10 on the 10th

Today is the 10th day of the month. Tomorrow is a magical day, 11-11-11. But since I love my iPhone, I thought I would share ten photographs throughout my day.  Looking at all of these pretty much exhausts me. And the day isn’t even over yet.

10 on 10 #1 Crazy Dog....Her name is Wolfie. #1

Crazy Dog….Her name is Wolfie. She wanted to play with me, while I picked up her poop. My mom comes over after she gets my son from school. I didn’t want to hear her complain about dog poop.

10 on 10 #2 @mintcleaner that uses a navigation system to clean our floors. It is awesome. Review coming soon! #2

@mintcleaner that uses a navigation system to clean our floors. It is awesome. Review coming soon! Seriously, this machine just wandered around our house and cleaned the floors last night. It was super quiet.


10 on 10 #3 Photos out of order. I will call this sugar rush. #3

Photos out of order. I will call this sugar rush. On my way to work.

10 on 10 #4 Visited the @holidayhandmade boutique and found the booth of @joyshope of course!#4

Visited the @holidayhandmade boutique and found the booth of @joyshope of course!

10 on 10 #5 Making Holiday Decor....#5

Making Holiday Decor….taking a break.

10 on 10 #6 Salad for dinner via Panera.#6

Salad for dinner via Panera

10 on 10 #7 Breaking Dawn. Required reading per @bringingupburns. Borrowed from @ragstostitches whom borrowed it from another friend. #7

Breaking Dawn. Required reading per @bringingupburns. Borrowed from @ragstostitches whom borrowed it from another friend.
10 on 10 #8 Progress has been made on Christmas bunting tonight.#8

Progress has been made on Christmas bunting tonight.

10 on 10 #9 Came home and laundry has piled up. Why am I doing laundry this late? #9

Came home and laundry has piled up. Why am I doing laundry this late?

10 on 10 #10 Photo Gallery from @drewbphoto arrived in my email tonight. Hmmmm how big do I want this adorable photo? #10

Photo Gallery from @drewbphoto arrived in my email tonight. Hmmmm how big do I want this adorable photo?


Ok, I gotta go now. Time to start reading Breaking Dawn!

Wordless Wednesday: Messy Moment Flashback

We’ve all had those messy moments in life. Not all of them are photographed, of course. Sometimes, they are a just bit too messy to capture. SITS Girls in conjunction with Clorox Bleach is having a contest for a Canon Rebel Camera. And of course, I am sharing one of my messy moments.

When I think of “messy moments”, I think of Angry Kid. He can be a messy tyke. But one of my favorite moments that I was able to capture was his first birthday party. We had the traditional smash cake for him, and he really went for it. Unlike some kids that I’ve seen whom slightly picked at their cakes, he started grabbing cake and shoving it into his face. The kid has always liked cake.

After he finished eating, we basically had to turn the garden hose on him, to wash him down. But eventually, he was all clean. Thankfully, the party was outside.

First Birthday Party
First Birthday Party
First Birthday Party
First Birthday

Do you have a messy moment? Why not write about it? Check out SITS Girls for more information.


Welcome to “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

Project AliciaBetter in BulkBy Word of Mouth MusingsDear CrissyFive Minutes For MomLive and Love…Out Loud, Parenting By DummiesSeven Clown CircusSupermomThe Divine Miss Mommy

Also, Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy does “What I Wore Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

And, I can’t forget Krystina from Lollipops whom does “What I Love Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

Link Up Your Wordless Wednesday Post:

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Disclosure: I am working on behalf of The SITS Girls and sharing my messy moment in order to promote the Canon Rebel Camera Giveaway for the Clorox Bleach It Away campaign.  To learn more about the messy moment program, check out www.BleachItAway.com.  Sharing your story on the Clorox fan page gets you entered for the chance to win $25,000 and daily prizes, and you can grab a coupon for Clorox® Regular Bleach.

New Hair and a Sneak Peek of Our Photo Shoot

My hair has been pretty much the same for the past few years. I had a pixie cut with highlighted blonde hair.  I recently decided to grow out my hair, which is a nightmare.  If you have ever grown out short hair, there is an awful mullet stage.  I started growing a tail on the back of my head.

We had family photos scheduled, and I pretty much went into panic mode. I was in luck when I got an appointment with Tera Rae Stephens.  Tera Rae had wanted to get her hands on my hair for quite some time. Tera colored my base color to add in some more blonde, and she also highlighted the top of my hair. She then cut my hair to make it less of a mullet, and also so that it would grow out properly.

