Project 365: Week 7

We started the week with some bright sunshine and warm weather. We actually went to the pool last Saturday, and I even got a sunburn. Angry Kid forgot how to swim and I had to jump in the pool, not fun. And we are ending with rain and cloudy skies.

A SoCal Saturday at the pool.Day 43/365: A SoCal Saturday at the pool. I didn’t realize that swimsuit season was in February.  Yikes, time to get to the gym.

My yummy sandwich at the Lil' PickleDay 44/365: My yummy sandwich at the Lil’ Pickle. I enjoyed this sandwich and the bread was still warm, yum!

Heart cookies at Panera. Day 45/365: Heart cookies at Panera. They were so pretty, but I held back and did not get any.

Bird on a wire. Mr. Crow was watching me while I work.Day 46/365: Bird on a wire. Mr. Crow was watching me while I work. I’m strangely fascinated by crows. Angry Husband calls them soul chickens.

My co-workers laughed at me as I took a photo of this pigeon & his bagel buffet.Day 47/365: My co-workers laughed at me as I took a photo of this pigeon & his bagel buffet. The pigeon was flinging the bagel around in his beak when I started taking this photo.  He dropped it when he saw me trying to take a picture.

A playdate ends with iPad playing....ohhh those Angry Birds pull everyone in.Day 48/365: A playdate ends with iPad playing….ohhh those Angry Birds pull everyone in. The iPad is magical, like unicorns.

How does my husband sleep through the loud video game playing?Day 49/365: How does my husband sleep through the loud video game playing? Angry Husband’s nap was interrupted when the kid couldn’t get past a certain level in his game.

Find Your Bliss, Part Dos: Firework

I promised to be back in a few days when I wrote my first Blissdom 2011 post, but umm yea, I got a little distracted with life.  I wish I could travel from conference to conference, but I have that family to think about, and well, the full-time job that pays the bills.

Day 2 of Blissdom for me, was the main conference.  It started off with a quick breakfast and a meeting for me. I was the Newbie Tribe Leader and I met with the other Tribe Leaders before the Opening Keynote started.


Since I was also an official photographer, I captured this great photo of Lisa, Tsh, and Arianne before our tribe leader meeting. We were each given table numbers, and guided to where our groups would be.  We had a quick meeting and then it was time to get seated for the keynote. I was already obsessed with the song “Firework” from Katy Perry but after the beginning of the Opening Keynote at Blissdom, and this video, well I’m hooked.

@BreneBrownI was amazed and awed at the Opening Keynote from Brene Brown. She is an amazing woman and spoke on shame, and also on vulnerability.  I constantly find myself clenched up, because I don’t want to be vulnerable.  I’ve had too many people take advantage of my vulnerability.

Listening to Brene speak was amazing, and she helped understand some of the thoughts that I have been having lately.  I have a ton of self doubt, and sometimes I’m afraid to make that step forward.  I really need to take more chances, and focus on goals.

My most favorite part of her keynote was talking about “finding people who will be there to move a body.”  She talked about trust and the relationships in your life.  It makes me think about “who would I call, to move a body if I needed to?”  Ironically, a few days later, I had a situation in real life, where I had to think about this.  The situation wasn’t really part of my life, but I did giggle a little and think of Brene.

After the keynote, we broke into our tribes and groups.  I was the newbie leader, and I helped place my “newbies” into other groups mostly.  I asked some of the women, what they blog about, or what they want to blog about more.  I was able to find them the right person to connect with for more mentoring.  I know many bloggers in many different niches, so if anyone is ever looking for networking, I’m pretty good about finding them the right people to work with.  I really need to mentor myself better…

After tribe break-outs, and lunch, the sessions began.  I started off with So You Say You Want a Revolution?: Peek Behind the Curtain of PR-Blogger Relations, and moved into Innovative Writing Techniques: How To Keep Your Audience Breathless. I appreciated the great speakers from both sessions.  The PR-Blogger Relations sessions was soo needed.  I wish more PR people would speak like they did.  I’m constantly getting hit with awful PR pitches that make my eyes roll.  And the Innovative Writing Techniques, well, bacon and ninjas plus video, what more could you ask for?

Birthday Cake flavored cone from Blue Bunny.

In between the sessions and taking photographs, I took an ice cream break.  I fell in love with Blue Bunny Ice Cream at last year’s Blissdom.  I had to spread the news about Blue Bunny at this year’s event too.  It is simply amazing and everyone must try it. I may have had at least five of these birthday party cones during the conference, because they were THAT good. I wish we had Blue Bunny in Southern California. Do you here that Blue Bunny? We WANT YOU in Southern California, Orange County if you want to narrow it down a little.


