The Ball Dropped at Noon


On Friday, Angry Kid and I headed over to meet my BFF, Stacey at the Discovery Science Center along with her daughter, Stella.  Stacey and I both needed a break from our houses, and the kids, well the needed to run around.  I should have figured out that everyone else in Orange County had the same idea, because it was packed.


We arrived there, and melted into the crowds.  As we made it through the entrance, the smell of gingerbread was floating in the air.  The Discovery Science Center had their Science of Gingerbread event going on through the month of December, and I got to visit my gingerbread house that I made in November.  There were some displays to play on and the kids went wild.  It was hilarious.  They played like they were two year olds again.  We could barely catch them to take some photos.


Angry Kid found a boy’s dream come true while we were there, a climbing wall.  He kept trying different approaches to the wall.  It was hilarious.  I wanted to help him, but I just stood back and watched.  If he has the chance, he would probably try climbing the wall all day long.

Stacey and I were waiting for the “Noon Balloon Drop” while the kids climbed.  I love their New Year’s Eve at noon concept. It was so fun to see everyone counting down.  They dropped balloons from the second floor of the center and all of the kids were running around trying to collect balloons.  You would have thought that Angry Kid and Stella had never seen balloons before.

Celebrating The "Noon" Ball Drop @ Discovery Science Center

Stacey and I waited several minutes to get a picture of the kids.  I think this was one of the better ones actually. Stella with her hand on the hip, and Angry Kid just gritting his teeth.  I think Angry Kid was mentally thinking, “I’m tired of taking so many pictures”.

We tried to convince the kids to give up their balloons but they refused.  We then went outside to their exhibits and let the kids run around some more.  Rather than try and take more photos of the kids, I played with my camera and photographed other things.  I love the way the structure is outside and it provided me a chance to be a little creative.

A view of the Discovery Science Center cube from within the cube


And Angry Kid still with his balloon.  He would not give it up.  How could I say no to this face?  After two hours, Stacey and I decided it was time.  I think our anxiety levels reached a high with the crowds and other parents not watching their kids.  It was time for lunch.

Welcome to 2011!


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