Wordless Wednesday: Ferris Wheel

The Orange County Fair starts on July 15th this year.  They always start setting up the rides and some of the other features at the end of May.  I wanted to get a photo of the La Grand Wheel before the Fair starts.  I took a zillion pictures, and I’m going to try some different editing techniques on them.  I’m going to print out some of the pictures and hang them in our master bedroom.

La Grande Wheel 2011

Welcome to “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

I’m trying to make it to every participants post if I can.  I made it halfway last week. It just depends on my schedule.

Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

Project AliciaBetter in BulkDear CrissyFive Minutes For MomLive and Love…Out Loud,Parenting By DummiesSeven Clown CircusSupermomThe Divine Miss Mommy

(P.S. if you do a Wordless Wednesday or similar link-up, let me know. I will add you to my list above.)

Also, Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy does “What I Wore Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up


Krystina from Lollipops does “What I Love Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

Be sure to check out their posts too. I wish I had the extra time to do all of these fabulous link-ups.

Galvanized Steel Magnet Board Project

Around two years ago, I bought a large wood frame from a builder’s surplus store.  I had no project in mind, but I knew that it was a good size (48 inches by 30 inches), and the price was right, around $10. We moved it around our garage several times, and eventually the frame ended up underneath our bed.  I can’t stand clutter, and it was driving me crazy.  While remodeling my son’s room last year, I finally came up with a project for the frame.  I was going to frame a cork board or chalk board on the wall in my son’s room with that wood frame.  I then realized that doing cork or chalk was not the best idea for a six year old’s room.  I knew my son would not do well if cork = push pins, and chalk, well chalk = mess.

Galvanized Magnet Board

I saw several magnet board projects on other blogs involving sheets of galvanized steel in picture frames.  I thought that this was an excellent idea for my frame project and headed towards our local hardware store.  I went to Home Depot and Lowe’s to look at their galvanized metal. Unfortunately, the frame was WAY TOO BIG, and the sheets of steel that these stores sell, is WAY TOO SMALL.  My co-worker told me awhile ago that her dad deals with metal.  It is a good thing that I remembered this.  I asked her if her dad could get me a large piece of galvanized steel and she said, “YES”.  I gave her the measurements and within a few days, she brought me the piece of galvanized steel.  I placed the piece of steel and the frame against my husband’s work bench in the garage, and there it sat, for another month.

Galvanized Magnet Board Before It Was Hung
Of course, I begged and asked my husband to help me with the project but we were both swamped. One day, he finally agreed to start on it.  He placed the galvanized steel against the wall, and pre-drilled the four corners, after measuring and making it level.  He then took it off the wall, and then checked the drywall to see if he needed anchors, or if he was drilling into the studs.  The reason that we were mounting the steel directly to the wall, and not to the frame, was because it was HEAVY, like VERY Heavy. If we used some kind of glue or epoxy to mount the steel to the frame, it would eventually come loose because of the weight.

Pre-drilling the wall for the magnet board mounting
After pre-drilling the steel, Angry Husband mounted the steel to the wall with dry wall screws. We use these screws a lot in our house. We buy them in bulk.  Angry Husband was moving at a very fast pace, so I took pictures with my iPhone.  Like they say “the best camera to use, is the one you have”.

Magnet board mounted to wall

After mounting the galvanized steel to the wall, Angry Husband then placed the unpainted frame against the wall around the steel.  He then marked the spots where he would place the screws.  He did some measurements, and then pre-drilled the frame.  He then pulled the frame away from the wall.  He then took the frame into the garage and counter sinked the holes so that the frame would lay flat.  I would have never thought of this.

Of course, I went on some errands, and Angry Husband had spray painted the frame while I was gone.  He used a can of primer black that was already in our garage.  We went with a primer black between the rest of the colors in the room are flat, and not shiny.  The orange chair rail is also a flat non-shiny orange. I had already sanded the frame prior to this project being started.

After the spray paint had dried for about a day, Angry Husband mounted the frame on the way.  He used the dry wall screws to secure it once again.

Galvanized Steel Magnet Board
I think that this project was super easy and turned out great. Just don’t get an extremely large frame and expect to find galvanized steel the same size at your local store, because you won’t.

I think Angry Kid’s room is finally done. It is about time!!  Now I just need to finish our master bedroom.

