Project: Simplify: Master Bedroom Closet

I’ve been working on our Master Bedroom project for approximately one month. We’ve got the walls painted, the nightstands paint, and now I’m doing some cleaning in between our decorating process.  I’m joining up for Simple Mom’s: Project Simplify.

Last week was the first week of project: simplify.  The task was to organize the master bedroom closet. It is the perfect time to organize, as we are heading into Spring.  We have a TINY bedroom, and we need all of the storage that we can get.  We have a walk-in closet, but really, it is not spacious.

Here are the BEFORE photos:

Closet Before

Closet Before

Closet Before

After looking at the BEFORE photos, I decided to organize the clothing first.  I pulled everything out from the floor of the closet, and piled it up in our main bedroom area.  I then started organizing my shirts by long sleeve, short sleeve, button up shirts, and tank-tops.  I then went through my cardigans (I’m an addict), jackets, skirts, and dresses.  I only have a few pairs of pants.  I pulled out a ton of stuff and put it in a donate pile while moving things around.

Organizing the contents from the closet

After organizing my stuff, I asked Angry Husband to go through his clothing.  He did a great job of getting rid of those old faded t-shirts, along with some excess work shirts.  He probably removed one-third of his clothing.  He was sure to point out how much stuff he tossed.

Some of the things that were on the floor of the closet were blankets, plastic totes with purses, a laundry basket full of hangers, and some toys that I need to sell on Craig’s List.

I worked on the closet all last week, but mostly, I finalized it all on Friday and Saturday.  I tried to finish the project to link up on Friday, but I was nowhere close to being done.

Here are the AFTER photos:

Master bedroom closet after

Master bedroom closet after

Master bedroom closet after

I bought some plastic totes to place my purses in at the top of the closet.  I usually keep them in bigger totes in the corner of the closet. I also bought a dresser from IKEA to place my swim suits and workout clothing in.  I have clothes stashed all over the bedroom, and I needed a place for my things.

Angry Husband usually piles his stuff up on the metal shelves in the closet.  He always knocks over his pants when he is looking for a certain pair.  I get annoyed, because I ended up picking up the disturbed pile.

Although I moved my purses into the plastic totes in the top of the closet, I used the former totes to place extra sheets and blankets in, in the corner of the closet.

I still have to place my items on Craig’s List, and go to Goodwill, but my closet is way more organized now.  I can’t wait for the next project.

Project 365: Week 10

Wow! I’ve made it thought TEN weeks of Project 365. This is amazing. I find it very challenging to get a picture every day. Seriously, some days, I have nothing really exciting to photograph. We are in week two of Little League and it seems to be taking over our lives. But that is ok, because Angry Kid is having a great time.

Project 365 63/365: A healthy breakfast of donuts.Day 64/365: A healthy breakfast of donuts. We took him for donuts after Opening Day at baseball.

Project 365 64/365: I think the photo on my Macbook Background is hilarious. My son looks so angry.Day 65/365: I think the photo on my Macbook Background is hilarious. My son looks so angry. I love this photo.

Project 365 65/365: It is love at first site with my new Nikon D700...#photography Day 66/365: It is love at first site with my new Nikon D700…Isn’t my new baby pretty?

Project 365 66/365: Slurpee o' the day, grapeDay 67/365: Slurpee o’ the day, grape. Ya, I have an addiction.

Project 365 67/365: I took a picture of the bathroom light at Cafe Rio today. I smile every time I see it.Day 68/365: I took a picture of the bathroom light at Cafe Rio today. I smile every time I see it. I think I take a picture of this light every time I eat there.

Project 365 68/365: Love @Anthropologie's Sale Section. I got my knobs for my nightstands!!!Day 69/365: Love @Anthropologie’s Sale Section. I got my knobs for my nightstands!!! I can’t wait to show off the final project.

Project 365 69/365: Woot! Angry Kid won a Ninjago kit at the brand new Lego store in a trivia contest.
Day 70/365: Woot! Angry Kid won a Ninjago kit at the brand new Lego store in a trivia contest.
He was super excited to win this set.

