Wordless Wednesday: Chris Mann aka @IamChrisMann

Meet Chris Mann. In the first picture, he is the guy with drinks in his hand, not the dude in the back. Chris Mann is a singer and sometimes Warbler when not on tour. He is also pretty cool too! I got to meet him at Blissdom.  Chris made all the ladies giggle at Blissom.  He posed in many photos over the few days that he was there.

Chris Mann Tweet

This made me laugh when I saw it later that night.

Chris Mann Collage

and my most favorite Blissdom photo of all time!
@MrsFlinger @Iamchrismann and @vdog

oh, and he can sing too! Find his music on iTunes!

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.  I may be a little wordy today….

Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

A Beautiful MessBetter in BulkFive Minutes For MomLive and Love…Out Loud,Parenting By DummiesSeven Clown CircusSupermom

Sweet Shot Tuesday: Wolfie

I was chasing Angry Kid around in the front yard over the weekend to try and get some pictures for Valentine’s Day cards. He was not cooperating very well. Meanwhile, our dogs wanted to hang out with me. They were tired of being chased by the kid. Our dog, Wolfie, rolled on her back, as usual, and wanted me to pet and rub her belly. She is wild and crazy for a twelve pound dog.  Most of the time, she thinks she is much bigger.  She looks so sweet and angelic in this picture though.


Sweet Shot Day

Our Pop Secret Family Movie Night with GIVEAWAY

We are huge movie fans in the Angry House.  We probably watch more movies than actual TV.  It is much easier to watch movies at home, than to drag our son to movies that he does not want to see. Plus, I can watch movies from home in my pajamas.

Last Friday, I invited my best friend, Stacey, and her daughter over for a movie night. It has been awhile since I’ve seen both of them.  Angry Kid was quite excited to see Stella.  It was probably a good thing that Stella came over, because Angry Kid was quite exhausting during the day on Friday.  Angry Kid and Stella had dinner and then it was movie time.  A week before our movie night, I went to the grocery store and did some pre-party shopping.  I documented my shopping trip with Whrrl.

When the kids got all settled and ready to watch the movie, which was Despicable Me, I got some Pop Secret Popcorn ready for them. Because really, you can’t watch a movie without popcorn, right?

Pop Secret Popcorn for #popcameraaction

Angry Kid and Stella watching Despicable Me

Angry Kid was annoyed with my picture taking. He was trying to shoot me with Nerf darts.  Do you see all the orange darts on the floor?

While the kids were watching Despicable Me, the adults were watching The Social Network.  We had peace and silence, well not too silent, because we could hear the kids destroying my son’s room, but we chose to ignore the noises.

After the movie was over, I attempted to interview Angry Kid and Stella about their favorite movies.  Stacey warned me that Stella wants to be an actress, and she believed that we were filming  a commercial.  Angry Kid got very quiet and shy.  Their responses were predictable and hilarious though.

See the video below:

I would like to thank Mom Spark Media and Pop Secret for our #popcameraaction party and movie night.  It was nice to see friends, and Angry Kid was soo happy to see Stella.

but the fun is not over yet….because I have a Giveaway for you!! A perfect way to host your own movie night!

I’m giving away a $50 Visa Gift Card, Pop Secret Popcorn, and a Flip Mino Video Camera!

How to enter my giveaway:

1.  Visit Pop Secret and enter their Pop Camera Action Sweepstakes, before February 20th, 2011 at 10pm PST.

2.  Return to my blog and mention in the comments section, that you entered the Pop Camera Action Sweepstakes.

3.  The winner will be picked randomly and notified via e-mail.

For Extra Entries, you can do the following:

* Subscribe to Angry Julie Monday through RSS Feed, and comment that you did.

* Become a fan of Angry Julie Monday’s Facebook Fan Page, or if you already area, let me know. Comment below that you “liked” my page, or you are a “liker”.

*Follow me on Twitter @AngryJulie, and comment below that you are a follower.

*This giveaway is open to US RESIDENTS/ADDRESSES only.

Disclosure: This post and giveaway was written in conjunction with the Pop Secret Moms Campaign, and Mom Spark Media.  I was provided with items for my party, and this giveaway.  These opinions are my own, and don’t we all need a fun night with our friends!

Barbie is All Dolled Up at Harvey’s

Last Thursday, I attended a special preview event at Harvey’s Seatbeltbags.  They were launching their new Barbie Collection, which will be Limited Edition.  I took my mom with me, since she is a huge fan of Barbie. I didn’t know that the traffic would be so bad that night, because our usual fifteen minute drive took over forty-five minutes. Upon our arrival, we noticed a huge line.  I guess everyone else had the same idea, as there were tons of Harvey’s fans.