Get Your Craft On Tuesday

Tip Junkie handmade projects

Thirty Hand Made Days

Project 365: Week 25

I started off the week and ended the week with shoes. Hilarious. With some food, work outs, and a ferris wheel in between. Sometimes, my weeks are pretty random.  The ferris wheel picture is my favorite though.

Project 365 168/365: Going to 80's theme birthday party tonight. I busted out the white Doc Marten's with rainbow edging. What? Did you think I was going to dress preppy? #rebel
Project 365 169/365: Going to 80’s theme birthday party tonight. I busted out the white Doc Marten’s with rainbow edging. What? Did you think I was going to dress preppy? #rebel

Project 365 169/365: My son's lunch at the farmer's market today. Orange soda in a glass bottle and chicken on ciabatta.
Project 365 170/365: My son’s lunch at the farmer’s market today. Orange soda in a glass bottle and chicken on ciabatta.

Project 365 170/365: This Pyrex square was full an hour ago. Family attacked the lemon squares. The corners were the popular pieces.
Project 365 171/365: This Pyrex square was full an hour ago. Family attacked the lemon squares. The corners were the popular pieces.

Project 365 171/365: Me, The Gym, and backwards hat = hawt mess. Day #2 of get Julie fit!
Project 365 172/365: Me, The Gym, and backwards hat = hawt mess. Day #2 of get Julie fit!

Project 365 172/365: I'm getting my food culture on at Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles. Road trip from the OC.
Project 365 173/365: I’m getting my food culture on at Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles. Road trip from the OC.

Project 365 173/365: I had to take a picture of The La Grande Wheel @ocfair before they open next month. I wanted a photo without passengers.
Project 365 174/365: I had to take a picture of The La Grande Wheel @ocfair before they open next month. I wanted a photo without passengers.

These shoes are cute and simple. But they have a little secret. They are mean blister inducing sandals. Off they go to the donate pile when I get home.
Project 365 175/365: These shoes are cute and simple. But they have a little secret. They are mean blister inducing sandals. Off they go to the donate pile when I get home.

life rearranged

Friday Favorites #10: My 4th Blog Anniversary

Today is the day, Angry Julie Monday is FOUR years old.  I can’t even believe that I’ve been rambling this long.  It seems so long ago.  I have evolved so much.  Most of my beginning blog posts were rambles about non-sense.  I am much focused now.  I hope everyone keeps reading my blog for another four years or whenever!

Angry Julie's 4th Blog Anniversary(It is an awesome thing that I take photographs. I borrowed this photograph from my son’s 4th birthday invitation. He’s 6 now!)

And since today is Friday Favorites, I’m going to post some of my favorite blog posts from my archives. Some of them are my popular posts and some have been hidden, because they are old.

I Went To BogHer and All I Got Was This T-Shirt (August 2009)

No, I Won’t Join Your Mafia (September 2009)

I Was That Mom (September 2009)

We’ve Been Cloned (December 2009)

Our Real Simple Closet Makeover (December 2009)

Making Rainbow Cupcakes (March 2010)

Awestruck By  the iPad (July 2010)

Fear and Parenting (August 2010)

Ok, that is enough links for today. Those should keep you busy for awhile. Anyway thanks for stopping by!!!

Wordless Wednesday: Tanaka Farms

Angry Kid’s Kindergarten class took a fieldtrip to Tanaka Farms located here in Orange County, CA awhile ago.  I went along as a volunteer, and of course, I brought my camera. I’m still trying to play catch up with all of my photos for the past year.  All of the kids got to try some vegetables, and then they picked some strawberries.  It was a perfect day.

Tanaka Farms

Tanaka Farms

Welcome to “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed. I may be a little wordy today….

Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

Project AliciaBetter in BulkDear CrissyFive Minutes For MomLive and Love…Out Loud,Parenting By DummiesSeven Clown CircusSupermomThe Divine Miss Mommy

(P.S. if you do a Wordless Wednesday or similar link-up, let me know. I will add you to my list above.)

Also, Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy does “What I Wore Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up


Krystina from Lollipops does “What I Love Wednesday” every week with a great big link-up.

Be sure to check out their posts too. I wish I had the extra time to do all of these fabulous link-ups.

