Last Saturday, one of my lifelong friends finally got hitched. Angry Kid and I were in the wedding as a ring bearer and a bridesmaid. Obviously, I was the bridesmaid. Angry Kid doesn’t like to wear dresses.
On Friday, we drove up to Malibu for the wedding rehearsal. It was an almost two hour drive. Angry Kid wasn’t too impressed with the idea, but his friend, Jacob (bride’s nephew) was there. Angry Kid impressed Jacob with his iPad and Zombie Farm skills.
The wedding was at Calamigos Ranch in Malibu and we had a beautiful day for the rehearsal. While walking to the area where the wedding was going to be, we enjoyed some beautiful scenery.
We practiced for the wedding, and Angry Kid was fine. He had a simple task of walking down the aisle, approaching the groom, and then sitting in a chair. He seemed a bit more relaxed after the rehearsal. We then headed back onto the freeway towards Orange County. Angry Kid seemed to be sneezing and coughing a lot. He had a cold a few days before, and it got worse, like really fast. I ended up getting an appointment with his doctor, and of course, he was diagnosed with an ear infection.
We missed our Friday afternoon baseball practice because of the ear infection, and his baseball game was canceled on Saturday due to wet baseball fields. So we headed towards Malibu again to get ready for the wedding.
I think Angry Kid finally got excited to wear his suit for the wedding. He got dressed super fast.
My friend, Kelly had two Junior Bridesmaids in the wedding. One of them was her niece, Madison, and the other was a friend’s daughter. I captured Madison putting on some lip gloss, and you can faintly see Kelly in the background.
We had to get there extra early to take pictures before the wedding. We had some extra time so we wandered around. Angry Kid was checking everything out, and well Angry Husband was making use of the iPad. He was showing Jacob a few things. Angry Husband wasn’t in the wedding but I accessorized his outfit to match Angry Kid and me. It was totally intentional, and I wanted a family picture.
After taking a few hundred photos with the photographer, and FREEZING our butts off, it was time for the wedding. We had a 70% chance of rain on Saturday. We got lucky and it didn’t rain until right when we were leaving later that night.
I clean up well, don’t I? The dress was sleeveless and I felt naked!! I ended up wearing a cropped sweater/cardigan from Target over my dress. I am sooo glad that I brought the sweater, because it was quite cold. Of course, I had a headband on. It was an animal print style with jewels on it. I was wearing silver flats with the dress, courtesy of my closet. Angry Husband managed to get this picture. He had never used my camera so I’m glad that he was able to get some decent clear shots.
Angry Kid was quite confident when walking down the aisle. We were soo proud of him. Angry Husband got an almost perfect shot with a little blur. I had my 50mm lens on and it takes some time to get used to the lens. My friend, Erin is quite the seamstress and made Angry Kid’s tie. She used a tutorial to turn an adult tie into a child’s tie. It was perfect because it had elastic to go around my son’s neck.
It was time for the bride to walk down the aisle. Kelly was escorted by her nephew, Jacob. Jacob is Angry Kid’s mentor I think. They are hilarious together. He’s 12.
It was a beautiful and hilarious ceremony. The officiant made references to The Princess Bride, and Facebook. We had lots of laughs. Of course, we took a few more photographs after the ceremony. I managed to get my family photo taken. Angry Husband finally understood my intentions of the matching shirt and tie.
When we arrived at the reception, which was at the same facility, Angry Kid disappeared. He found a new love, the “photo booth”. They had a real photo booth set-up with props and everything. When I get some time, I’m going to scan in all of Angry Kid’s photo booth pictures. We have at least fifteen or so. I was able to capture this photo of Angry Kid as he was prepped for a photo booth picture session.
While he was taking a break from the photo booth, I caught Angry Kid running around on the dance floor. I can’t believe that he suit was still on and intact after several hours. Pretty impressive.
It started getting late and Angry Kid was asking about the cake. I was able to get some pictures before it was cut. The table underneath had a metal butterfly woman. The metal kept reflecting in the glass.
Angry Kid advised Kelly that he wanted a really big piece of cake and that he was sitting at table #8. He also told the waiters to make sure to bring the big piece to table #8. He was one of the first people served cake.
This was a VERY photo heavy post but I wanted to share some of the best photos that Angry Husband and I took. I can’t wait to see the photographs from the real wedding photographer. I took my camera along to have some photographs of Angry Kid and the setting.