Liz, from A Belle, A Bean, and a Chicago Dog emailed me a few weeks ago about a blog carnival that she wanted to do. She asked that we post a senior photo from high school this week on our blogs. Of course, to go in tradition with my days in high school, I proceeded to procrastinate. I really excel as this skill. I think my title could be “Most Likely to Procrastinate” underneath my yearbook photo.
So I made it my project last night to look for my senior year official photo. I have other photos, but this was my most “polished” look, which also means, my hair was combed, and I was wearing make-up. I also was a little bold that summer. I decided to get my hair colored platinum blond. My natural hair color is a tad darker than that. I think I had my hair colored this light for about six months. It was EXTREMELY hard to take care of, and I hated sitting in that chair. I called my mom looking for this particular photo. She couldn’t find it. I think I made her feel guilty or something…I mean really, I am an only child. It shouldn’t be that hard to find? She called me a few hours later. She said that she found this picture in a frame, BEHIND two pictures of Angry Kid. Note to self: buy my mom some more picture frames. Angry Husband was out with his friends, so I asked him to swing by my parent’s house on the way back. He arrived home at almost midnight with the picture. I had to teach myself how to use our scanner too. I’m pretty impressed with myself.
I need to take this photo to a dermatologist or something..I think this shall be my “BEFORE” picture. Look how smooth my forehead is. And wow, the corners of my eyes….Sigh…this photo was taken EIGHTEEN years ago…Can you imagine? I’m starting to feel a little old now…Class of 1993!
So for the sake of being a “Senior Hottie”, my photo is posted below. The link-up is open till Monday, May 30th, 2011. Make me feel better, do a post…
So Was I A Senior Hottie? I know….Julie with long hair…it is freaking you out, right?
Do you even know what I look like now? Well it is a good thing I take really random self-portraits on airplanes, right? I took this photo mid-May on the way to Arizona…