Ten Ways To Pay It Forward When Blogging

I joined in on a fun discussion on Twitter yesterday.  Every Monday at 1pm PST, Crafterminds has a chat with a specific topic. Yesterday’s topic was “Promoting Other People”.  I think that I spend a fair amount of time promoting other bloggers.  I have a “Pay It Forward” philosophy on blogging.  If I promote other people, then they will promote me in the future.  I have received more blog traffic and invitations to special events via other bloggers, because I have helped promote others.  We all can’t be narcissists in the blogging world.

Source: Joy’s Hope


I’ve listed TEN (10) ways that you can pay it forward, or help promote other bloggers.

1.  Commenting on Blogs

I make an effort to comment on at least ten blogs a day.  Some days I get a little busy and I just don’t have time.  I might add a few more blog comments on days when I’m less busy. Who am I kidding? I am always busy, but I make the time and effort to do so.  I use Google Reader to read and subscribe to blogs.  Although I might not comment on the day something was posted, I sometimes “star” posts to go back and comment later.  I have actually commented on posts almost two to three weeks later.  I might have done that last week with a few of my favorite blogs.

I also comment on blog posts that are tweeted out on twitter.  I read “The Twitter” a lot.  If I see a great post that I want to comment on later, I email the post to myself.  I loathe commenting from the iPhone.  But when I get to an actual computer, I make sure to comment on that post.

And bloggers, try and reply to comments on your own blog.  Your readers appreciate it! When you respond back to the comments, you create a discussion.  I love using WordPress and threaded comments.  It makes a conversation flow much easier.  I also use a plug-in for WordPress, replyMail, that emails my comment to the person that I’m responding to.  I can’t always respond to the comments every day, but I try to answer all of the questions directed towards me.

I also love the SITS Website for blogger support and comment love. They feature bloggers every day, and you show them some love with comments.  The site is also great for blogging education too.

2. Twitter

I love the Twitter. Twitter is my BFF (sorry Stacey, I have an online addiction), my boyfriend, my lover, my news, and everything else all rolled into one free website.  Twitter has been amazing for bloggers and promotion of their sites, posts, events, etc.  I’ve found so many new and awesome websites from Twitter. I usually go by a 10-1 rule.  With every tweet that I put out there, I tweet 10 other things not related to me.  Because really, Twitter is not all about me.

And people who just tweet out their posts, events, etc. and don’t reply, well that is not the point of Twitter.  Did you see my hint….Twitter is good for Promotion of others.  So why not share the love, and RT or Tweet out some goodness for fellow bloggers.  P.S. True Story, I found out about Michael Jackson’s Death on The Twitter.

3. Facebook

I have a love/hate relationship with The Facebook.  I love that I can connect with people without having to make zillions of phone calls, emails, etc.  I can just pop on by their wall and say “Happy Birthday” or “Cute Kid”.  But I loathe and hate the drama that Facebook creates.  Why wasn’t I invited to your party? Why did you un-friend me.  But for blogging, that “Share on Facebook” button is genius.  It is so simple to share awesome material on Facebook.

I have a personal Facebook account (locked down for the privileged few) and a Facebook Fan Page (hate the term “like page”). I have my blog posts go to my Fan Page via Networked Blogs. I also posted relevant and interesting information from other blogs, websites, etc. on my Fan Page.  It is about sharing the wealth, or content.

4. Stumbleupon

StumbleUpon is an Internet community that allows its users to discover and rate Web pages, photos, and videos. It is a personalized recommendation engine which uses peer and social-networking principles. (Wikipedia). Cheryl from TidyMom wrote an AWESOME post for Crafterminds on Best StumbleUpon Tips.  It is such a great tutorial with visual graphics and everything.  Not only can this woman bake, but she is a genius for writing blogging tips.  I’ve had great success with StumbleUpon.

I use the tool bar for Firefox on my Macbook.  I also make sure that I leave a review and properly tag my stumbles.  When I do this, my favorites get more views.  Not every Stumble will go viral, but many of them do.  I get a large amount of traffic to my blog every day from posts on my blog that are from one to two years old.  You can follow me or friend me on Stumbleupon also.  I go by AngryJulieMonday.

5. Pinterest

Pinterest is a virtual pin board. Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web.  People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes via Pinterest. Pinterest is invite only,  comment or email me if you need an invite.  I love it.  I used to have all of this favorites and bookmarks on three different computers.  Now, I can save all of my favorite things from the web on my Pinterest Pin Boards.  One of the most important things that I can suggest us to use the FULL URL or otherwise known as PERMALINK for an item when “pinning it”.  People want to know where to go for that recipe, or where to buy something.  Plus, you also need to make sure to give credit to the actual and original author.

