Our 2011 Holiday Card with Blog Hop

After I had picked out the photo that I wanted to use for our Holiday Cards, I searched all of my favorite card websites for the perfect design to match. Unfortunately, I could not find the “right” design to match our orange and navy blue outfits that we wore for our Fall Photo Shoot with DrewB.  Because I’m completely OCD and a perfectionist, I turned to Etsy.  I heart Etsy and all of the creative people on there.  I found katie-did designs, and contacted the owner Katie. I loved all of her card templates, but I am difficult.  I asked her if she could merge a couple of features/graphics from multiple card templates to make the Uber-Awesome Design for my Holiday Card.  After going around and around with 3-4 designs, she achieved perfection status! I had our cards printed via Overnight Prints as 5×7 postcards with rounded corners. They turned out perfect! I love their rounded corners feature.

May I introduce to you, our 2011 Holiday Card:

2011 Holiday CardPhoto by DrewB. Card Design by katie-did designs.

Because, I love Holiday Cards and all of the FABULOUS Photos that go along with them, I am hosting a 2011 Holiday Card Blog Hop. It is my first ever Holiday Card Blog Hop. Yippee!!!

So make sure to post your Holiday Card on your Blog or Website, and Link-Up.

Please visit all of the fabulous other bloggers that have shared their cards also. I love all the creative ideas that people come up with.

And I even have a button that I created for the Blog Hop! So be sure to grab that code!

Angry Julie Monday Holiday Card Blog Hop

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One Mile Penguin Waddle

Angry Kid did the Surf City Kid’s Run in July. After that race, he was pretty excited to do another. We had soccer all Fall, so he didn’t have the opportunity to do any kid’s races.  After speaking with Danica via Twitter, I signed him up for the One Mile Penguin Waddle, which was the Kid’s Run in conjunction with the Holiday Half.

Angry Husband and I got him all prepped and ready to run the race.  We got to the event a little early and picked up his number. We pinned on his number and headed to the starting area.

Before the Penguin WaddleWe had to wait a bit since they had the kid’s runs split up between different age groups. Having the kid’s runs split up made a ton of sense. Otherwise, it would have been chaos.

Holiday Half Marathon BannerI kind of loved the start line banner. It was so bright and festive. The kids were running without adults, so they had all of the kids line up early.  It was cute to see all of them ready.

Start of Race: Penguin Waddle 7-and-underAnd then they were off, the kids bolted out from the start line. I took about ten photos of them running at the beginning. I finally found one with Angry Kid. I have an green arrow pointing to him in the picture.

The Start of the Penguin WaddleSince the run was only one mile, it went pretty fast. Angry Kid ran in the 7-and-under group. Even though the kids were seven years old and under, they were fast. There were some fast little tykes in the group. A large group had come through, and we kept looking for Angry Kid. I kept thinking, “did he get lost”? Finally, he came to the end of the start line, trotting along.

Finishing the Penguin RaceAfter he made it through the finish line, we saw that both of his shoes were untied. Go figure. Angry Kid is very stubborn and refuses to properly learn how to tie his shoes. I’m sure that this was part of the reason on why he was going so slow. I also think that he was a little freaked out by us not running with him. My friend, Monique, ran along with Angry Kid during the Surf City Run. I guess we need to work on that running. I am saying, “We”, because I need to work on my running too. I’m such a slacker lately.

Penguin Race FinisherI love that penguin medal. Isn’t it cute!! Angry Kid looks so proud with that medal around his neck. He looks quite adorable in his Holiday Colored Running Gear.

I’m trying to play catch-up with some Holiday events that we’ve participated in lately. There are soo many things to do during December. Angry Kid is on vacation from school for two weeks now. I’m trying to arrange to activities to keep him entertained. Wish me luck!

Project 365: Week 50

The Holidays are here! I’ve spent my free time attending various functions, baking, eating, changing into multiple outfits, and pretty much ignoring my house and laundry. I will be spending the next week cleaning, cooking, shopping, organizing, and whatever else it takes to catch up on life!

Project 365 342/365: Random things at the gas station in Orange County: an entire display of Mexican Coke.Project 365 344/365: Random things at the gas station in Orange County: an entire display of Mexican Coke.

