Today is Halloween!!! Angry Kid and his friends were totally bummed that they could not dress up for school. Only the kindergarteners were allowed to dress up. The first graders are having a party though. I get to volunteer in the class during the party, yippee for me, I think?
I finally got some pictures of the simple decorations that I put up in our house. I figure since it is the last day of the month, and actual Halloween, I should/would share. I’m a slacker like that. Ok, honestly, my house is a pain to photograph. NEVER use semi-gloss paint unless it is a kitchen or a bathroom. My living room walls are so reflective. It is a total pain to take photographs.
This view is where most of my decorations are. The picture frame all have different photos from Halloween’s in the past. I buy the frames on sale at the end of the Season. The bunting above the TV was made by me. The other Halloween things have been collected over the years.
The console/sofa table was a great find by me on Craig’s List. Like the photos displayed near the TV, these are photos from Halloween in the past. The wreath on the front door is a Harvest Themed Wreath made by cousin-in-law Jackie. The bunting above the office doorway and on the dining room mirror was made by me.
On Sunday (yesterday), we went to the Pumpkin and Pancakes event at South Coast Plaza. It was our first time attending. The event raises money for CASA Orange County, CHOC Children’s Foundation, and Orangewood Children’s Foundation. We were invited to attend this event as special guests/media.
We started off the event by having a delicious buffet breakfast including pancakes, and other delightful breakfast foods. The event was held on all three floors of South Coast Plaza West. On the first floor, there was a DJ, and dancing with some of the characters that stopped by. The second floor had the buffet breakfast, silent auction items, and photographs. The third floor had arts & crafts, facepainting, hair feathers, and balloon animals. Angry Kid had a hard time deciding which thing to select first, but he chose facepainting.
Angry Kid told the make-up woman that he wanted an “atom bomb symbol”. Yea, I did the translation to a hazmat symbol. I was able to pull up a graphic on my iPhone to help her out.
After the facepainting was finished, it was time for crafts. Angry Kid was big on the crafts. He wanted to do every craft. That kid of mine loves glue sticks.
There were some awesome gift packs for the Silent Auction. Ironically, Angry Kid already had most of the toys…yikes, we have a ton of stuff at our house.
Of course, Angry Kid spent so much time doing crafts, we ended up in an extremely long line for balloon animals. When we go to the front, Angry Kid did not know what he wanted. He settled on a sword…Ya, this sword is a bit odd looking.
We finished the morning off with some trick-or-treating.
I had to take this picture because I heart Hello Kitty.
It was a fun morning at South Coast Plaza. I really appreciated the invitation and Angry Kid had a blast.
Now, if we can just survive tonight!! Wish me luck!