Things I’ve Never Done

It seems like “Life Lists” are the new black.  But I cracked up when Mama Kat made a Writer’s Prompt, based on a blog post from The Pioneer Woman.

So of course, I had to do something similar.

I’m 35 years, 11 months, and 6 days old.

And I’ve never:

1.  Used Photoshop to edit my photographs

HalloweenTime at DisneylandPhotographed/Edited in Picnik by Me.

2.  Had a cup of coffee

3.  Gotten a passport

4.  Used a sewing machine

5.  Gone on a cruise

6.  Ironed a shirt

My dry cleaning. Hanging in my son’s shower. No ironing by me.

7.  Ran a 1/2 Marathon

8.  Traveled out of the country

9.  Grown a vegetable garden

10.  Painted a room completely by myself

Angry Husband painting the closetAngry Husband painting my son’s closet.

11.  Been Surfing

12.  Had hair longer than the middle of my back

13.  Been to Walt Disney World

14.  Made a pie

15.  Made jelly and/or jam

16.  Cooked a turkey by myself

17.  Been on  a “stripper” pole

18.  Played a musical instrument

19.  Eaten Nutella

20.  Learned to whistle

21.  Made any of Babble dot com’s Top 50 lists

22.  Written any type of Life List

Mama’s Losin’ It

Wordless Wednesday: Grocery Shopper In Training

My son was off school on Monday for a teacher in-service day. We lounged around in the morning, and set out to run some errands in the afternoon. I had to go to the grocery store to get some supplies for dinner that night, which was Crockpot BBQ Chicken. Which was delicious, by the way. Angry Kid wanted to help with the shopping so he grabbed one of those little carts. I told him what we needed and he did the shopping. YAY!

And I totally blame, Julie, for my addiction to this PicFrame App, which makes collages of your iPhone photos. Yep, I took the photos with my iPhone and made the collage within minutes of taking the photos.

My Grocery Shopper in Training. He was in charge today.

Welcome to “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

Project AliciaBetter in BulkBy Word of Mouth MusingsDear CrissyFive Minutes For MomJoy of DessertsLive and Love…Out Loud, Parenting By DummiesSeven Clown CircusSupermom, The Divine Miss Mommy

Also, Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy does “What I Wore Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

And, I can’t forget Krystina from Lollipops whom does “What I Love Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

Link Up Your Wordless Wednesday Post:

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Blog Sugar, The Conference

A few weeks ago, I grabbed my buddy April from her hotel in Huntington Beach, and we headed towards a little town called Westminster.  We were attending Blog Sugar, a one-day conference.

Angry Julie and April KennedyPhoto from April Kennedy. I love this picture of us.

We arrived at the location, a little early and I got my chatter box on. If you don’t know me, you should know, I love to talk. Sorry, it is a bad problem.  My only problem is that I start talking with them, and then I promptly forget their names.  It is becoming a VERY BAD habit for me. So please forgive me if you met me and I seemed rude or clueless. I’m just tired, so very tired from life.

After we formerly checked in, we got our mingling on.  It was fun to have some time to chat with everyone.  I spoke with some old friends, and made some new ones.

Blog Sugar 11
And since it was Blog Sugar, I had some cotton candy with friends. I captured this photo of Erin and Alissa with their cotton candy. I can already say what Erin will reply with, “ugh a picture of me and my double chin”. Oh Erin, you don’t have a double chin, it was just the way the photo was taken. I promise.

Blog Sugar 11, Erin and Alissa
And YIPPEE, they had a great photobooth set-up. Melissa Munding a local photographer captured these fun moments with the great striped backdrop.
blog sugar_0025

Jen is hilarious and was one of the hostesses/leaders for the event. And a personal friend, of course. She is one of the many people who think I am nuts. She is an awesome photographer, also.

blog sugar_0049

And look at me and Erin, all matchy-matchy in our stripes. Erin and I are both CRAZY BUSY ADD/OCD MOMS. Yes, I had to write that in caps, to stress how crazy we are. Erin and I are texting buddies, and she might leave things in her mailbox for me.  I may have even done a drive-by at her house for an Irish Car Bomb cupcake in the Spring.

Can you believe that this was only the beginning of the event? Just wait, there’s more!

Blog Sugar 11

At each place setting, we were greeted with a donut and agenda.  Now this is definitely a nice greeting. A little more sugar to start the day. We had a great welcome and some introductions from Rachel, who was/is the Queen of Blog Sugar, aka Founder.

Blog Sugar 11Photo by Ruthanne Photo.

And then, we were on our way to listen to our first speaker.  I had chosen, Jen. She was speaking on photography. Jen gave some awesome tips. She started the conversation off by asking everyone whether they were blogging on Blogger or WordPress. I was shocked at how many people are still on Blogger and have a URL for their sites. PEOPLE please buy a dot com. They are so CHEAP.

