I’ve been working on our Master Bedroom project for approximately one month. We’ve got the walls painted, the nightstands paint, and now I’m doing some cleaning in between our decorating process. I’m joining up for Simple Mom’s: Project Simplify.
Last week was the first week of project: simplify. The task was to organize the master bedroom closet. It is the perfect time to organize, as we are heading into Spring. We have a TINY bedroom, and we need all of the storage that we can get. We have a walk-in closet, but really, it is not spacious.
Here are the BEFORE photos:
After looking at the BEFORE photos, I decided to organize the clothing first. I pulled everything out from the floor of the closet, and piled it up in our main bedroom area. I then started organizing my shirts by long sleeve, short sleeve, button up shirts, and tank-tops. I then went through my cardigans (I’m an addict), jackets, skirts, and dresses. I only have a few pairs of pants. I pulled out a ton of stuff and put it in a donate pile while moving things around.
After organizing my stuff, I asked Angry Husband to go through his clothing. He did a great job of getting rid of those old faded t-shirts, along with some excess work shirts. He probably removed one-third of his clothing. He was sure to point out how much stuff he tossed.
Some of the things that were on the floor of the closet were blankets, plastic totes with purses, a laundry basket full of hangers, and some toys that I need to sell on Craig’s List.
I worked on the closet all last week, but mostly, I finalized it all on Friday and Saturday. I tried to finish the project to link up on Friday, but I was nowhere close to being done.
Here are the AFTER photos:
I bought some plastic totes to place my purses in at the top of the closet. I usually keep them in bigger totes in the corner of the closet. I also bought a dresser from IKEA to place my swim suits and workout clothing in. I have clothes stashed all over the bedroom, and I needed a place for my things.
Angry Husband usually piles his stuff up on the metal shelves in the closet. He always knocks over his pants when he is looking for a certain pair. I get annoyed, because I ended up picking up the disturbed pile.
Although I moved my purses into the plastic totes in the top of the closet, I used the former totes to place extra sheets and blankets in, in the corner of the closet.
I still have to place my items on Craig’s List, and go to Goodwill, but my closet is way more organized now. I can’t wait for the next project.