Project 365: Week 39

This is how life in suburbia looks. We’ve got soccer, a little blog conferencing, homework, crafts, illness, and caffeine. My son must have brought some bug home last week because I had a full blown cold come on at 12am, Monday morning. I was pretty sick until Wednesday when I started feeling better.

On Thursday morning around 2am, Angry Kid started vomiting. Nothing like that mad dash for towels and carpet cleaner in the wee hours of the morning. I think it was a 24-hour thing because he is all better now.

And as for InstaChallenge, I got a little crafty this week. I’m in the process of making a Halloween bunting to hang in my house. I’ve had the fabric for around two weeks now, but no time. A little sickness gave me some time to start working on it. Day 270, shows me cutting the fabric and also multi-tasking while watching some Law and Order SVU.

Project 365 265/365: Entire team's soccer jerseys in our @BoschAppliances washer. One hour between game & picture day. #teammomProject 365 267/365: Entire team’s soccer jerseys in our @BoschAppliances washer. One hour between game & picture day. #teammom

Project 365 266/365: Opening remarks at #blogsugar11. Love the decorations!Project 365 268/365: Opening remarks at #blogsugar11. Love the decorations!

Project 365 267/365: Ya, me and my bed are BFF's today. I blame my kid for bringing germies home.Project 365 269/365: Ya, me and my bed are BFF’s today. I blame my kid for bringing germies home.

Project 365 268/365: First grade homework. Slight meltdown over the journal.Project 365 270/365: First grade homework. Slight meltdown over the journal.

Project 365 269/365: These two were very brave and tried to make friends with me just now.Project 365 271/365: These two were very brave and tried to make friends with me just now.

Project 365 270/365: Crafts and watching SVU. #multitaskingProject 365 272/365: Crafts and watching SVU. #multitasking

Project 365 271/365: Can I get this @DrPepper in an IV? It would probably caffeinate me faster.Project 365 273/365: Can I get this @DrPepper in an IV? It would probably caffeinate me faster.

life rearranged

First Grade Writing Prompts

Every week my son has journal writing as part of his homework.  Last year, Angry Kid had some very simple prompts.  But this year’s first homework prompt actually gave me an idea for blog material.  I figure that I could manipulate it a little to fit my writing. We will see how it goes. I might not doing it all the time, but thought that it would be fun.

“Write 3 things that you like about being in first grade” is this week’s prompt.  I’m going to now write my version.

“Three Things That I Like About First Grade”

First Grade Homework1.  Longer School Days

Angry Kid was an early bird for Kindergarten last year.  He went to school from 8:15am-11:35am.  The mornings would fly by.  You really couldn’t get much done.

Angry Kid goes to school from 8:15am-2:15pm now, and gets an early out every Wednesday.  It is simply amazing.  We did the after-school program last year for childcare three days a week.  My mom is picking up Angry Kid two days a week after school now.  It is all going well.

2.  Not Volunteering Every Monday

I volunteered EVERY Monday in my son’s class last year.  I was there for journal writing, worksheet assistance, and anything else that I was needed for.  I loved being in my son’s class, but it really limited my free time on my days off.  I knew that his teacher counted on the parent volunteers so I never missed a day.  I wanted to sleep in soooo bad, but I never did.

I put my name down to assist with making copies or other simple things this year.  I didn’t commit to a scheduled weekly time each week.  I have a lot more freedom.  Plus, I know more people (parents) now, so I will have an open ear to what is going on in the class, with my son, etc.

3. My Son’s Confidence

Everything was an unknown last year.  Although we had a great deal of structure last year, Angry Kid stumbled through homework and academics.  Angry Kid was learning how to form his letters, write, and to read, all at the same time.  It was a lot of work for a five-year-old.  It seemed like he finally got it all around Spring Break last year.  It finally clicked for him.  During the summer, he was trying REALLY hard with his reading and spelling.  He kept trying to sound out words from signs, and even things on TV.

Angry Kid was noticeably different this year.  He walked to school without complaining. I told him last year that he has to carry his own backpack, to and from school.  He never hesitated and grabs it every morning.  He gives us input for his school lunches.  His choices have included snap peas, sliced oranges, and water.  I’m not quite sure if this kid is mine sometimes.  Although, we are struggling with the journal writing, he flew through the rest of his homework.  He totally gets math, which is good, because it completely confuses me.  He is a great reader, and I can tell that he is really try hard to sound out the words that he doesn’t understand.

I think that the biggest lesson that we learned from Kindergarten is time management.  We learned to break up the homework and not pile it all on at once. Plus, Angry Kid gets super cranky after 6pm or so.  We can’t really accomplish anything after then.  We are going to start doing a reward type of system for reading at home.  Once I figure out exactly what we are doing, I will post about it.

