It is Monday, again?

My work schedule changed for a few months and this was my first week of having Thursday, Friday, and Saturday off.  I could have been busier either.  My last day of work before the weekend, was Wednesday.  I was exhausted when I came home, and that was after I went to the grocery store too.  I think I was sleep walking through the aisles. The first thing I did to relax was sit in our comfy leather chair, and put my feet up.  I may have been playing on my iPhone while doing this.

Finally, a break so I can tweet. I'm curled up in our comfy leather chair.

On Thursday, I put on a new dress and headed towards LA on the freeway.  I rarely drive to LA because I HATE the freeway.  Luckily, I had my iPhone and the Pandora app to keep me company.  I alternated between my “P!nk” channel and my “Metallica” channel for entertainment.

I was going to LA to attend the Memorial Service for Tiffany’s mother. She passed away suddenly in December.  This was also her mother’s birthday.  I had never met her mom, but I was going to support one of my friends.

I was joined by a VERY large group of people who came to celebrate Tiffany’s mom.  It was probably a good thing that I hung out in the back of the room, because I was a mess.  So many people stood up and spoke about her mom.  It was amazing.  Even though I never met her, I learned so much about this wonderful and amazing woman.  It really inspired me to be a better wife and mother. I am going to cherish the time with my family, and all of the memories involved.

I won’t be talking about the drive home. Let’s just say my playlist was either “Glee” or “Metallica”.  I think I switched to the angry music more often than not.

On my walk to get my son from school, I observed this beautiful tree stump and fallen leaves.

On Friday morning, I walked Angry Kid to school in the crisp winter air.  I had several layers on, because it was quite chilly.  As usual, I carried Angry Kid’s backpack the entire way.  I had some morning chit chat with the other moms and then headed back home.  Angry Husband and I had a few hours together before Angry Kid was done with school, so we headed out to breakfast.  I took a picture of the tree above on my walk.

While Angry Husband and I were at breakfast, we discussed electronics.  This is what we do.  I told him that I finally needed to upgrade to Snow Leopard for my Macbook, and he agreed.  He also told me that he wanted to get an AppleTV for our master bedroom.  So we made a quick trip to Best Buy.  When we got home, I started the updates on my Macbook.

Better late than never....

It took several hours, to do all the updates on my Macbook.  I should have upgraded a very long time ago.  I mean really, it was only $29. In between the updates, I headed/walked to get Angry Kid from school.  When I got home, Angry Husband asked Angry Kid if he wanted to go to the movies.  So we headed to see Tron, which was my first time, and Angry Husband’s THIRD time.

We used a gift certificate to buy the movie tickets and spent about $25 on food there.  Angry Kid was happy with his kid’s pack, and was ready for the movie to start.  I have never seen the original Tron, which was an apparent FAIL to the husband.  The movie was decent, and wow, a ton of really good computer graphics.  Angry Kid got a little antsy about 3/4 through the movie but he ended up laying his head on the husband’s lap.  After the movie was over, we asked Angry Kid about the movie and yes, he did, indeed like it.

Oh yes it's true, 42" inches of Angry Birds via the PlayStation3 and our flat screen TV.

On Saturday morning, I woke up and came out to see this on the television in the front room.  Do you know what this is? It is 42″ inches of Angry Birds.  Angry Husband found it in the store feature on the Playstation 3.  My life is haunted by those birds, whether it be via iPhone, iPad, or now TV.

After playing Angry Birds for awhile, and sitting around staring at each other, we decided to head to Disneyland.  We had not been in a long time, and of course, we have passes.

I will write about our little half day trip to Disneyland tomorrow perhaps, but now I’m crashing.  It was a long day at work, and I volunteer in the kid’s class tomorrow morning before I go to work.

Project 365: Week 1

I posted that I was going to do Project 365 this year via my iPhone.  I will be posting all my photos week by week on one post.  I like to take photos of random things.  It seems that I have a particular interest in photographing my food.

Project 365 1/365: Clutter ManagementDay 1/365 Clutter Management. I went through all of my son’s toys.  I had him pick out which toys to donate.

Project 365 2/365: A view from the van, rain everywhereDay 2/365 A view from the van, rain everywhere. It was my first day back at work after my Holiday vacation and it rained all day. This was my view.

Project 365 3/365: Having this for my late lunch, ugh I mean snack.

Day 3/365 Having this for my late lunch, ugh I mean snack. I forgot to eat lunch and Cherry on Top sounded delightful.  Original vanilla with gummy bears and Butterfinger topping.

Project 365 4/365: Back at school, yippeee....

Day 4/365: Back at school, yippeee…. My son’s first day back at Kindergarten after his two week Christmas break.  He was happy, and I was really happy.

Project 365 5/365: A view of my morning in Orange County. I've already been up for four hours.Day 5/365 A view of my morning in Orange County.  I’ve already been up for four hours. It was an early day at work. So early, that I got to see the sun rise.

Project 365 6/365: LA Traffic tonight, I survived.Day 6/365 LA traffic tonight, I survived. I spent over four hours on Thursday driving back and forth in LA traffic. It was worth it, but I hate LA freeways, especially the 405.

Project 365 7/365: Fresh squeezed OJ

Day 7/365 Fresh squeezed OJ. I got to have a few hours with Angry Husband sans kid. We went out to breakfast. It was nice and quiet.

Wordless Wednesday: The Pillow Pet Stalks Me in My Sleep

The Penguin Pillow Pet stalks me when I sleep

I was asleep on the couch. I rolled over to my side, looked up, and he was watching me.