Change can be good

They say it takes six weeks to form a habit.  Well, I guess I have broken my habit of drinking caffeine.  I haven’t had any caffeine since December 31st, 2010.  It is CRAZY! This is the longest that I’ve gone without caffeine for quite some time.

Another “new thing” that I am trying is working out in the early hours of the morning. As a friend said, “oh you are joining that 5am club.”  Believe me, I am not a morning person.  But I know that I am a much nicer person when I work out.  Ok, maybe my husband told me that I am a nicer person when I work out.  I literally have NO TIME the rest of the day.

I realized that this is about me and my health, and that I need to make time.  I work a mid-day schedule full time.  On my days off, I have Angry Kid, t-ball, and family time of course.  It is really hard to leave for the gym or a workout when everyone is home, having fun.  My friend, Kelly is quite the early workout queen lately, with 5:30am bootcamps, and if she can do it with three kids, well I can make the time too.  I can barely get up, but I drag myself to the gym most days.  It is freezing when I walk from the parking structure to the gym with the rest of the early morning people.  We all give each other that “what the hell are we thinking” looks.

I’m happy to have my iPhone, because I caught up with Twitter and my e-mails while on the elliptical.  It is all about multi-tasking.  I have around 30-50 new e-mails every morning when I wake up.  I don’t have to respond to all of them, but I do check and organize the priority e-mails.  This is also something new that I am trying.  I’m trying to stay on top of my e-mails because it is so easy to get behind.

My view while walking into the gym this morning. I'm soo not a morning person, fyi

But I pretty much love this.  I took this photo on my way out of the gym last week.  It was a beautiful sunrise, and I was able to view it as a I was skipping to my car…skipping might not be the right word. How about dragging myself, which was a hot sweaty mess.  I think my hour long workout at the crack of dawn was well worth it.

I have learned that I can try and embrace new things but not all at once.  Change is good, and it can be done.  I am always skeptical to try new things, but in the end, I always know that it is worth it.

Have you tried anything new lately? Are you sticking to it? Whether it be fitness, or a hobby, let me know what you’ve tried.

Thank you to P&G’s Have You Tried This Yet? program and Kroger for sponsoring my writing about trying new things and breaking out of my everyday routine. Click here to find great savings on high-performing P&G products at a Kroger store near you. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.

Wordless Wednesday: Irish Car Bomb Cupcake

I am lucky enough to live in the vicinity of a ton of great women, whom also blog.  I texted my friend, Erin, the other day that I needed to drop by her house to give her some money I owed her.  She replied that she was making cupcakes. Bonus, right? So when I arrived at her house, she promptly greeted me with this (pictured below), an “Irish Car Bomb Cupcake”….delicious and dangerous!

Irish Car Bomb Cupcake

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.  I may be a little wordy today….

Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

A Beautiful MessBetter in BulkFive Minutes For MomLive and Love…Out Loud,Parenting By DummiesSeven Clown CircusSupermom

Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, and a Stuffed Lizard

Today is Mardi Gras aka “Fat Tuesday” which marks the end of the Carnival Season in New Orleans, Louisiana.  Fat Tuesday is always the day before Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent.  Going to Mardi Gras has been on my “Bucket List” since college.  I was a bit wild in college.  I may not be going to Mardi Gras this year, but I will be venturing to New Orleans to go to the Mom 2.0 Summit Conference in April.

So today, I will be on the hunt for King Cake….there has got to be some in Orange County, right? I’ve never had King Cake, and I’ve decided that today will be the day.  Even if I have to make it.

Iggy the Mardi Gras LizardTaken with my iPhone

Now you are probably wondering, “what the hell is this?”  I work with some pretty entertaining people, and they make me laugh, DAILY.  Some of my co-workers have decided to dress up this stuffed lizard EVERY MONTH in a different costume.  The costumes have been great.  I even told them that they should make a calendar with all of the pictures.  I had to take a photo of Iggy The Lizard today all dressed up for the parade, and he even has beads. Doesn’t Iggly look festive?

To everyone whom is celebrating today, have a great day!

