laundry. I think I got the bird feeder from Tai Pan Trading, but I’m not quite sure.

Aqua and Red Master Bedroom Makeover

Our bathroom in the master bedroom is super small so I thought that I would share some photos of it also. The toilet and shower is on the left side of this. It is directly behind our bedroom wall that has the TV mounted on it.

The cable box and AppleTV for the TV in the master bedroom is located inside the long linen cabinets.  Angry Husband ran the wires up the walls, through the attic, and down into the linen cabinet.

If you look closely, there is an “eye” mounted between the top two doors of the linen cabinets. That “eye” makes the RF work on our remote controls for the TV. We don’t have to leave to the doors open when using the TV because of this.

On wall the is a photo collage frame. I’ve seen a ton of these frames on Pinterest, but I actually purchased this one from Pier 1. It was probably cheaper than what it would cost to make one, and a lot less stressful.

The red bird cage which is my necklace holder is from HomeGoods. It was originally a Tiffany Blue color, but I spray-painted it red. The lights in our bathroom are from Pottery Barn.


Although the bedroom looks done, I don’t feel like it is completely done. There is a ton of color blocking going on, but I feel like I need more patterns to bring it all together. I’m hoping to merge the color scheme together with some pillows, and maybe eventually a down comforter cover.

Linking up with Whipperberry and Skip To My Lou

Sew Chatty

Wordless Wednesday: Bass Pro Shops

About two weeks ago, we took a little roadtrip to Hobby Lobby and Bass Pro Shops. Both of these stores were a first for me. I wanted to go to Hobby Lobby and Angry Husband wanted to go to Bass Pro Shops. We made a little compromised.  Bass Pro Shops was quite entertaining. I took a “few” pictures with my iPhone while we were there.

Bass Pro Shops
This was the ceiling in the “Fishing” section.

Bass Pro Shops
What do you think? Will this outfit make my butt look big?

Bass Pro Shops
Need a gun or some ammo?

Bass Pro Shops

Bass Pro Shops
Angry Kid’s serious face.


Welcome to “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

Project Alicia, Better in Bulk, By Word of Mouth Musings, Crazy About My Baybah, Dear Crissy, Five Minutes For Mom, Live and Love…Out Loud, Naptime Momtog, Parenting By Dummies, Seven Clown Circus, Supermom, The Divine Miss Mommy

Also, Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy does “What I Wore Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

And, I can’t forget Krystina from Lollipops whom does “What I Love Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

Link Up Your Wordless Wednesday Post:

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Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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