We then had another break, and it was time to head to more sessions. My time was focuses on the “Ignorance is Not Bliss: Decoding Legal and Tax Implications of Your Success” panel, which was also called the “LAWsome” panel. I’m in that in-between place right now with my blog, whether it is a hobby or a business.  I am also a photo blogger so it was great to hear about using photos in blogs, and copyright issues.  Last week, I talked to my accountant, about my blog and photography as a business.  I gave him my receipts and he was shocked.  He didn’t realize that you could make MONEY doing things like blogging.  I told him a few stories of how much money so of my friends were making.  We set a plan for 2011 and my blog, so now I’m paying more attention to the accounting and finances portion of blogging.

After a quick dinner, I got dressed and headed out for the Total Bliss at the District, Red Carpet Event with Michelle Branch and Mat Kearney singing. I walked the Red Carpet with Kelly before we made our grand entrance.

DSC_0388 2Photo by Hannah Braboy

When we arrived, Michelle Branch was already singing.  Everyone had their cameras, video cameras, and cellphones out recording the event.  It was pretty funny, because you had to watch out where you walk, so that you wouldn’t get in the way. After Michelle Branch was done with her set, Mat Kearney came on stage and performed. The concert was excellent and perfect for this smaller venue.

Total Bliss at The District, Blissdom Concert

After the concert was over, the DJ starting playing some music and the dancing began. My best memories from Blissdom 10′ were from dancing.
Dancing at BlissdomI had to include a great big photo of me in the collage, right?  I handed off the camera to someone else to take some pictures for a bit.  That is the problem when you are a photographer, you are never in photos! Plus, I love to dance!

Angie Arthur is one of my most favorite photographers, and she always gets the best pictures of people dancing.  I love to look at all of her photos.  She got some great ones, but this is one of my favorites. Kelly is quite the dancer, and she was showing off her moves!

Blissdom_The_Arthur_Clan_43Photo by Angie Arthur

After all of this dancing, and conferencing, you would think we would be tired? Nope, Kelly and I headed over to the (in)courage Suite to take a break and say “Hi” to everyone. It was nice and relaxing, plus they had cupcakes! Janice dropped to one knee while we were there, and somewhat proposed to Kelly.  I can’t even remember the entire conversation, but it was late, and we laughed a lot.

Janice proposes to Kelly

But of course, we didn’t go to bed after this. Kelly and I made our way back to the dance floor for a bit, and danced some more.  We were on the hunt for our roommate, Laurie, and got lost along the way. We finally became exhausted and headed back towards our hotel room.  And we should have known, Laurie was already in the room, waiting for us.

My last Blissdom11′ recap post will be sometime next week! Stay tuned for Find Your Bliss, Part Tres!

Guest Post at I Heart Faces

I met Amy and Angie from I Heart Faces at Blissdom in 2010.  They really inspired me to get it together with my photography.  I love all of their weekly photo challenges, and tutorials.

But the best thing ever has happened!!! I’m Guest Posting there today!!

Be sure to check out my post on 3 Great iPhone Camera Apps at I Heart Faces.

Speaking of iPhone Photography, here is a photo of Angry Kid taken yesterday after school. Today is his 100th Day of School and he is wearing his Fruit Loop necklace, which probably had 100 Fruit Loops before he attacked it.

My son and his Fruit Loop necklace. I asked him if that was his dinner.

Photo edited with Instagram app for the iPhone.

Wordless Wednesday: Skylines

We’ve had some weird weather this week. On Saturday, we were at the pool swimming, and the rest of the week, it is supposed to rain.  I have taken several pictures of the skylines during the day and at dusk this week.  I captured so many different and unique colors in the sky.

Sunset and tiny moon in background.

Bird on a wire. Mr. Crow was watching me while I work.

The calm before the storm. is supposed to rain tonight.

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.  I may be a little wordy today….

Be sure to check out Wordless Wednesday Link-Ups at these other sites also:

A Beautiful MessBetter in BulkFive Minutes For MomLive and Love…Out Loud,Parenting By DummiesSeven Clown CircusSupermom

Happy Valentine’s Day

I’m attempting to be a little more creative lately.  I’m also driving my husband crazy with my creative agenda.  Last week it was homemade Valentine’s for kindergarten, painting our bedroom, and over the weekend it was trying out some new recipes and a behavior chart.

When I’m working on these projects, I always have a vision in my head about how they will turn out.  My visions don’t always come to fruition.

Homeade marshmallows are all done!Homemade Marshmallows a la Angry Julie via Alton Brown’s Recipe.