And yes, Californians know about Mardi Gras!

I Heart Faces: Best Face of February 2011

I didn’t post any of the photos from my son’s Valentine’s Day Party at school, because I’m not going to post photos of people’s kids without permission.  Plus, not everyone knows about this blog thing at school.  But I never got to post this great picture of Angry Kid.  He had just finished frosting a heart-shaped cookie, and he kept licking the frosting off of his fingers.

Finger licken' good

I think that this is my “Best Face Photograph for February” as Angry Kid always seems to be such a ham for the camera.  Be sure to check out the other participants in I Heart Faces, “Best Face Photograph for February”.

Project 365: Week 9

I started the week off with some overtime at work, which led to a migraine, and ended with house projects. Angry Kid started t-ball and it looks like spring is going to be very busy.  Once again, I need a clone or something.
Project 365 56/365: Sitting on the bathroom floor at work. I think I'm dying. Flu hit me suddenly.Day 57/365: Sitting on the bathroom floor at work. I think I’m dying. Flu hit me suddenly. I think I had one of those migraines that makes you really sick.  I went home, and took a very long nap.
Project 57/365: My favorite thing about @Chipotletweets is their chips...Day 58/365: My favorite thing about @Chipotletweets is their chips…I’m obsessed with Chipotle’s chips.
Project 58/365: I loathe tearing our worksheet pages during my kindergarten volunteer hours.Day 59/365: I loathe tearing our worksheet pages during my kindergarten volunteer hours. I can never tear out the pages straight. There must be some sort of way to do it properly.
Project 365 59/365: It is never too early to play games on the iPad whilst rap music blasts from it.Day 60/365: It is never too early to play games on the iPad whilst rap music blasts from it. My son actually got up early for school. We had a few extra minutes so he played some games and rocked out.
Project 365 60/365: I'm driving around the Prius at work. I'm so not used to the engine.Day 61/365: I’m driving around the Prius at work. I’m so not used to the engine. I don’t think I could drive this full-time. I’m used to my big Chevy engine.
Project 365 61/365: Seriously almost $85 for gas?????Day 62/365: Seriously almost $85 for gas????? Didn’t I say I loved my Chevy in the last picture.  I just don’t like the real big gas tank in it.
Project 365 62/365: First coat of primer on the nightstands. Only a bazillion more to go.Day 63/365: First coat of primer on the nightstands. Only a bazillion more to go. We are making progress on the master bedroom makeover.

I’m starting a link-up for anyone who’s doing Project 365, whether it be via your camera, or smart phone, or iPhone.  I’m using my iPhone4 for my photos, since I always have it on me.  Feel free to link up!

I will have a button for Angry Julie Monday’s Project 365 next week. I’m still working on my coding.


My Blogging Persona

I always get compliments on my headbands, outfits, etc. when I’m at blogging events.  People who see me all the time, know the real Julie.  I’m usually wearing one of my two favorite pairs of Lucky jeans, and some kind of t-shirt.  I will also have a pair of Chucks on.  This is the “Julie Uniform.” Oh, and you can’t forget the iPhone stuck in my back pocket.

I attend a few blogging conferences and events per year.  These events are like the “Bloggers Prom” for me.  I usually get my hair cut and colored, along with a fresh pedicure.  I pack my best clothes, and of course, my hair accessories. And I ALWAYS wear make-up at events.  I NEVER wear make-up in my “real life”.  I’m such a slacker.

I took the photo above with my Photo Booth program on my Macbook.  I edited it only a little with Shake It on my iPhone.  I just took this photo. Notice the brown roots, no make-up, and of course, my iPhone4 in the Sanrio case.

I was thinking about all of this after watching Amanda on What Not To Wear.  She was talking about her “blogging persona” and about humor on her blog.  I completely agree with this.  I somewhat portray a “persona”, that I try to not portray. My writing is totally me though.  I am actually a lot more obnoxious in person, like seriously. And don’t try to call me, because you will never get off the phone.  I’m a Chatty Cathy.

Do you have an online or blogging persona?  Do you have any questions that you want to ask me?  Let me know!

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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