I just realized that I had not posted any pictures since I got my hair done. Well, I posted one with my new glasses over the weekend. But I was a hot mess in that picture.  I took this self-portrait Sunday night when we got home from a wedding that we went to. It is a little grainy, but hey it is an iPhone picture taken at 11pm.

November 2011And a little side-by-side before and after from the day that my hair was done by Tera. These two pictures were taken within hours of each other. It is amazing how my skin coloring changes with my hair color. I think this is my perfect color!

Before/After October 2011 HairAnd here is a little sneak peek of our Fall/Holiday Photo Shoot with DrewB. She posted this on her Facebook Page, the night of our photoshoot. I can’t wait to see the rest of our photos. She is amazing, right? Seriously, love her photography!!!!

Angry Family Photo Shoot by DrewB. Photo by DrewB Photography.

Ya, I know. I clean up well. Sometimes, I actually wear a dress, do my hair, and even wear make-up. Miracles do occur. And doesn’t Angry Kid look adorable? I think so!


Project 365: Week 44

We survived Halloween events, parties, and Trick-or-Treating. Homework with Angry Kid is going well, and somewhat humorous…Two weeks with my new hair color and I still love it, along with new glasses! We are heading into our last week of soccer, which gives us a ton of extra free time. I’m starting to think about Christmas shopping….and burrrrr it is getting chilly here in SoCal.

Project 365 301/365: After work dessert...ice cream cookie sandwich from that fancy place, Trader Joes.Project 365 302/365: After work dessert…ice cream cookie sandwich from that fancy place, Trader Joes.

Project 365 302/365: Only my son would ask for a hazmat symbol to be painted on his face. #pumpkinsandpancakesProject 365 303/365: Only my son would ask for a hazmat symbol to be painted on his face. #pumpkinsandpancakes

Project 365 303/365: I volunteered in Angry Kid's class today. We made crafts.Project 365 304/365: I volunteered in Angry Kid’s class today. We made crafts.

Project 365 304/365: First grade journal writing tonight. Topic is random!Project 365 305/365: First grade journal writing tonight. Topic is random!

Project 365 305/365: Starting from the beginning...because of an upcoming wedding! Do you see this @bringingupburns?Project 365 306/365: Starting from the beginning…because of an upcoming wedding! Do you see this @bringingupburns?

Project 365 306/365: My son keeps checking out library books about crabs....Project 365 307/365: My son keeps checking out library books about crabs….

Project 365 307/365: Got a second pair of glasses. Black Oakley's for work. More tactical...But a little hipsterProject 365 308/365: Got a second pair of glasses. Black Oakley’s for work. More tactical…But a little hipster

life rearranged

Sparkly Vampires Are In My Future

I have this friend, Erin. She has a ton of teen angst. Me thinks she has some unresolved issues from high school. Ok, Erin and I both do. We had a late night texting session last week about high school crushes.

Erin is a bit obsessed with a little series of young adult books. I’m sure you have heard of the series, you know, Twilight. Well, a new movie, Breaking Dawn, is coming out soon, and Erin is have a pre-party. Erin goes ALL OUT for her themed parties. She is pretty incredible like that.

Breaking Dawn Movie Premiere Pre-Party Invite

I received Erin’s invitation the other day, and of course I’m going. What are friend’s for? I am going to support my crazy friend who text messages me with Twitter style hashtags like #drowninginthedeependofmycrazy and #officiallydrowned. But I only know a little about these sparkly vampires that she is obsessed with.

So I borrowed the books from Erin. I just started Twilight today. I have a ton of reading to do. So if you are wondering why I’m not blogging, or interacting online…I’m reading about vampires.

And in two weeks, I will be pre-partying at Erin’s, and then watching a movie at Oh-my-goodness 12am, with the rest of the crazies. Can I get a shirt that says Team Erin?

P.S. Erin made that party invite, herself. It is double-sided. Her address and contact info are on the back. She is pretty rad like that.

P.P.S. Wish me luck with all of this reading!!!

Pinter Test Kitchen: Success in October

Jessica Johnson from Keeping up with the Johnsons started a little project called PinterTest Kitchen. This project basically is where you post about things that you have tried or made from the ideas that you “pin” on Pinterest. As of right now, I have 36 boards and 1154 pins on Pinterest.  1154 pins is a lot. I’ve done a few projects that I’ve found on there so I thought I would join in and share.

