Over the past month, I had the chance to review the Mint Cleaner. The Mint Cleaner is designed exclusively for hard surface floors. It works on most hard flooring including wood, tile, vinyl and laminate. Our house has hardwood floors throughout the main traffic areas, and is constantly dusty and littered with debris. I love having hardwoods over carpeting, but those tiny little dust bunnies on the floors make me a little insane.
My husband was apprehensive to try the Mint Cleaner as we have tried other automatic floor cleaners in our house. He was pleasantly surprised. The Mint Cleaner used a NorthStar Navigation System which works like an indoor GPS. The NorthStar Cube projects a signal that Mint uses to determine its location. Then as Mint starts cleaning, it builds a map of the area as it goes, marking walls, obstacles and drop offs as it encounters them. And really our most favorite part is that the Mint Cleaner works with cleaning cloths like the Swiffer and Pledge dry and wet cloths. You don’t need to purchase any expensive specialized hard-to-order cleaning chemicals to use the Mint.
Once the Mint Cleaner is charged, the cleaning cloth added on, and the NorthStar Cube is placed…you just start the Mint Cleaner. The first time that we used the cleaner, the cleaning cloth was filthy. I swear we actually dust and vacuum our house almost daily. After using the Mint Cleaner for a few days, the cloth got cleaner and cleaner, obviously because the Mint Cleaner was doing its job.
Of course, I had to take some video of the Mint Cleaner in action with my iPhone. This is an amateur video by me.
Seriously, we have been using the Mint Cleaner for the past month and love it. My son just sits on the couch and stares at it. We run the cleaner during the night when everyone is settled down. I always forget that it is running except when I hear it gently nudging around the baseboards in our hallway.
The Mint Cleaner 4200 which I reviewed, retails for $199.99 and can be found at Best Buy, Bed Bath & Beyond, Target, Amazon, Walmart, and several other stores found here.
Disclosure: I was provided with a Mint Cleaner 4200 for review purposes. I was not compensated in any way. All reviews and opinions are mine.