A New Year, More Julie

I had to be stereotypical, right? Well in December, I attempted to do the #Reverb10 project which turned into a total FAIL with a busy work schedule, and a husband who works retail during the Holidays. But my one povital post in the #Reverb10 was actually the first post “One Word”.  I summed up 2010 as “chaos” and 2011 will be “recovery”.

Angry Husband dared me to stop drinking Dr. Pepper.  He said that I would probably lose some weight from not drinking it.  I know he is right. I’ve done it before.  Seriously, must find new addiction.  I guess I could find something to buy with all of the money that I spend on soda.

I’ve also made several appearances at the gym lately. I’m tired of being lazy and I am going to make time in my schedule.  And I’ve been playing with photography all weekend.  I used my 50mm lens all day yesterday and today I’ve been hanging out with my iPhone.  I fell in love with a new iPhone photo sharing app called Instagram. With Instagram, you can post your photos to various sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr all with one click.  I also love that you can see other people’s photos and they also list “popular” photos which are amazing. P.S. The app is FREE.

I took these New Year’s Eve Themed Photos last night with Instagram:

A New Year's Eve Checkpoint
An early New Year's Eve DUI

I am also going to do Project 365 this year.  Which means taking a photo every day.  I’m not doing self portraits.  I like myself, but not that much. I’ve chosen to take a photo everyday from my iPhone.  I’m posting them to my Flickr account under the set “Project 365“.  I’m mostly going to do a post every week with all of the photos I’ve taken throughout the week.  I always have my BFF, I mean iPhone with me, so it is a lot easier than using my SLR.

I started Day 1 of 365 off with a bang.  I’ve being purging and de-cluttering all week.  I’m driving my husband crazy.  I don’t care.  All of this stuff is making me manic.  I started this morning by dumping piles of my son’s toys on the bed and sorted them.  I even made him go through stuff to donate.

Project 365 1/365: Clutter Management



  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Moms Who Blog, Julie . Julie said: Another great post from Julie, A New Year, More Julie – http://tinyurl.com/2ennsba […]

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