Halloween Bunting

Of course, I caught on the bunting trend like everyone else. My only problem is that I don’t sew. I found this Banner Tutorial awhile ago. I got all of the fabric for a Halloween theme.  I cut out the banners, and got the bias tape. I prepped everything….and then outsourced the sewing to Alissa from Rags to Stitches.  Alissa is always sewing something. I bribed her with usage of a basket of mine that she covets. I’m going to start looking for some fabric for a Christmas themed bunting next. Hopefully by the time I’m ready, I will be able to do the sewing myself.

Besides poking myself in the fingers with the pins and outsourcing the sewing, this project was a big win! The author of the tutorial has a great template for the banners also. I have permanently saved that template.

I made a few extra banners and sent them to my cousin-in-law Jackie in Arizona.  I’m going to make her some Christmas ones too.

Project 365 289/365: Mailed this Halloween bunting to cousin-in-law today. I outsourced the sewing to my seamstress @ragstostitches yet again.

CrockPot BBQ Chicken

Ironically, I tried a recipe from Jessica last month. In October, she posted an easy recipe for CrockPot BBQ Chicken.  I’ve had a crockpot for quite some time and I barely use it. I thought this simple recipe was something that I could do.  I got all the ingredients and made it on a Monday. The recipe says to cook it between 4-6 hours. I found that 5.5 hours is the perfect time for it. We came home from soccer practice and our house smelled so good.

Angry Husband and Angry Kid are super picky. They ate every bite of this chicken. I served it with baked beans and corn, plus a loaf of fresh french bread. This chicken is now a family favorite.

Another Pinterest Win for me!

CrockPot BBQ ChickenNutter Butter Ghosts

I’ve known about this recipe for Nutter Butter Ghosts for about two years. I always forgot about it when it came time for Halloween. This year, I remembered.  My friend Kelly posted about the recipe, that she actually got from her cousin Marta. Marta has the step-by-step directions. Yes, it looks super easy right?

Well, I was dumb and forgot about the double broiler part. I burnt my white chocolate upon my first attempt. I had to make a call for help to Kelly. She advised me that you cannot put chocolate straight onto heat because it will burn. She talked me through the double broiler method and the microwave version. The microwave version is to put the white chocolate into a bowl, and microwave it for 30 seconds. You take it out, and stir it. You put the bowl back into the microwave for 30 seconds, and stir again. You keep using 30 second intervals until the chocolate is finally melted. I had to do this three times.

But I survived and the cookies turned out awesome. Even my parents were impressed.

Nutter Butter Ghosts. Thanks to @according2kelly for helping me with "technical difficulties".

So far, I’ve had no Pinterest fails. I am picky about the projects that I chose. And I don’t like to lose. Hopefully, I can practice on some Christmas-themed goodies this month.

Have you completed a project or recipe from Pinterest? What was your favorite thing that you’ve done? What projects should I or other people stay away from?

Link-Up with JJ!

Wordless Wednesday: Halloween Night

Last year was the first year that we stayed in our neighborhood for trick-or-treating.  Angry Husband stayed home to hand out candy while I took Angry Kid with his friends.  I came really late that night, and told Angry Husband all about the awesomeness of the local neighborhoods.

Angry Husband was sure to not miss out on the trick-or-treating fun this year.  He invited his friends and their kids.  It was fun to see Angry Kid interact with the little ones.

Calvin and Angry KidCalvin was a firefighter. He got a ton of attention with his battery-powered inflatable firetruck. Angry Kid was a ninja. A great combination!

Halloween Decor while Trick-or-Treating
JAD_6485The houses had some awesome Halloween decor. It was super dark outside so I didn’t want to blind everyone with my flash. I got a few shots of the decorations.

JAD_6473Angry Kid ran into a friend from school. Actually, he ran into several friends, but all of the kids were running around like crazies. It was hard to catch them to take photos.

Disney Princess Carriage Pumpkin, from the neighborhoodThis was my favorite thing of the night. A house was decorated with Disney Princess pumpkins all over their front yard. The pumpkins were amazing. But there were so many people, it was hard to get photos. I hear that they go all out every year. Seriously, this carriage took my breath away though.

Angry Kid got quite the haul of candy. He stopped several times to have Angry Husband dump the candy into a backpack. The kids lasted from 6:15pm to 8:00pm which is pretty good.


Welcome to “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

Project AliciaBetter in BulkBy Word of Mouth MusingsDear CrissyFive Minutes For MomLive and Love…Out Loud, Parenting By DummiesSeven Clown CircusSupermomThe Divine Miss Mommy

Also, Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy does “What I Wore Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

And, I can’t forget Krystina from Lollipops whom does “What I Love Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

Link Up Your Wordless Wednesday Post:

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Angry Julie Monday


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