This is how life in suburbia looks. We’ve got soccer, a little blog conferencing, homework, crafts, illness, and caffeine. My son must have brought some bug home last week because I had a full blown cold come on at 12am, Monday morning. I was pretty sick until Wednesday when I started feeling better.
On Thursday morning around 2am, Angry Kid started vomiting. Nothing like that mad dash for towels and carpet cleaner in the wee hours of the morning. I think it was a 24-hour thing because he is all better now.
And as for InstaChallenge, I got a little crafty this week. I’m in the process of making a Halloween bunting to hang in my house. I’ve had the fabric for around two weeks now, but no time. A little sickness gave me some time to start working on it. Day 270, shows me cutting the fabric and also multi-tasking while watching some Law and Order SVU.
Project 365 267/365: Entire team’s soccer jerseys in our @BoschAppliances washer. One hour between game & picture day. #teammom
Project 365 268/365: Opening remarks at #blogsugar11. Love the decorations!
Project 365 269/365: Ya, me and my bed are BFF’s today. I blame my kid for bringing germies home.
Project 365 270/365: First grade homework. Slight meltdown over the journal.
Project 365 271/365: These two were very brave and tried to make friends with me just now.
Project 365 272/365: Crafts and watching SVU. #multitasking
Project 365 273/365: Can I get this @DrPepper in an IV? It would probably caffeinate me faster.