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Sweet Shot Tuesday: 50mm/1.8D

Angry Kid posing so I can practice with my new lens

I got a new lens for Christmas.  It is the Nikon AF 50mm/1.8D.  I’ve been wanting it for awhile now.  I finally put it on my list for Santa.  I guess my mom was Santa this year because I received a little brownish colored box with my favorite brand on it, Nikon.

Angry Kid has been on Christmas break and the weather has been pretty crummy here lately, tons of rain.  As I was in my cleaning frenzy, I saw my pretty lens sitting in the box still.  I promptly removed the lens from the box and placed it on the camera.  This was one of the first shots that I got.  Angry Kid was mid-melon.  I got some others of the dogs, but wow, they needs baths really bad.  So you won’t be seeing those pictures.  I think this is a good start though.

Check out some more Sweet Shots over at Darcy’s site.

life with my 3 boybarians

My Best Face of 2010

Silly kid, is not bothered by injuries
I’ve taken many memorable photographs this year.  I photographed several events, and made my camera one of my best friends.  I’ve been going through all of my pictures looking for that right one, “the one” that stands out.  I love all of my beautiful friends, but for some reason, I just had to pick this one.

Angry Kid had a playground accident in early December and he needed stitches.  These were his first stitches.  But they were in a very significant spot on his forehead.  A little over a month later, you can see a raised slightly reddish line on his forehead.  I know that the bump will eventually go down, and the reddish will subside, but this was the beginning of something different.

He will always have this scar now, and a story to tell.  I wish there was a really great story, rather than, he wasn’t paying attention and ran into a piece of playground equipment.  I think we need to make up an epic story.

So there you have it, my “Best Face of 2010″. Be sure to check out the other “Best Faces of 2010″ over at I Heart Faces.

The Ball Dropped at Noon


On Friday, Angry Kid and I headed over to meet my BFF, Stacey at the Discovery Science Center along with her daughter, Stella.  Stacey and I both needed a break from our houses, and the kids, well the needed to run around.  I should have figured out that everyone else in Orange County had the same idea, because it was packed.


We arrived there, and melted into the crowds.  As we made it through the entrance, the smell of gingerbread was floating in the air.  The Discovery Science Center had their Science of Gingerbread event going on through the month of December, and I got to visit my gingerbread house that I made in November.  There were some displays to play on and the kids went wild.  It was hilarious.  They played like they were two year olds again.  We could barely catch them to take some photos.


Angry Kid found a boy’s dream come true while we were there, a climbing wall.  He kept trying different approaches to the wall.  It was hilarious.  I wanted to help him, but I just stood back and watched.  If he has the chance, he would probably try climbing the wall all day long.

Stacey and I were waiting for the “Noon Balloon Drop” while the kids climbed.  I love their New Year’s Eve at noon concept. It was so fun to see everyone counting down.  They dropped balloons from the second floor of the center and all of the kids were running around trying to collect balloons.  You would have thought that Angry Kid and Stella had never seen balloons before.

Celebrating The "Noon" Ball Drop @ Discovery Science Center

Stacey and I waited several minutes to get a picture of the kids.  I think this was one of the better ones actually. Stella with her hand on the hip, and Angry Kid just gritting his teeth.  I think Angry Kid was mentally thinking, “I’m tired of taking so many pictures”.

We tried to convince the kids to give up their balloons but they refused.  We then went outside to their exhibits and let the kids run around some more.  Rather than try and take more photos of the kids, I played with my camera and photographed other things.  I love the way the structure is outside and it provided me a chance to be a little creative.

A view of the Discovery Science Center cube from within the cube


And Angry Kid still with his balloon.  He would not give it up.  How could I say no to this face?  After two hours, Stacey and I decided it was time.  I think our anxiety levels reached a high with the crowds and other parents not watching their kids.  It was time for lunch.

Welcome to 2011!

A New Year, More Julie

I had to be stereotypical, right? Well in December, I attempted to do the #Reverb10 project which turned into a total FAIL with a busy work schedule, and a husband who works retail during the Holidays. But my one povital post in the #Reverb10 was actually the first post “One Word”.  I summed up 2010 as “chaos” and 2011 will be “recovery”.

Angry Husband dared me to stop drinking Dr. Pepper.  He said that I would probably lose some weight from not drinking it.  I know he is right. I’ve done it before.  Seriously, must find new addiction.  I guess I could find something to buy with all of the money that I spend on soda.

I’ve also made several appearances at the gym lately. I’m tired of being lazy and I am going to make time in my schedule.  And I’ve been playing with photography all weekend.  I used my 50mm lens all day yesterday and today I’ve been hanging out with my iPhone.  I fell in love with a new iPhone photo sharing app called Instagram. With Instagram, you can post your photos to various sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr all with one click.  I also love that you can see other people’s photos and they also list “popular” photos which are amazing. P.S. The app is FREE.

I took these New Year’s Eve Themed Photos last night with Instagram:

A New Year's Eve Checkpoint
An early New Year's Eve DUI

I am also going to do Project 365 this year.  Which means taking a photo every day.  I’m not doing self portraits.  I like myself, but not that much. I’ve chosen to take a photo everyday from my iPhone.  I’m posting them to my Flickr account under the set “Project 365“.  I’m mostly going to do a post every week with all of the photos I’ve taken throughout the week.  I always have my BFF, I mean iPhone with me, so it is a lot easier than using my SLR.

I started Day 1 of 365 off with a bang.  I’ve being purging and de-cluttering all week.  I’m driving my husband crazy.  I don’t care.  All of this stuff is making me manic.  I started this morning by dumping piles of my son’s toys on the bed and sorted them.  I even made him go through stuff to donate.

Project 365 1/365: Clutter Management


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Angry Julie Monday


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