Hello Monday.
Hello VERY TIRED Julie.
Hello delicious looking Valentine’s cookies from Panera Bread.
Hello to Valentine’s Day sneaking up on us.
Must find perfect Valentine’s Day cards, etc. for Angry Kid’s class.
Hello Tinkerbell, oops I mean Kelly.
Hello Team Sparkle and all of it’s awesomeness!
Hello to chaos in my life. When you realize that you haven’t trained for that half marathon that you signed up for, and that it is better than you don’t run. Things that happen when you are an adult. Sometimes it is better to sell/pass on your race number bib to someone who really wants to run.
I’m super sad that I did not get to run the Tinkerbell 1/2 Marathon at Disneyland. It was the first one.
Hello Danica and Leslie.
Visiting the Run Racing booth at the Tinkerbell Race Expo was entertaining. Just standing there provided some awesome people watching. One of my favorite questions posed to them was, “so Long Beach, this is a race for running?” I’m pretty sure that I attracted the freaks to their booth.
Hello to Race Medal Display and new hooks in the home office.
I purchased the Race Medal Display from Sport Hooks at the Tinkerbell Expo. I dug up some of my medals, and also some of Angry Kid’s. I figure that this is a visual reminder/motivation for both of us.
I love the BLECKA hooks from IKEA. We have them several places throughout our house. They are super strong if mounted right. Angry Husband always screws them into the stud or uses drywall anchors. My backpack is not light. It has my laptop and several other things in it.
Hello CHA Show!
On Sunday, I attended the Craft and Hobby Association Trade Show in Anaheim with my friend, Kim. Kim makes lampwork beads and also sells bead supplies on etsy. Kim took me along as her photographer for the day, plus she knows I love crafts.
Let me re-phrase this, Purple Paper Peacock. YES, this peacock was made with paper products. It is amazing to see all of the cool stuff that can be made with paper crafts.
I saw so many cool things at CHA yesterday. I must go through all of my pictures and catalogs first. I will be doing some upcoming posts with all of the goodness that I saw.
Seriously, CHA was AMAZING!
Hello to a brand new week.
Hello Tired Julie! Did I mention that I’m exhuasted and have a super busy week ahead?
Hello Monday! Time to start the week!
I’m linking up with Lisa Leonard and her Hello Monday Series.