This site is great for discovering new bloggers and awesome posts. I love all of the recipes and craft tutorials.  It was soo beneficial when planning my son’s birthday party.  Oh, and here is my account if you want to follow me on Pinterest: AngryJulie on Pinterest.

6. Featured Posts or Link-Ups

Do a round-up of featured or your favorite posts for the week. Do you have a niche blog? I love all of the craft and DIY bloggers because they have the GREATEST link-ups.  I get some amazing ideas from this link-ups. I used to do Spotlight Saturdays on my blog where I would find five of my favorite blog posts of the week.

I post my Project 365 posts on Saturdays now.  But I share my favorite posts on my Facebook Fan Page wall now.  On Fridays, I have been doing Friday Favorites where I have been finding great ideas and topics from Pinterest.  On Wednesday, I have been doing a Wordless Wednesday link-up for almost two years.  But seriously, Skip To My Lou, Today’s Creative Blog, Tip Junkie, Thirty Handmade Days, Tatertots and Jello, and Whipperberry are my favorite sites for craft/DIY link parties every week.

7. Guest Posts

Having or doing guest posts is a great way to grow your blog.  You are able to gain a new audience who has never seen your awesome blog before. ProBlogger has some great insights on How To Guest Post To Promote Your Blog.  I’ve written some guest posts on photography, and other things.  I really need to have more guest posters on my blog.  I need to figure out topics or something for them to write about.  It is hard to figure out guest posts for my blog, because I have a weird non-niche or random blog.

But seriously, guest posts are amazing and a breath of fresh airGuest posts are also great to have when you are on vacation, busy, or just need a break from your regular blogging routine.

8. Tribe Groups

When you form or gather a group of other bloggers to form a tribe, you become a superpower.  Seriously! It is always nice to have people who “have your back”.  I have several people whom are bloggers that I can toss ideas around with, email, or even call to complain to.  These people get me. I have my tribe mates on Skype, Twitter, and on Facebook.  I love the private groups that you can create on Facebook.  This has been awesome for networking with like minded individuals. I’ve found some great online articles from Michaele Harrington and SITS Girls. I also am a big fan of forums and message boards.  I started off blogging because of interactions on a message board.

I have sent and received emails from other blogging friends that have wording such as: “Can you please RT my last post on Twitter, Can you stumble this (with link), Can you send this around to your friends.” Really, it doesn’t hurt to ask.  If you send it to a group of ten people, at least 1-2 people will follow through.

9. Social Media Icons

PLEASE put some kind of place to contact you or social media icons on your site.  I want to be able to email you, put your RSS Feed in my reader, Tweet you, Facebook You, etc.  Bloggers love Social Media Site Icons because it makes things easier.  I have my social media networking links on the top of my right sidebar on my blog.  I have my RSS, Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr Accounts linked.  I also have a place for Email Subscription and my Pinterest account on my sidebar.

Here are some great tutorials for social media icons on Blogger and on WordPress. I am also a HUGE advocate for putting social media icons somewhere or on each blog post.  If I read a great post, I want to be able to promote the post with one click.  I use the Jetpack plug-in for my blog. Some other ones are TweetMeme, Add This, ShareThis, and SexyBookmarks.  I may have sent messages to some of my favorite blogging friends to PLEASE ADD social media icons to their posts.

10.  Proper Linking

Give credit where credit is due. Believe me, it is rare that I have original thoughts.  I am always inspired by all of the awesome blog posts, photographs, projects, recipes, and crafts that I see online.  But when I post about them, I make sure to give them proper credit or link back. Please CREDIT your sources.  It is the nice and proper way to do things.  Bloggers love when you talk about them.  Make sure you link to them.

Use proper Blog Etiquette. I get sad when I see pictures that I’ve taken posted, without crediting the source.  I don’t mind people using them, really I don’t. Just link back.  Also, there is copyright issues. This can hurt you big time.  These copyright issues involve REAL MONEY and ATTORNEYS. Sara an attorney, has a great series on Blog Law.

