Best Face of January 2011: BusyDad

I spy @Busydadblog

Meet Jim aka BusyDad or @BusyDadBlog.

I met Jim at BlogHer09′ when he handed me a Lego with this blog address on it. That Lego was his business card.  He is creative like that.

Jim was a speaker at Blissdom this past week.  I took this photo upon my first sight of Jim at the conference.  I had to capture Jim wearing his Official Lisa Leonard Blissdom necklace.  I used the Instagram app on my iPhone. This photo is priceless and may or may not haunt him forever. And Jim speaking, well that was priceless…and included bacon, unicorns, and ninjas, of course.

but that is ok, cause I’m not even done editing photos yet.

I’m choosing this for my Best Face in January for the I Heart Faces Photo Contest this week.

Project 365: Week 4

I think Week 4 of Project 365 was my busiest so far. It started off with a kid’s birthday party at Chuck E Cheese and ended with me coming home from the Blissdom Conference.  I’ve been at Blissdom most of the week.  I’m in post edit hell right now, as I took over a 1000 photos at the Conference.

Project 365 22/365: I am in kid paradise and parent hell!Day 22/365: I am in kid paradise and parent hell! I took my son to a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese’s.  It was fun for my son because he got to see some of his old preschool friends. It was chaos for me.

Project 365 23/365: I think I got the lucky number.Day 23/365: I think I got the lucky number. Just another lunch at The Corner Bakery.

Project 365 24/365: Volunteering at Kindergarten today. Time for worksheets.Day 24/365: Volunteering at Kindergarten today. Time for worksheets. I volunteer at my son’s school every Monday.

Project 365 25/365: Tennessee or Bust!Day  25/365: Tennessee or Bust! Getting ready to fly off to Blissdom.

Project 365 26/365: At the photo workshop listening to @secretagentmama talk cameras and ISO's. #BlissdomDay 26/365: At the photo workshop listening to @secretagentmama talk cameras and ISO’s. I was in the photography workshop at Blissdom.

My @epiphaniebags Belle wants to be BFF's with @sthrnfairytale's Clover. Belle is envious of Clover. #BlissdomDay 27/365: My @epiphaniebags Belle wants to be BFF’s with @sthrnfairytale’s Clover. Belle is envious of Clover. I love my camera bag. It is awesome.

How cute is @Jennyonthespot! And me, of course!Day 28/365: How cute is @Jennyonthespot! And me, of course! We had a great time at Blissdom. I heart this gal!

Project 365 29/365: Of course, @According2kelly got some beautiful boots in Nashville!Day 29/365: Of course, @According2kelly got some beautiful boots in Nashville! Kelly always has great shoes.

Blissdom 2011 Photos

Hey Y’All! I’m still in Nashville, TN at the Blissdom Conference.  As an Official Blissdom Photographer, I just wanted to give you a little shout out to know where to locate the Blissdom photos that I’ve taken along with the other Official Photographers.

Dinner with the Girls, Blissdom 2011Kelly, Mique, Jeannett, Jess, Lindsey, Kami, April, Me, Marie

You can find my main Flickr Account here, and my group of Blissdom 2011 photos here.

You can find the main Blissdom 2011 Flickr Group here, where all of the Official Photographers are posting their final photos.

Please link back to the photographers when you use their photos in your posts, etc.  We’ve worked really hard behind the scenes taking and editing the photos.

Wordless Wednesday: Sunday Sunset

I am working but at least I got to enjoy a beautiful sunset in Orange County, CA.

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Hey Y’All!! I can say that because I’m in Nashville for the Blissdom Conference right now! But I wanted to remember my sunny Southern California Sunsets!  I can’t wait to share all the wonderful things that I’ve learned with you!!

NashVegas or Bust!

#Blissdom or bust!!!! NashVegas here I come!