Project 365 343/365: Me and My Mixer. We've been BFFs today. #cookieexchangepanic.Project 365 345/365: Me and My Mixer. We’ve been BFFs today. #cookieexchangepanic.

Project 365 344/365: Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar: Day 9. X-Wing Starfighter. The Incom T-65 X-wing is the fighter that killed the Death Star. Note: The tiny blue Lego on top represents R2-D2 riding on top. #starwars #adventcalendarProject 365 346/365: Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar: Day 9. X-Wing Starfighter. The Incom T-65 X-wing is the fighter that killed the Death Star. Note: The tiny blue Lego on top represents R2-D2 riding on top. #starwars #adventcalendar

Project 365 345/365: I like to take iPhone pics of my tree. The hodge podge of random ornaments, lights, and garland makes me smile.Project 365 347/365: I like to take iPhone pics of my tree. The hodge podge of random ornaments, lights, and garland makes me smile.

Project 365 346/365: Where else can you see a gingerbread AT-AT but @discoverycube #gingerbreadDSC #starwarsProject 365 348/365: Where else can you see a gingerbread AT-AT but @discoverycube #gingerbreadDSC #starwars

Project 365 347/365: Bad Julie. Christmas themed Krispy Kreme.Project 365 349/365: Bad Julie. Christmas themed Krispy Kreme.

Project 365 348/365: I have a thing for Mary Janes. My Goodwill purchase from a few months ago. They were brand new in my size!Project 365 350/365: I have a thing for Mary Janes. My Goodwill purchase from a few months ago. They were brand new in my size!

The Surprises of Motherhood

I learn something new every day about Motherhood. Sometimes, it is good things, and sometimes there are bad things. But there are a ton of surprises.

For the past month, I have been a Community Leader for the Million Moms Challenge. I have learned some great things from the blog posts, and discussions within the community. Hey, even I started a few discussions about vaccinations, nutrition, healthcare, holiday traditions, photography during pregnancy, and even that little trend of Elf on the Shelf.

For my last discussion, I am talking about “The Surprises of Motherhood”.

Angry Kid reading to a friend

I took this photo today of Angry Kid reading to my friend’s son, whom is four. Isn’t it precious? I think so.

Please join me in the conversation over at The Million Moms Challenge Community, about my Surprise of Not Knowing That Angry Kid Could READ.

Wordless Wednesday: Cookie Exchange

I was invited to two Cookie Exchange Parties this Holiday Season. Of course, both of them are within the same week. Both of the cookie recipes that I am using are from blogs. I LOVE LOVE LOVE food blogs.

Sunday night was the first Cookie Exchange Party. I chose a recipe and bought all of the ingredients. I need to remember to read the directions several times, and understand the hours of prep work involved. I decided to casually go to the gym, do some errands, and other things before making the cookies.  I did not realize that the dough needed to sit in the refrigerator for two hours, and the cheesecake balls needed to be in the freezer at least two hours before even baking the cookies. Let’s just say that I was thirty minutes late to the cookie party, because I was still baking cookies when it started.

So the cookies that I showed up with, Red Velvet Cheesecake Cookies from Two Peas & Their Pod. Besides not reading the directions beforehand, the cookies were pretty simple to make, and a HUGE hit. You couldn’t miss the plates of BRIGHT RED cookies.

I made Red Velvet Cheesecake Cookies with @twopeasandpod recipe for a Cookie Exchange tonight. It was an @Pinterest and Party Win!Of course, there were other cookies too. Here are a few pictures of the cookies. Go figure, I took pictures of the cookies and not the people at the party. Typical.