Along with talking about photography skills, white balance, composure, and editing, we discussed photo hosting. I host my photographs on Flickr for my blog.  I pay for the premium version. I believe that it is $24.95 a YEAR. This blog is a hobby, but like any other hobby, I spend and invest money on it.  When you load your photographs onto Blogger, they own/have your photos. If your blog crashes, you can lose those photos.  Make sure you have your blog photos uploaded somewhere else.

After listening to Jen speak, it was time for dinner.  I sat down with my table mates, and shoveled until it was done.  I was soooo hungry. But of course, I saved some room for dessert.  There was a dessert buffet in the back of the room. I waited for a few minutes and I should have gone sooner, because the desserts were disappearing fast.

Blog Sugar 11

I assure you, I did not eat everything on this plate. I took little bites here and there. But seriously, this sugar goodness was amazing. The desserts were from Mod Gourmet.

Blog Sugar 11Photo by Ruthanne Photo.

After devouring dinner and dessert, I ventured on to my next speaker, Sarah.  Sarah is one of those people that I’ve heard so much about, but have never met. And who would have known, we live very close to each other too.

Sarah spoke about writing. I’ve never been one to attend any type of conference session on “writing”.  I don’t consider myself a writer, but more of a photographer.  I tend to elaborate on the photographs that I post, rather than “write”.  Sarah is amazing, and even though she was a bit nervous, her points came across. Maybe it was because I sat in the front row, sucking up all the words that she had to give.  She spoke about having a unique voice, carving out a space in the blogging community as an expert, and have some sort of focus to your blog. I did not take notes but listened carefully. I’m not one to take notes, but rather, I remember key points to things.  She went on to speak about being real, telling stories, and carving out a safe space for conversation.  You know that there are blogs that you may read, but will NEVER comment on, ya, I have those in my reader too.

I walked away with a ton of thoughts in my head after hearing Sarah speak.  I also made some realizations. Some days, I’ve got nothing to post. So I’m not going to stress about posting here.  Since my son entered elementary school last year, we are swamped.  I am up late at night trying to get everything in my life done, and sometimes, there is just no time for blogging. But I do wish I had more time for photography. My camera misses me.

Blog Sugar 11Photo by Ruthanne Photo.

Nish. She was the third and last speaker that I had chosen. I met Nish at Blissdom earlier in the year. We were both official photographers, so we both ran around like crazy people, never really stopping to chat.

Nish spoke about Hot Topics and Haters.  Now I love a hot topic, but I rarely write or post about them. I have a general rule that I’ve started to live by when blogging, “If I go back into my archives two years from now, will this controversial and heated post make sense?”  I have enough controversy in my life. I don’t need to write about it. Honestly, I know a lot of people who write about controversial topics just to raise their blog traffic. I’ve seen people go on a complete rant about a controversial topic when it makes NO SENSE with the rest of their blog posts. Nish likes to call those “word bombs”.

All I can say is that people REALLY need to research a topic before they post about it, especially when they write a post that might become controversial. If you have a personal story, that is even better. Tell the story about how this topic relates to you.  I tend to get “bitchy” on posts that talk about working mothers. But I rarely post my rants on my own blog.  But I do appreciate a good controversial post, because I love some drama.  So hopefully, the writer will control and work through the comments on a post, because it can get out of hand.

Here is the first of three posts that Nish wrote to recap her talk.  I did lots of nodding and “uh huhs” when she was speaking. It was like I knew whom she was talking about.

After hearing Nish speak, I headed back to my table.  Some lucky women won raffle prizes, and then we were introduced to Love146. Love146 works toward the abolition of child sex slavery and exploitation through Prevention and Aftercare solutions while contributing to a growing abolition movement.

I’m including their video so you can get a little preview about the organization. These people are doing amazing things.

After a tear-filled presentation from Love146, our closing and keynote speaker, Meg Duerksen came up to speak. Meg spoke about “using your blog for good”. Meg also told her story about Cora’s Playground Fundraiser. I remember when the fundraiser was going on in 2009.  Because of Cora bringing everyone together, I still read many of the blogs of the women whom were involved with Cora’s Playground. Meg was so real and genuine. It was a nice end to the day.

At the end of the night, I was very tired from a long day, but I wanted to get some pictures with some of my new friends. I’m sure that there’s more, but I grabbed one with Ashley and me, because it was pretty cute.

Blog Sugar 11 Photo from Little Miss Momma.

Isn’t Ashley adorable? I wanted to package her up and take her home with me. I’ve been reading Ashley’s blog for a few months. She came up to introduce herself at the end of the night. I handed her my business card, and waited for the smile. I told her that I didn’t want to run and scream, “Hi I’m Julie, Angry Julie” because there were already so many people that wanted to meet her.