And really, the worst thing about first grade is the exhaustion.  Angry Kid has so much going on and I’m sure that he is soo tired at the end of the day.  I know, I’m tired.  I’m sure it will take a few months to get used to full-day school, and first grade. We had a rough first week.

What are your favorite things about school being back in session? No matter how old your kids are.

Wordless Wednesday: Blog Sugar 11

On Sunday, I attended a Blog Conference held in Westminster, CA called Blog Sugar. It was pretty awesome to be able to drive to an event.  It was great to see everyone there.  I’m waiting to get some more pictures to do a recap post, but I thought that I would give you a little teaser here.

We all have one of these at our place setting at the tables.  A little sugar for Blog Sugar.  Of course, Erin loves some Twilight, so we had to take this picture.

Blog Sugar 11Welcome to “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

Project AliciaBetter in BulkBy Word of Mouth MusingsDear CrissyFive Minutes For Mom,Joy of DessertsLive and Love…Out Loud,Parenting By DummiesSeven Clown CircusSupermom, The Divine Miss Mommy

Also, Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy does “What I Wore Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

And, I can’t forget Krystina from Lollipops whom does “What I Love Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

Link Up Your Wordless Wednesday Post:

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Halloween Rag Wreath Tutorial

As I’ve said before, I like to surround myself with crafty people.  Seriously, if I had more time, I could be more crafty.  I mean really, I have a ton of ideas… I’m sure you have seen all of the lovely things, projects, places, and food that I post on my Pinterest account, right?

Well, my cousin-in-law aka my husband’s cousin, Jackie, posted this Halloween wreath on her Facebook wall last week.  I might have replied, “Make me one and mail it, hahahahaha”. Well she replied, and wouldn’t you know it, she’s going to be in my town this week.  So she’s making me one! Honestly, I actually have a STACK of Halloween fabric on my desk, right next to me. I bought it to make some Halloween bunting to put up somewhere.  It’s not even October yet, so I’ve got some time.

But then I had a thought. Wouldn’t this wreath be perfect to put on my blog. So I had Jackie type up a little tutorial for me.

Halloween Rag Wreath
What You Need:

1) Wire wreath from Joann’s, Michael’s, Hobby Lobby (I used the medium size one – there are three sizes range from $1.99-$3.99)
2) About 1.5-2 yards of fabric in coordinating colors or all the same pattern (I used the quarter bundle Halloween prints from Joann’s)
3) Two Spools of coordinating ribbon
4) 2″ Satin Ribbon for bow or any other letters/tie on items for completion

How to Execute:
1) Cut your fabric into 1″ wide by 6-8″ long pieces (try a few pieces and tie on your wreath to see the length, depending on how long/shaggy you want it).
2) Cut your ribbon into to the same lengths (6-8″ long)
3) Start tying your fabric pieces and ribbon (double knots) in a pattern around your wreath.  I recommend starting with your smallest inner ring and working your way out.
4) Tie all of your fabric and ribbon pieces so they are full and fluffy throughout your entire ring.  You will want to push all of the knots as close together as possible so you do not see any of the wire wreath.
5) Finish with a bow or wood letters.  I tied a simple satin bow and adorned with a green glitter spider (.99) from Walmart.

Tip: Use pinking shears for a nice clean cut and cute pattern on your wreath!
Tip Junkie handmade projects


Thirty Hand Made Days

Friday Night Lights

On Friday night, I snuck over to a high school football game on my lunch hour at work. It wasn’t just any high school, it was my high school. They were playing our rival team, as what locals call it, “The Battle of the Bay”.  Every year Newport Harbor High School and Corona Del Mar High School have a HUGE football game against each other.  They are rival schools.

I'm enjoying my real live Friday Night Lights with @bringingupburns tonight.

I met up with Erin whom also attended Newport Harbor High School. She was there with all of her cute kidlets.  Erin was also surrounded by screaming pre-teens.  I think it was worse than hell. These girls and boys, no more than eleven or twelve years old, we OBNOXIOUS.

I am so glad that we did not have social networking while I was in high school.  I remember having a pager in my senior year, but we didn’t have cellphones….eighteen years ago. Yikes, I’m aging myself.  These kids were running around taking pictures of each other with their own cellphones, and then posting them on Facebook.  I knew this, because they were sooo fricken loud.  Erin and I just kept rolling our eyes.  At one point, I leaned over to Erin’s daughters, and pointing to all of the kids behind us.  I told them, “please, don’t ever be like this, you don’t want to act like this.”  Her poor daughters kept putting their hands on their ears.

But really, the best part of the game? We won!! When I arrived at the game, Newport was losing, and then they caught up! Victory! We won the Battle of the Bay!

And I am not looking forward to the screaming pre-teen and teen years. I’m not sure how I’m going to survive.  I swear we need to teach a class to our junior high schoolers and high schoolers about proper social networking and what not to do.  I’m sooo very afraid for our future generations.