Waiting in line for the Harvey's Newest Bag

We were at the back of the line, if you wanted to know.  It was quite cold outside also, somewhere in the 50’s, which is freezing for Southern California.  My mom kept herself occupied with talking to people about the Laker’s game.  While were in line, one of their employees came around with a basket to collect names for raffle prizes.  We arrived late, and did not know when the raffle would start.  I guess we timed it right, because they started the raffle a few minutes later. I walked around the crowd while we continued to wait.  I was able to capture a photograph of the front store window.

A few minutes after walking around, I heard my name called.  I was shocked and surprised because I had won something in their raffle.  It was probably a good thing that I brought my mom because she is ALWAYS lucky at raffles and drawings.  I went inside the store and claimed my prize, a beautiful Lola Ruffle Tote Rose.  I then realized that my mom was still outside, so I went out and grabbed her.  We probably would have waited at least forty-five more minutes to get inside the door, as it was packed full of people. After we went inside, they gave away one more purse and some Vintage Barbies.  I took a photo of the crowd on the second floor of the business.


Lola Cosmetics was upstairs in the third floor of the business doing makeovers, and they all were taking photos with a Barbie Prop. I saw that there were several people ahead of me, so I didn’t get a chance to have a makeover, but I left with a great lipgloss in a goodie bag.
Lola Cosmetics

After going downstairs from visiting Lola Cosmetics, I went looking for my mom. Of course, she was standing near the candy buffet and dessert bar.
Barbie Themed Candy Buffet

I get hungry all over again, just looking at that picture. I loved the chocolate covered Oreos. I think I might have to make some for my very own. I waited a little bit for the crowd to thin out, as I was trying to take some photographs of the new line of purses.


Barbie Date Night Tote

DSC_0074 Barbie All Dolled Up Collection

DSC_0078 I just had to show these awesome Vintage Barbies that they had on display from Barbie for the party.

So you are probably wondering, did I buy anything from the new Barbie Collection? Well, I bought  a Barbie Minnie Wristlet & Coin Purse for Angry Kid’s teacher.  Her birthday was last Friday, and she is a huge Barbie fan.  She loved the coin purse.

Harvey's Lola Ruffle Tote Rose

Isn’t my new purse pretty? And the best part, I won it!

Project 365: Week 5

I arrived home from Blissdom, the first day of Week 5.  I ended up editing photos most of the week, in between working.  It was chaotic and busy.  I’m still taking photos for Project 365, but I’m quite the slacker with tagging them in my Flickr account.  I’m going to try and be more organized with my photos.

Project 365 29/365: Of course, @According2kelly got some beautiful boots in Nashville!Day 29/365: Of course, @According2kelly got some beautiful boots in Nashville! Kelly and April wandered off for a bit before we boarded our plane home to Los Angeles.  Kelly returned with these awesome boots.

Yes, we have other kinds of trees other than palms in Orange County.Day 30/365: Yes, we have other kinds of trees other than palms in Orange County. I was standing underneath this tree.  I think the colors on the tree are pretty.

Morning routine. The kid on the iPad and me on Twitter.Day 31/365: Morning routine. The kid on the iPad and me on Twitter. My son actually got up early for school and we had some extra time in the morning.

7-11 is selling a "Classic Beer Pong" kit. Apparently it does not include beer. So it just plastic cups & balls?Day 32/365: 7-11 is selling a “Classic Beer Pong” kit. Apparently it does not include beer. So it just plastic cups & balls? I have no words for this.

Things I can't survive without: Liquid Paper Dryline Grip, Pilot G-2 gel pens, and SD cards.Day 33/365: Things I can’t survive without: Liquid Paper Dryline Grip, Pilot G-2 gel pens, and SD cards. All this picture is missing is a Sharpie and I’m set.

Angry Kid likes the #Freschetta pizza that I got free via @Blissdom. So good cooked on baking stone.Day 34/365: Angry Kid likes the #Freschetta pizza that I got free via @Blissdom. So good cooked on baking stone. I had a coupon and I used it. Pizza was tasty!

My son has a new pet. He found him on the way home from school.Day 35/365: My son has a new pet. He found him on the way home from school. Just seeing this picture makes me want to wash my hands with soap, a lot.

Find Your Bliss, Part Uno: Wisdom

I attended the Blissdom Conference in Nashville, Tennessee last week. You may have or may not have met me if you attended. But really even though you don’t remember meeting me, you did. Because I looked like this, most of the conference. I’m going to break my post conference recaps up into three parts.  I will have three posts up within the next week. I’m not sure what dates they will go live, but you know, it takes a lot of thought to write something around my pictures, or  other people’s pictures.  The people who were awesome and actually took photos of ME!