I’m packed, and I’m ready.  Only a few more errands and I will be heading to LAX to fly to Nashville, Tennessee today.  I will be photographing the Blissdom Conference and will also be leading the Newbie/Newcomer Tribe.  I hope to see you there! If not, stay tuned for awesome photos, and funny stories. I’m flying there with my crafty peeps! I can’t wait to hang with my roommates Laurie from the Tip Junkie, and Kelly from According to Kelly and Just Spotted.

Oh, and pray for me, I don’t fly well at all!

Innocent Wonder

Kindergarten Field Trip to the Farm

My son went on a field trip last week to The Centennial Farm at the Orange County Fairgrounds. He went with his kindergarten class.  This was their first field trip and for many of the kids, their first time on a school bus.  I stopped by and spent about an hour with the kids while they toured the farm. The farm is a 3-acre working farm.

My son was very excited.  I laughed when he asked to go there again.  I had to tell him, “umm dude, we go here every year during the Fair in the summer.”  He replied, “I knew that, I was just kidding.”   He says stuff like that all the time. “I’ve never been here before, this is soo cool.”

At the end of the tour, they went inside a room where the had baby chicks.  The tour guide told them about how they have a fertilized egg and the yolk eventually turns into a baby chick.  They all we given little baby chicks to hold.  My son kept calling his chick a bird.  It was hilarious watching the kids with these chicks.  Some of the kids were completely freaked out, and I think some of the kids wanted to take the chicks home.  It was all over though, when the chicks started to poop.

Be sure to check out other photos on I Heart Faces Photo Challenge this week, “Innocent Wonder”.

Project 365: Week 3

The weather was great here in Southern California this week. We have temperatures of the low to mid 70’s.  I had to dig in the drawers of my son’s dresser for shorts.  I guess he had a large growth spurt, because none of them fit.  Many of my photos this week were food themed.  I’m not sure why, but it just happened that way.  I also realized that I haven’t posted any pictures taken with my SLR camera since December. Well I posted some old ones on Thursday, but that doesn’t count.  Actually, I haven’t even taken many SLR photos lately.  I’ve just had no time to edit photos.

Project 365 15/365: 83 degrees at this birthday party. Holy hotness!Day  15/365: 83 degrees at this birthday party. Holy hotness! We were on our way to a birthday party at a miniature golf, laser tag, arcade place.  It was extremely hot. My son turned red within five minutes of being outside.  It is a good thing I covered him in sunscreen.

Project 365 16/365: Yum, blackened chicken taco for lunch @ WahoosFishTaco Day 16/365: Yum, blackened chicken taco for lunch @ WahoosFishTaco. Lunch while I was working. I love Wahoo’s. We go there all the time. It is my son’s favorite place to eat.

Project 365 17/365: We only feed him nutritious food....Day 17/365: We only feed him nutritious food…. We may have fed the kid McDonald’s for breakfast.  Don’t judge.  He barely ate it anyway.

Project 365 18/365: This is how I cook dinner.Day 18/365: This is how I cook dinner. So maybe my son ate pancakes two days in a row.  He ate every pancake that was made too.

I went and surprised my son at his farm fieldtrip. Look at the baby chick.Day 19/365: I went and surprised my son at his farm field trip. Look at the baby chick. It was entertaining. He kept calling it a “bird”. I had to tell him that it was a baby chicken, over and over again.  He was soo intrigued by it.

Project 365 20/365: You have to draw 8 bats for kindergarten homework. You Google "Clip Art Bats" on the computer!Day 20/365: You have to draw 8 bats for kindergarten homework. You Google “Clip Art Bats” on the computer! Silly math homework.  It is always asking him to draw weird things and creatures.  Google is one of my best friends.

Project 365 21/365: Yum, Orange Crush, crushed ice, and a mason jar to drink it fromDay 21/365: Yum, Orange Crush, crushed ice, and a mason jar to drink it from. Our drinking glasses are  mason jars.  They hold a lot.

Your Unique Sense of Style

On my Delurker Day post last week, people wanted me to write more about my fashion and clothes.  My sense of fashion has always been quite interesting.  My earliest memories of clothing, are from 1st or 2nd grade, running around in those lovely short Dove shorts.  And then in 5th or 6th grade, when we all had Guess Jeans and Reebok high-tops.