I want to give a shout out to everyone I met. Seriously, I will be stopping by your sites. There are too many great people to list.

This post has been in draft for a few weeks so forgive me. I haven’t even written a complete BlogHer Recap either, because I have way too much to say!!

Project 365: Week 41

Another crazy week. I like to taunt you with pictures of my food, cause I can. Angry Kid has been quite entertaining as usual. And I finally broke down and stated that we need a second DVR again. Well, we decided to go with a whole home DVR system through the cable company. Husband is currently re-wiring the house before the cable guy comes.

Project 365 280/365: Kid's blackened chicken bowl and chips & salsa = late lunch awesomeness @WahoosFishTacoProject 365 281/365: Kid’s blackened chicken bowl and chips & salsa = late lunch awesomeness @WahoosFishTaco

Project 365 281/365: Enjoying this delicious waffle @Cheesecake for brunch.Project 365 282/365: Enjoying this delicious waffle @Cheesecake for brunch.

Project 365 282/365: Meet my new cleaning guy. I think I will keep him.Project 365 283/365: Meet my new cleaning guy. I think I will keep him.

Project 365 283/365: Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich from Trader Joe's for after-school snack.Project 365 284/365: Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich from Trader Joe’s for after-school snack.

Project 365 284/365: Husband, Friend and Angry Kid playing Bey Blades. I can't make this up. Hilarious.Project 365 285/365: Husband, Friend and Angry Kid playing Bey Blades. I can’t make this up. Hilarious.

Project 365 285/365: My son texted me from hubby's iPhone. He is excited to get his own DVR not DVD.Project 365 286/365: My son texted me from hubby’s iPhone. He is excited to get his own DVR not DVD.

Project 365 286/365: Lovely...husband is running coax, yet again!Project 365 287/365: Lovely…husband is running coax, yet again!

life rearranged

My Family Photo Ideas, which My Husband Hates

We have family pictures scheduled on October 24th with DrewB. Yes, that DrewB. So you know that I’m completely freaking out, right?

So I happened to mention some of my ideas for the photos tonight. Maybe a Star Wars theme? My husband was not too impressed with my ideas. Actually, he was ranting something like, “I don’t want our photos to be on Reddit or Fail Blog.”

He then texted me a picture….with the comment, “I don’t want photos that look like this”.

Bunny Family-Demotivational PicsSource: Demotivational Pics

Obviously, my husband does not understand my creative side….

We don’t have any daughters….

And….I don’t even like rabbits….geez….

Back to the drawing board.

Wordless Wednesday: First Grade School Photo

I’m always anxious to get back Angry Kid’s school photos. I wonder if he is going to smile right, or make a funny face.  So far, so good. We’ve gotten great pictures the past two years.  Also, instead of getting a packet of pictures that we will forget to cut up or hand out, I buy the CD now.  I can them upload the photos and email etc. to family members.

First Grade School Photo 2011-2012

And for a comparison between Kindergarten and First Grade, here’s a side-by-side view.

School Pictures 2010-2012Welcome to “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

Project AliciaBetter in BulkBy Word of Mouth MusingsDear CrissyFive Minutes For Mom, Joy of DessertsLive and Love…Out Loud, Parenting By DummiesSeven Clown CircusSupermom, The Divine Miss Mommy

Also, Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy does “What I Wore Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

And, I can’t forget Krystina from Lollipops whom does “What I Love Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

Link Up Your Wordless Wednesday Post:

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OC Blogger Bash

With TV Shows like Mad Men and Pan Am, retro looks and themes are a big hit. Last weekend, I was invited to the OC Blogger Bash which was held at The Anaheim Convention Center.  The theme of the OC Blogger Bash was a 1960’s look. Kelly and I had gone shopping at Bettie Page when we were in San Diego in August. We both had the perfect outfits for the occasion.

OC Blogger BashIt was a delight to see everyone dressed up for the occasion. Especially since it was a “themed” event. I loved everyone’s outfits. I started off the night with a root beer float.  I can’t remember how long it has been since I’ve had a float. And Pepsi in glass bottles, yes please! The hosts definitely went along with the theme with the food and drinks.

I get invited to a ton of events that I rarely attend due to work, kid, Los Angeles, etc. Everything seems to be in LA, and it is a far drive from Orange County. I love that this event was in Orange County. It was nice to drive fifteen minutes to seen so many of my blogging friends that I rarely get to see.  Although it is humorous to see people that live blocks away, only at blogging events. Sharon and I live only a few blocks away, and we rarely see each other. Seriously, our sons attend the same school. I’m pretty much in love with this photograph.