Don’t these marshmallows look delicious? Well they weren’t. But they are very pretty in my photo. I followed the instructions systematically.  But I made a few mistakes.  I think I put a tad too much vanilla extract in the mixer, which made certain sections of the marshmallows taste a little too sweet. I  should have cut off the edges of the marshmallow chunk before I cut them into small squares.  The edges were rubbery from the start, and the taste was uneven.  I also needed to package the marshmallows once they were cut.  They need to be put into a container so that they stay soft. So much for my Valentine’s Day treat that I was attempting to make. But I learned what to do next time, because yes, there will be a next time.

So I will be enjoying this Valentine’s Day without homemade marshmallows, cupcakes, or other treats that I did not make, and that is ok.  At least I didn’t poison my family.

Angry Husband and I both work today.  He was on vacation last week and we saw plenty of each other. So there will be no romantic candle lit dinners for us.  But really…flowers, candy, and food on Valentine’s Day is really overpriced.

Speaking of time apart, a little quote that I gave to Dumb Mom was featured on her BList Best Advice Bloggers on Romance post today.

Now enough of my rambling, don’t you have to go make someone heart shaped pancakes, or breakfast in bed? Stop wasting your time on my non-sense and get to it!

We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.-Sam Keen

Project 365: Week 6

Angry Husband had some comp time at work, and took vacation this week. We’ve spent it doing projects, and bonding. And you know, fighting about those projects. Cause that is how we are.

Yum! Bridal Shower cupcakes from @MeringueBkeShpDay 36/365: Yum! Bridal Shower cupcakes from @MeringueBkeShp. A long time family friend is getting married. I brought these to the bridal shower.

Project 365 37/365: Someone wants to jump right into the Sunday morning box of donuts.Day 37/365: Someone wants to jump right into the Sunday morning box of donuts. This was our Sunday morning breakfast.

Day 38/365: I love this turquoise glitter! It reminds me of @according2kelly and her @runTeamSparkle skirt! It was so pretty, and it makes me want to be more crafty.

Project 365 39/365: Last night of sage green & palm trees bedroom. Tomorrow is bright and cheery. After 6 yrs., time 4 a change.Day 39/365: Last night of sage green & palm trees bedroom. Tomorrow is bright and cheery. After 6 yrs., time 4 a change. I was over this theme two years ago.

Love this paint!Day 40/365: Love this paint! We are painting our master bedroom turquoise.

Ralphs is very excited about Valentine's Day with their Lofthouse cookie display.Day 41/365: Ralphs is very excited about Valentine’s Day with their Lofthouse cookie display. These cookies taunt me every time I go to the grocery store.

Angry Kid is decorating cookies at the school Valentine's Day party!Day 42/365: Angry Kid is decorating cookies at the school Valentine’s Day party! He was all excited about this cookie, but he never even ate it.

Valentine’s Day Cards

Today is the Valentine’s Day Party for my son’s Kindergarten class.  I decided to go and volunteer, and take pictures, of course.  Last weekend, we took pictures for my son’s V-Day cards.  I wanted to be a little different. Angry Kid was not cooperating with me. He kept making faces, like this one:


Angry Husband came outside to help me.  He got Angry Kid to cooperate with me for a few more pictures.  We actually got a smile.


You are probably wondering why his hand is sticking out like that?  Because we cut two little slits and put a sucker through the holes. I also added some words onto the photo.

Valentine's Day Card

I was at work when Angry Husband assembled the cards.  I forgot to ask him to take photos.  He did take one with his iPhone for me.  I edited the bottom of the card to remove my son’s name.  I did a sloppy job of editing the bottom.

I found the idea for the cards from 24*7*365.

And yes, I’m a total brown noser.  Angry Husband was impressed with the idea once it was complete, and it cost us $6.

Turquoise Tint

Angry Husband is used to my random requests after all of our years together. He shouldn’t be surprised at my latest request.

A few days ago, he asked me if I had any projects for him, as he was on a week of vacation. I may have muttered under my breath, “paint our bedroom”. I have been mentally planning our bedroom re-do in my head for quite some time. This is how I roll. I’m a planner. So when he continued with the conversation and asked, “what color”, I firmly stated “TURQUOISE”.  He went with my suggestion and picked out the paint color cards at the store for me.  I can only imagine the things he was thinking when he was getting the paint color cards for me.  But that is all behind us now.

I took some pictures of our bedroom on Tuesday night, as my “before” pictures.  If you look at the picture, it appears organized and put together.  But it is sooo BLAH!!! I’m bored with the sage green neutral color and the palm trees/tropical theme. I’m yearning for bright vivid color.

Bedroom Makeover 1

Bedroom Makeover 2

Bedroom Makeover 3

and this was earlier today….

Bedroom Makeover Paint

Valspar Turquoise Tint, if you want to know…

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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