Blissdom11 - Mishelle Lane -7343Photo by Mishelle Lane

Do I look familiar now?

Four Days + Eleven Hundred DSLR Photos + Fifty iPhone Photos + Cropping/Editing Photos for Forty Plus Hours = Three Hundred Eighty Seven Photos + Uploaded to Flickr = No Sleep, No Blog Posts, and No Responding to E-mails, but Job Done!

After all was said and done, I have 387 photos edited and posted in Flickr from the Conference.  I started at the beginning and worked my way to the end, chronologically.  Some people may have wanted me to put up the best photos first.  I slowly worked my way day by day, event by event.  This is how I roll, or post edit.  After looking through the Official Blissdom Flickr group, I have realized once again, that my photos are “meh” but I got the job done.  I always tell people that photographing a conference is much different than just being an awesome photographer.  Usually the lighting is horrific and you have to use a flash.  I appreciated all of the help that Dawn gave me figuring out white balance.  And don’t tell my husband, but I really want a Nikon D700 now because of Dawn.  I was lusting after the D7000, but swoon, the D700 is so pretty. Be sure to check out Dawn’s post about the white balance lens cap she uses. All I can say is amazing!

My Blissdom Roommates, @TipJunkie and @According2kelly

Did you get to meet my roommates? I have photos of them all over, but this photo really captures their “rockstar personalities”.  Really, how can you not love Laurie and Kelly.  They are both great business women, have three kids each, and can rock the dance floor like no one else. And they are nice, like really nice!


I arrived in Nashville on Tuesday night with my party plane girls.  We all went to dinner, and stayed up late chatting.  It was great to have some quality time.  On Friday morning, we were up early, well 7-ish, to report for our first day of the pre-conference which was the Wisdom Workshops. I saw many of my blogging friends right away when I walked upstairs to the registration area.  I was able to hug Rachel right away because she was working the registration table.  We were thinking alike, because we both had our Tervis Tumblers in hand.

Blissdom Wisdom workshops

I am somewhat of a wanderer and I roamed through the Wisdom Workshops on Wednesday.  But I can tell you what I really listened to an extended period of time.  I went to vlogging, photography, and SEO/Analytics.  I enjoyed Jenny and Esther talking about vlogging and preparation before you actually blog.  I was able to hang with Amy, Mishelle, and Dawn through the photography workshop.  They helped me with my camera “issues” (typical), and we also discussed iPhone photos.  I walked into the SEO/Analytics session late, but my head hurt while I was in there. The information that Angela, Melanie, and Shelly gave out was super informative.  I need another tutorial or explanation of it all.

Blissdom Kick-Off Party

After attending the workshops, I headed to dinner in the hotel with some of my bloggy friends.  I had some delicious sliders, with a side of holy wow, time is flying, and must go take more photos.  So I went and changed, and then headed towards the Kick-Off party.  I was promptly greeted by all of the other fabulous bloggers.  It was crowded but I managed to sneak in and out of the crowd to chat, snap a photo, and maybe even get a few snacks in.

We were treated to a sneak preview of CMT’s “Working Class” with special guest, actress Melissa Peterman after the Kick-Off Party.  I had a cupcake and almost fell asleep during the viewing.  I knew that it was time to go to bed.  It had been a very long day.

IMG_2449Photo by Heather Durdil

Summary of Day 1 (Wisdom Workshops): It was a long and busy day. There were so many informative workshops, but they were all going on at the same time, or maybe I just have ADD.  I think it is the ADD. I know that people hate blog conferences being compared to sorority rush, but really, it felt like Day 1 of rush.  I went to all the events, met so many people, and could not process it all.  I may have asked if there was a scheduled “nap time” several times. Wouldn’t that be great, with blankies and everything! But I have to say, I looked pretty cute doing it all! Heather was able to capture me, “in action”.

Part 2 of this post will be posted in a few days…

Wordless Wednesday: The Abyssinian

I went over to my mom’s house last night. I was promptly greeted and meowed at. Jake, the Abyssinian came to say hello. Jake or Jacob Ashton as he was official named, is my first born. Over the years, my allergies took over and I could not handle living with Jake. He was watching every move I made.
I went to my mom's house and my first born Jake greeted me. Jake is a cat.

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

A Beautiful Mess, Better in Bulk, Five Minutes For Mom, Live and Love…Out Loud, Parenting By Dummies, Seven Clown Circus, Supermom

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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