I wear a uniform for work, four days a week, so my daily clothing options are somewhat limited these days. So when I’m dressed up, you might find me wearing a cute dress or stylish shirt.  I have quite an obsession with vintage inspired dresses from Anthropologie, and headbands, of course.  I try and work around my body type at all times.  I’m a thicker girl and not everything looks right on me.  Although I love boots and leggings on some people, it is not a good look for me.

@angryjulieTaken by @ScaryMommy at BlogHer10′

But seriously, on most days, you will find me in jeans (Lucky Brand Sweet and Straight are preferred right now), a t-shirt, and flip flops.  I might throw a cardigan over that t-shirt if I get cold.  I had Angry Kid take a picture of me last week.  I was wearing a Sanrio shirt and my jeans.  We were on our way to a birthday party.  I’m glad I got my hair colored and cut today, because wow, it is scary! I was wearing my black Chucks (aka Converse) on my feet, if you really want to know.

Julie's Every Day Style

I started going through some of my old pictures to see how my style has evolved. I discovered that I had a thing for overalls and shortalls through the mid-90’s.  What the heck was I thinking?  I wish someone would have told me that full-body denim does NOT look good on somebody with thick short stumpy legs.

Before my senior year in high school, I had the bright idea of dying my hair light blond, light sooo very light, it is almost white blond.  It was probably a good thing I was on my parent’s payroll, because it must have cost a ton of money to maintain that hair color.  I only did it for a few months, and well, it turned green when I had it darkened.  It was a complete hair fail. I think this photo below was taken either the first day or first week of my senior year. My friend, Melissa, was standing next to me.

Julie's High School Style

When I entered college, I joined a sorority the first semester.  I was soo excited because it was a fresh start.  I made some new friends and developed more of “preppy style”, as it was heading towards the mid-1990’s.  I was a complete OCD freak about my clothing matching. Who am I kidding? I am still a freak about my clothes completely matching.  I even found the perfect pink patent shoes to match this outfit.

Julie's Sorority Style

Between high school and college, I started finding my “basics” in life for my wardrobe.  I love finding the perfect pair of jeans, and solid colored t-shirts in different colors.  I usually have at least five white shirts, and even more black shirts.  I think I counted four long sleeve and five short sleeve black shirts in my closet the other day.

I went through a big “country western” phase in the late 1990’s.  I went line dancing every weekend, and had all the gear.  I had lost some weight and was wearing green Wranglers in this pictures. And of course, I had on a basic white t-shirt. I may still own a belt buckle with my name engraved on it.

Julie's Country Style

And the end of the 1990’s, I was planning my wedding, well 1998 to be exact.  I had no clue about what kind of dress to buy.  I was also lazy and did not want to go to multiple stores to find “the dress”.  It was like the sun was shining and birds were chirping when I walked into the dress store that day.  Because, Julie, found the PERFECT wedding dress for her style.  Yes, I like to talk about myself in the 3rd person.  Really if you know me, you will understand, why I couldn’t pass up the dress with the maribou feathers around the neck.  I also found shoes to match later.

Julie's Wedding Style

I am writing this post mainly because I’m going to the Blissdom Conference next week.  I am the Newbie Tribe leader and I want people to be able to be comfortable with their own sense of style.  I figure as an adult that most people have found their own sense of style.  You do not need to buy a new wardrobe to go to a blog conference.  I’ve seen a ton of people freaking out about their clothes.

I will be packing two outfits per day; jeans with cute shirts, cardigans, a few skirts, some basics shirts, and two dresses.  Yes, my dresses are from Anthropologie.  But I can never pass up the fabulousness that is Anthro, which has become my style.

P.S. I usually wear some kind of shapewear under my t-shirts.  I prefer the strappy or original tanks from Yummie Tummie.  I wear these tanks to smooth out my lines, or umm rolls. There is nothing worse than seeing my back fat hang out under my bra line.  Not pretty at all!

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Angry Julie Monday


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