Cookie Party Cookies
Cookie Party Treats
Cookie Exchange
Cookie Exchange CookiesWelcome to “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

Project AliciaBetter in BulkBy Word of Mouth MusingsDear CrissyFive Minutes For MomLive and Love…Out Loud, Parenting By DummiesSeven Clown CircusSupermomThe Divine Miss Mommy

Also, Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy does “What I Wore Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

And, I can’t forget Krystina from Lollipops whom does “What I Love Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

Link Up Your Wordless Wednesday Post:

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Glitter Clothespins Tutorial

Last Christmas I decided to get a little creative with my Holiday Card display. I usually tape them to the back of our front door, but over the years, we have started to receive more and more cards. I think it is because I have so many blog friends that I exchange cards with now. I draped a white metal chain that I purchased from Lowe’s across our family room window. We have shutters on the window, so it is the perfect place to hang the cards. My husband used three small nails and hammered them into to the top of our shutters. I’m completely lazy, so they stayed there all year. It was perfect when I went to hang all of my garlands and pennants for the Holidays throughout the year. I hung my cards on the chain with simple wood clothespins.

Merry Christmas 2010
Well of course, I love craft blogs and all things crafty. I wanted to make my display a little more sparkly this year. I decided to glitter up the clothespins. Because glitter makes everything better right, well, and unicorns too. I looked at several tutorials and figured it out on my own. I’m going to share my step-by-step process here. All of the photos are taken with my iPhone. I had Mod Podge, Glitter, etc. out and did not want to get my DSLR messy.

Glitter Clothespins Tutorial
Supplies Needed:

  • Wood Clothespins
  • Glitter (I used Martha Stewart Glitter. Everyone tells me that it is the best glitter.)
  • Mod Podge (Gloss Version with the Orange Label)
  • Foam Brushes
  • Brown Craft Paper (To do the project on, not make a mess)
  • Bowl (To catch the extra glitter)

Step 1: Set Out Your Supplies

Glitter Clothespins Supplies

I chose to do this project on my kitchen counter. Glitter is the herpes of the craft world. It gets everywhere. I wanted to be able to sweep the mess into my sink after it was all done. I set down the brown craft paper and gathered my supplies.

Step 2: Open The Mod Podge Container, Organize Clothespins, Grab a Container of Glitter, and Get some Mod Podge on the Foam Brush

Supplies for Glitter Clothespins

This step should be self-explanatory. Set everything out for the first set.  I did my clothespins in groups of five. I did five of each color. I was going with a rainbow theme. Note: My husband LOATHES, actually HATES this rainbow trend. His problem, not mine. Make sure you do one color of glitter at a time, that is, doing all of the clothespins with one color, then put the extra glitter back. It is much easier to clean-up if you do it this way.

Step 3: Apply Mod Podge to the Clothespins, and Add Glitter

Applying Glitter to Clothespins

I inserted the foam brush into the container of Mod Podge. I did not get a ton of the Mod Podge on the brush, I was gentle.  I coated the long side of the clothespin with the Mod Podge. I was careful to not let it drip everywhere, because that makes a mess, and I don’t want the excess glitter to stick everywhere that it shouldn’t be.  I then grabbed a bowl and a container of glitter. I shook the glitter all over the Mod Podge coated clothespin, with the excess falling in the bowl. When I was done making the clothespins with a certain color, I made a paper funnel to dump the glitter back into its original container. I made my paper funnel because I can never find anything in this house. I know we have a small funnel somewhere.

Step 4: Leave the Clothespins Out to Dry, Glitter Side Up

Set The Clothespins out to dry

Set the clothespins out to dry. Make sure you have them glitter side up. Otherwise the Mod Podge will stick everywhere, and you will be peeling the clothespins off of the brown craft paper. I actually did it right the first time, which is completely shocking.  I let the clothespins sit on the paper for a few days, like three or four to fully dry.

Step 5: Apply Mod Podge on Top of the Glitter

Apply Mod Podge on top of glitter

I used a foam brush and Mod Podge to seal the glitter.  I lightly brushed the Mod Podge on the glittered clothespins.  I then left them to dry for three to four more days.  I coated the tops of the clothespins with the Mod Podge because otherwise, glitter would be everywhere.  Like I said before, Glitter is the herpes of the craft world.  By sealing the glitter, I can use these clothespins for a long time. After they were dry, I gathered them up and placed them into a freezer bag. I pull a different color out when I receive a new Holiday Card.

I am slowly getting Holiday Cards at my house, so I don’t have a ton right now. I think everyone is mailing theirs out late this year. Slackers! But I wanted to show an example of how the cards look when hung by the glitter clothespins. Pretty!