Poolside at The Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach

On a warm Sunday afternoon, I pulled up to the valet at The Hyatt Regency in Huntington Beach.  Angry Kid and I were there to spend the day at Slyder’s Water Playground which has three water slides, a shallow children’s wading pool, and an oversize hot tub.  It sounded like paradise to me. It was a perfect day to start the summer off with a bang.
Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Pool DayBut really, even though the sky was blue and the sun was shining…I thought I was in heaven.  With poolside cabanas, awesome lounge chairs, and palm trees surrounding me, I was in my own personal paradise.

Slyder's Playground at The Hyatt Regency Huntington BeachI was ready to sit and relax in the cabana. But of course, Angry Kid had other things on his mind. He was ready to try out the three water slides only a few feet away. I couldn’t blame him really. When was the last time that you were on a water slide? It has been a few years for me.

Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Waterslide FunWhile Angry Kid was busy water sliding, I was busy sipping this delicious smoothie that I got from Shubee’s poolside cafe.  I drank the smoothie while enjoying some pork sliders also.  Don’t hate me, I was in paradise. Angry Kid polished off two hot dogs when he actually stopped to take a little break.
Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Pool Day
Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Pool DayOf course, Angry Kid got some swimming in too…but you can never forget your water gun.  Angry Kid has acquired quite the arsenal of water guns for the summer. He enjoyed the main pool as much as the water slides.

Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Pool DayOf course, you need some sugar in the mild of day, right? We were able to cook up some s’mores right in the fire pit located in the pool area. Deliciousness.  I even let Angry Kid cook over the fire.  Believe me, it was a bit scary.  I think he likes charcoal flavored marshmallow.

Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Pool DayAt the end of the day, Angry Kid was exhausted, but he didn’t want to leave. Honestly, I didn’t either.  He asked if we could come back again.  I promptly called my mom and told her that Angry Kid wants Nana and Papa to book a little mini vacation in Huntington Beach.

I mean really, it is the perfect local place to take a mini vacation, or even a real vacation. They have a ton of activities also: surf lessons, adventure packages, bike rentals, Blues and BBQ, Dive In Movies, sandcastle building, kite connection, and cookie decorating. In addition to all of those other activities, they have Camp Hyatt on site for kids ages 3-12.  The adults can enjoy the spa facilities at Pacific Waters Spa while the kids are having fun at Camp Hyatt.

The Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach has many special offers on rooms and entertainment packages this summer, including a 10% AAA discount, Get your 4th night free, Disneyland packages, spa wellness retreats and more.

Seriously, I am dreaming of that pool right now.  Angry Kid really really really wants to play on the water slides again too.  I kinda want to move in there….

Disclosure: I was invited to a special event at the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach and The Slyder’s Water Playground as a part of MomsLA.  They gave me drinks, they fed me and the kid, plus we got in a little water slide action. They didn’t give me any cash to post this though.  Honestly, I should be paying them. We had so much fun.

Project 365: Week 24

The week was filled with caring for my mom’s (formerly our) cats while my parents were in Vegas, shopping for a new refrigerator, doing laundry, organizing, doing laundry, and receiving the new refrigerator. I know, our life is exciting, right?

Project 365 161/365: I went to check on the cats at my parent's house. Jake woke up from his nap and was quite inquisitive. cc: @modchik
Project 365 162/365: I went to check on the cats at my parent’s house. Jake woke up from his nap and was quite inquisitive. cc: @modchik

Project 365 162/365: Another Sunday night of caffeine so I can stay up to do the mounds of laundry.
Project 365 163/365: Another Sunday night of caffeine so I can stay up to do the mounds of laundry.

Project 365 163/365: My child apparently disappeared into the maze @BestBuy. I found him gaming.
Project 365 164/365: My child apparently disappeared into the maze @BestBuy. I found him gaming.

Project 365 164/365: Currently organizing my shoes which are in the garage. Time to purge.
Project 365 165/365: Currently organizing my shoes which are in the garage. Time to purge.

Project 365 165/365: Last day of school. Kid fell asleep tonight playing the iPad.
Project 365 166/365: Last day of school. Kid fell asleep tonight playing the iPad.

Project 365 166/365: Our new refrigerator.  Our kitchen is tiny so every refrigerator takes up space.
Project 365 167/365: Our new refrigerator. Our kitchen is tiny so every refrigerator takes up space.

Project 365 167/365: I come home from work to laundry everywhere. I just want to sleep. Husband is crashed on couch.
Project 365 168/365: I come home from work to laundry everywhere. I just want to sleep. Husband is crashed on couch.

life rearranged

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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