Project 365: Week 38

Just another routine week with us. Only six photos this week because I included last Saturday in last week’s post. It has been crazy around the Angry house. Our house looks like a tornado took over inside it. And what the heck is up with the weather in Southern California? Hot…cold…hot…cold…

Project 365 259/365: Random things on our coffee table.
Project 365 260/365: Random things on our coffee table.

Project 365 259/365: Note to self: Don't buy Mini Oreos for the kid's lunch because umm one self will eat them.Project 365 261/365: Note to self: Don’t buy Mini Oreos for the kid’s lunch because umm one self will eat them.

Project 365 260/365: My dinner tonight....cerealProject 365 262/365: My dinner tonight….cereal.

Project 365 261/365: This is how we do mornings before school.Project 365 263/365: This is how we do mornings before school.

Project 365 262/365: A little Dr. Pepper to make it through the day.Project 365 264/365: A little Dr. Pepper to make it through the day.

Project 365 263/365: I heart chicken tacos from @WahoosFishTaco.Project 365 265/365: I heart chicken tacos from @WahoosFishTaco.

Project 365 264/365: My husband hates these jeans. He called the kid Emo today.Project 365 266/365: My husband hates these jeans. He called the kid Emo today.

Wordless Wednesday: A Wedding Photobooth

My friend and co-worker got married on Saturday.  I briefly wrote about it yesterday.  But one of the best parts was the photobooth. This is a new trend at weddings. I’m liking this trend.  They had a huge table of props to play with too.  My friend, Monique and I, put a few things on and then we went into the booth.  But really the most hilarious part was another friend would throw things in the booth between photos and then take things out. We had to keep switching props.

I think the photos are great! And what a fun memory for your wedding.

Monique and Julie in Jen's Wedding Photobooth

Welcome to “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

Project AliciaBetter in BulkBy Word of Mouth MusingsDear CrissyFive Minutes For Mom,Joy of DessertsLive and Love…Out Loud,Parenting By DummiesSeven Clown CircusSupermom, The Divine Miss Mommy

Also, Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy does “What I Wore Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

And, I can’t forget Krystina from Lollipops whom does “What I Love Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

Link Up Your Wordless Wednesday Post:

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Fall Came Fast

I remember whining about summer and all of the activity or lack of activity.  As they say, “be careful what you wish for”, because we have been SUPER busy lately.  Angry Kid started school, soccer, and work has been busy for Angry Husband and me.  I’m not quite sure how all of this laundry is getting done. Oh wait, it isn’t.  I had to take Angry Kid’s soccer stuff to my mom’s the other day, so she could wash it all while I was at work.

Someone asked me that other day about how I keep it all together, meaning, my organization.  I live for my Erin Condren Life Planner. This is the 3rd year that I’ve purchased one. I do not regret the purchase at all. As much as a tech nerd that I am, I still NEED a written paper planner.  I tried using a Google Calendar, but everytime there was an alert, I ignored it. With my Life Planner, I can write notes, leave post-its, and even paperclip invitations to the weekly pages.  I took a picture of how this week looks for me.  I don’t have my entire work schedule written in, and there is some other stuff I need to still write in, but this is most of the important stuff.  I used the “clone tool” on Picnik and removed my last name from my planner. I heart the colored and pre-printed stickers that come with the planner. They are life savers, and of course, they are pretty.

Erin Condren Life PlannerMy house literally looks like chaos right now. We have stuff on our kitchen counters, and kitchen table.  I’m tripping over my husband’s tools in the garage, and I think I’ve found at least twenty random Nerf darts throughout the house, just this morning.  You would think that I would be cleaning right now, but I am taking a little break.

I thought I would share a little sample of how the past two or so weeks have been:
First Day of SchoolBreakfast on an average school day.  I’m pretty sure that he was doing this on purpose to annoy me.

JAD_5412Angry Kid taking a break during a soccer game. Notice how he took my chair. By the way, don’t buy the cheap stadium chairs, they suck. Does anyone have any great suggestions for chairs to take to sporting events?  I want to buy some really good ones that will last.

I'm saying goodbye to my family for a few weeks, now that the #SpaceMarine game is out.The new Space Marine game is out.  Angry Husband and Angry Kid are quite obsessed. It is loud, so very loud in my house. Sometimes I regret those surround sound speakers everywhere in my house.

soccer25Oh yes, more soccer. I found out this past week that someone else takes better pictures than me. YAY!!!! One of the moms on our team took some EXCELLENT photos during last weeks game.  This is a classic photo of Angry Kid.  He never smiles like that for me.

Julie, Jen, and MoniqueAnd my friend and co-worker Jen got married. I stole this photo from Monique’s Facebook. The picture is of me, Jen, and Monique. Monique will also be a bride soon too. Her wedding is coming up in November!

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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