My work schedule changed for a few months and this was my first week of having Thursday, Friday, and Saturday off. I could have been busier either. My last day of work before the weekend, was Wednesday. I was exhausted when I came home, and that was after I went to the grocery store too. I think I was sleep walking through the aisles. The first thing I did to relax was sit in our comfy leather chair, and put my feet up. I may have been playing on my iPhone while doing this.
On Thursday, I put on a new dress and headed towards LA on the freeway. I rarely drive to LA because I HATE the freeway. Luckily, I had my iPhone and the Pandora app to keep me company. I alternated between my “P!nk” channel and my “Metallica” channel for entertainment.
I was going to LA to attend the Memorial Service for Tiffany’s mother. She passed away suddenly in December. This was also her mother’s birthday. I had never met her mom, but I was going to support one of my friends.
I was joined by a VERY large group of people who came to celebrate Tiffany’s mom. It was probably a good thing that I hung out in the back of the room, because I was a mess. So many people stood up and spoke about her mom. It was amazing. Even though I never met her, I learned so much about this wonderful and amazing woman. It really inspired me to be a better wife and mother. I am going to cherish the time with my family, and all of the memories involved.
I won’t be talking about the drive home. Let’s just say my playlist was either “Glee” or “Metallica”. I think I switched to the angry music more often than not.
On Friday morning, I walked Angry Kid to school in the crisp winter air. I had several layers on, because it was quite chilly. As usual, I carried Angry Kid’s backpack the entire way. I had some morning chit chat with the other moms and then headed back home. Angry Husband and I had a few hours together before Angry Kid was done with school, so we headed out to breakfast. I took a picture of the tree above on my walk.
While Angry Husband and I were at breakfast, we discussed electronics. This is what we do. I told him that I finally needed to upgrade to Snow Leopard for my Macbook, and he agreed. He also told me that he wanted to get an AppleTV for our master bedroom. So we made a quick trip to Best Buy. When we got home, I started the updates on my Macbook.
It took several hours, to do all the updates on my Macbook. I should have upgraded a very long time ago. I mean really, it was only $29. In between the updates, I headed/walked to get Angry Kid from school. When I got home, Angry Husband asked Angry Kid if he wanted to go to the movies. So we headed to see Tron, which was my first time, and Angry Husband’s THIRD time.
We used a gift certificate to buy the movie tickets and spent about $25 on food there. Angry Kid was happy with his kid’s pack, and was ready for the movie to start. I have never seen the original Tron, which was an apparent FAIL to the husband. The movie was decent, and wow, a ton of really good computer graphics. Angry Kid got a little antsy about 3/4 through the movie but he ended up laying his head on the husband’s lap. After the movie was over, we asked Angry Kid about the movie and yes, he did, indeed like it.
On Saturday morning, I woke up and came out to see this on the television in the front room. Do you know what this is? It is 42″ inches of Angry Birds. Angry Husband found it in the store feature on the Playstation 3. My life is haunted by those birds, whether it be via iPhone, iPad, or now TV.
After playing Angry Birds for awhile, and sitting around staring at each other, we decided to head to Disneyland. We had not been in a long time, and of course, we have passes.
I will write about our little half day trip to Disneyland tomorrow perhaps, but now I’m crashing. It was a long day at work, and I volunteer in the kid’s class tomorrow morning before I go to work.