@CupcakesCutlery and @AngryJulieI was able to hang out and chat with familiar friends at the event, but I also met some new friends. I loved meeting Jason and Kim from Saturday Night Foodies. We had an interesting discussion about random stuff like crown molding, home theaters, and Amazon. We also talked about food trucks, of course.

Jenny and Caryn made me laugh. We were watching a fashion show with vintage wear, while Jenny and Caryn were random as usual. I can’t even remember the exact conversation, but it made me giggle.

Cheryl and Kim at The OC Blogger Bash Cheryl looks sassy with her Pepsi. She deserved that Pepsi. She had just ran a 1/2 Marathon earlier that morning. Kim, well, she looked like a diva. She was getting ready to take some photos in the photobooth. She put that silly hat and sunglasses on for the photos.

Speaking of photobooths, Kelly and I hoped into the photobooth for some fun pictures also. Thanks to Photo Booth Pro for the pictures. I loved their green screen backgrounds.

OCBloggerBash, Photobooth FunIn between socializing, eating, and winning raffle prizes, Kelly and I took some time to pose with the cars at the event. The cars were provided by The Marconi Automotive Museum. Kelly looks like she belongs in the 1960’s, doesn’t she? She really loves a theme party. She is rocking that vintage inspired dress. She was one of four winners that night for best dressed.

@according2kelly @ The OC Blogger BashYea, and I was holding my dress funny. I hate when I look at pictures later and think, “dumb Julie”. My hair is starting to grow out, so I could only do so much with the poof on top. I pulled out my curling iron for the first time in like five years that night.

@AngryJulie at The OC Blogger BashThe sponsors went all out for the event that night, and there were a ton of raffle prizes. I won a children’s birthday party at Pretend City. Pretend City is an awesome interactive children’s museum. It was such a great prize to win.

I can’t wait to see everyone else’s pictures from that night. I saw lots of cameras snapping away.  I only took a few pictures. I’m pretty sure that most of them are in this post.

Thanks to MomsLA, The Anaheim/Orange County Visitor and Convention Bureau for hosting a thoroughly enjoyable party, and to All The Generous Sponsors for donating such wonderful prizes! It turned out to be a beautiful Fall night in Orange County!

Ruby’s Studio, A Review

At The BlogHer Conference in August, I had the opportunity to meet Abbie and Samantha, the mothers behind “The Mother Company”. I actually ended up a rather delicious dinner with them. We had a great discussion about our kids, our school, and everything else that involves being a mother, and a smart business woman, of course. They told us all about their company, and what the company’s core values are.

The Mother Company

The Mother Company is on a mission, to redefine screen time. They have found through studies that children ages 2-11 watch an average of 32 hours of television a week. They are redefining children’s TV by offering:

  • Programming that offers helpful solutions to everyday challenges for both kids and parents.
  • Programs that model good behavior.
  • Entertainment that is fun, stylish, and educational all at the same time.
  • Content and pacing that doesn’t make kids – or parents – freak out.

Ruby's Studio-The Feeling Show

I had the pleasure of reviewing a copy of “Ruby’s Studio-The Feelings Show”, which I was given during the BlogHer Conference. Honestly, I knew that this would be a hard sell for my son.  I knew that he was at the top of the age range for the video series, and might not want to watch the DVD.  I popped in the DVD one day and just let it play. When it came on, my son wanted nothing to do with it, as I expected. But then a few minutes later, I could hear him behind me. He was standing behind the couch, watching the show.  I think the way that the show incorporates a friendly main character, Ruby, along with real kids, and animation is the perfect combination.

It could also be the place where Ruby’s Studio, The Feelings Show was filmed. They were in a natural lit art studio. It was a wide open space with brilliant decorating and bright colors. I’m sure that my son was in awe of that, because he loves arts and crafts.

My son watched the whole DVD and interacted with it while it was on. As a six-year old, I think he had a great understanding of what the message was.  He understood that it was ok to have “feelings” and that we could talk about them.  More than a few times in my parenting career, I have asked him, “Why are you so mad? What made you angry?” I’ve learned to be more direct with my questioning as he has become a bit evasive with his answers.  Having tools like Ruby’s Studio makes parenting a whole lot easier, when you are given indicators, or topics for parenting discussions with your children.

This DVD is the first one in the Ruby’s Studio series. I think it is awesome. As I said prior, as a first grader, my son is at the top of the age range for Ruby’s Studio, but the pre-school age (3-6) is the perfect age.

Ruby’s Studio can be found at Whole Foods, The Mother Company, and Amazon. Retail price is $19.99.

Disclosure: I was given a copy of Ruby’s Studio, The Feelings Show free during The BlogHer Conference in August. All photographs/graphics in this post are courtesy of The Mother Company. All opinions in this review are mine and are not influenced in any way.

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Angry Julie Monday


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