Other Uses and Ideas for Glittered Clothespins:

1. Paint the clothespins first. I’ve seen the clothespins painted to match the color of the glitter. They look awesome.

2. Magnets. You can glue a magnet onto the back of the clothespin to use on refrigerators to hang notes, schoolwork, etc.

3. Art displays. Hang a clotheslines, and hang up children’s artwork. They were look very snazzy hanging from the sparkly clothespins.

Linking Up:

Todays Creative Blog
Tip Junkie handmade projects

I Heart Faces-Furry Faces Photo Challenge

My neighbor recently got a puppy from our local humane society.  She is an adorable puppy. But I completely remember that puppy stage, which is like having a two-year old all over again. You are trying to teach them to listen to you, and to not pee and poop in the wrong place. I’m not sure which is worse, a two-year old or a puppy. At least, you can be diapers on a kid.

Angry Kid is obsessed with this dog. I’m sure that the novelty will wear off soon. You know, when he has those sharp puppy teeth wrapped around his fingers.  He will learn.

The dog’s name is “Kisses”, and after almost two months, most days, her owners call her “Pisses”, because she is not doing well with the potty training. I just laugh, and say, I told you so…. We have Chihuahua mixes, and Chihuahuas are VERY STUBBORN about potty training.

But Kisses, is ADORABLE in photos. I took this photo of my son and Kisses in October at the park.

Angry Kid and Kisses
Please visit I Heart Faces for more Furry Faces in this week’s Challenge.

GameStop Jingle In Your Pocket with Giveaway

Do you have any unused iDevices in your household? I know that I do. Ever since my son got an iPad last year, he has forgotten about his iPod Touch. It is just setting in a desk drawer right now. I’m sure that I could try to sell it online at one of those auction sites, or some other online local method, but who has the time for that. I don’t want to deal with shipping, picky people, etc.

Well, I recently learned that GameStop has an awesome program that can help you earn a little cash or store credit this Holiday Season without the hassle of online auctions, or local online second-hand sales sites. It is super easy to just bring in your old iPod, iPhone and iPad to your local GameStop and put some more jingle in your pocket this holiday! No packing, shipping or hassle – a store associate will tell you the value of your trade items and give you cash or store credit on the spot.

GameStop’s Current Trade Values:

Get store credit or cash for your old iPod, iPhone or iPad:

  • iPod Nano – Up to $70
  • iPod – Up to $150
  • iPhone – Up to $180
  • iPad – Up to $300

Don’t you want to put an extra little Jingle In Your Pocket? I know that I do. I’m going to dig up that iTouch and take it in this week. For more information, take your iDevices to your local GameStop and ask the store associate about this program.

I’m also having a GIVEAWAY to promote GameStop’s Jungle In Your Pocket program, and to help you with some extra shopping money. See the details below:

ENTER TO WIN: A $50 GameStop Gift Card


This giveaway is NOW CLOSED!

Note: Blog comments are closed on this post due to usage of Rafflecopter. Comment on the first choice via Rafflecopter.

Terms and Conditions:

  2. Giveaway ends 12/19/11 at 12am EST.
  3. Only US Residents can enter.
  4. Winner will be chosen via random.org.
  5. Winner will be contacted via email. Winner has 48 hours to respond with mailing address or another winner will be chosen.
  6. MSM giveaways are handled by a third party unless otherwise noted. For this reason prize fulfillment can take up to 90 days after the winners information is received
  8. Please contact me via email @ angryjuliemonday.com if you have any questions.


*Don’t forget to enter MomSpark’s Grand Prize Mom GIVEAWAY. If you share a photo of yourself trading your iPods, iPhones and/or iPads at GameStop in the comments of her post, then you will be entered to win the grand prize of a $1,000 GameStop gift card.

Disclosure: This promotional sponsored post was made possible by Mom Spark Media. Thoughts are my own. I was compensated for my time investment and work on this campaign. Thanks to GameStop for providing me with a gift card to giveaway. All prizing for MSM giveaways is handled by a third party unless otherwise noted. For this reason prize fulfillment can take up to 90 days after the winners information is received.

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Angry Julie Monday


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